Chapter 4


I was finally discharged from the hospital after being there for what felt like forever but I still couldn't get the thought of zacks mate being dead out of my head so I made a tough decision to ask him

"hey zack" I said looking out the window as he was driving "yeah" he replied in a questioning tone "Im gonna ask you a personal question and you don't have to answer it if you don't want to but, What happened with your mate?" I asked not wanting to hurt him.

it took him a minute to respond I could see the slight pain in his eyes but he then started "Well I guess you would understand better if I told you how I met her first" he said keeping his eyes on the road.

"it was when on my 15th birthday I discovered my mate Us alphas tend to find our mates quicker then other wolves so that our mate will be able to help lead the pack."

"I had gone to school and smelled an amazing scent in the air, I followed it and I found my mate Her name was Emma and she was a witch, we were happy for the longest time but after I turned 16 there was the rogue attack, I'm sure you remember" he said still watching the road

"I don't know why but she wanted to help protect everyone I had told her to stay away from the fight but she didn't listen she ended up dying from another witch on the rouge side of the fight. he said and I could sense the tears forming in his eyes.

"I am do sorry Zack I never should have asked" I said apologetically "it's not your fault Selena honestly I'm kinda glad my wolf trusts you enough to tell you" he said wiping away a tear.

I could help but smile a little at the thought of his wolf trusting me when we had only really met one other time before this.

After a few minutes of not talking I could start to feel the drowsiness starting to take over my body I assumed what ever the doctor gave me was finally starting to kick In.

I finally decided to just close my eyes and draft to sleep.


we had finally gotten to the pack house when I looked over to see Selena fast asleep, I quietly shut off the car and got out making my way to her door, I opened it and carefully unbuckled her seatbelt and picking her up.

as I was about to walk into the pack house I see her truck pull in and Brian get out turns out she leaves her keys in the ignition.

he ran over to me "give her to me" he said his eyes turning orange, I pulled her closer to me not intending to let her go.

"Why your the one that rejected her" I said trying to keep my wolf at Bay. "She told you" he said shocked "yeah she told me" I replied.

Selena started to stir in my arms and woke up a little "Zack what's going on" she said in a half asleep tone "shhhh it's ok go back to sleep" I whispered in her ear "she must've been really tired cuz she nodded and her breathing slowed again.

"We'll talk about this later" I said turning around and walking into the pack house.

I carried her up the stairs and to my bed carefully laying her down and tucking her in. I heard a light knock on my door and before opening it I kissed her forehead and walked to the door.

when I opened it I saw a pissed off Brian and his wolf half surfaced. I put my finger to my mouth telling him to keep quiet and lightly closing my door.

"follow me" I said walking down the hall to the training room no one was currently in and closing and locking the door.

we sat in silence for a few minutes untill finally he broke the silence "she my mate" he said his eyes once again turning orange.

"last I checked you rejected her and she accepted your rejection so that she didn't have to end up in pain which means you two are no longer mates" I replied crossing my arms. he stood there glaring at me for what felt like minutes.


I slowly woke up from my sleep still very tired and groggy, I slowly got up and walked into the bathroom that was thankfully in what I assumed was zacks room since I saw pictures of him and his dad Aka the current Alpha.

I finish doing my business and wash my hands and I walk out of the bathroom I feel someone come up from behind me and put something on my mouth.

I was only able to make one scream out of my mouth before everything went dark.


Brian and I continued our talk for about 10 minutes when we heard a scream "Ahhhhhhhh" "what was that" brian said turning to the door "That sounded like Selena" I replied quickly unlocking the door and running down to my room with the door wide open and my window also open.

I looked over and saw a note on my dresser I grabbed it "What's it say" brian said worriedly "since her mate doesn't want her then I get to take her" I read allowed my blood boiling and me about to explode.

To Be Continued