Dig Dig Dig Dig

After a while Clef realized the hardest part of his job wasn't the fact that he had to carry around dead bodies, nor that he sometimes had to reassemble said bodies.

No... the hardest part of Cleff's job was the digging.

And although there were no specifications or rules regarding how Cleff was supposed to burry the bodies that had been dumped upon his front yard, Cleff took it upon himself to give each and every one their own grave. They were all people once and they deserved some decency. No matter how decayed or ugly they might currently be.

And so Cleff dug... and dug... and dug....

Cleff dug each grave to be a good 4 feet deep. Although in his past life many people had believed bodies were buried six feet under ground, that was mostly false. In his past life as long as a casket, or coffin was being used a good one to two feet of dirt on top worked just fine. Although due to the lack of coffins around, Cleff made due with making sure the bodies were buried a little deeper than usual.

Tradition of course meant plain old dirt. Cleff climbed out of the grave he just dug to grab another body,

" If it worked out for a few thousand years, It'll work out for a few more, Right ? "


" I better not hear any complaints from you, at least your not getting cremated "

Cleff's shovel began moving, filling up the hole he had just dug.

" Although im not to sure about the scenery. I mean the rolling fog is a bit dull, but I can assure you your getting all natural dirt, "

After looking around for a bit Cleff found a few rocks here and there. Because he dint really have anything else to mark out the newly filled grave he just used a few pebbles to make a small cross on top of it.

" Although you probably have no idea what a cross is, I assure you it has great religious meaning. Dont worry, with this bad boy here your spirit will be cleaner then a babys bottom in no time. Well... on the other hand I dont think ive ever seen a horror movie were a cross actually worked.... "

Frowning Cleff held his chin in thought for a few seconds before turning around and moving on,

" were just going to treat that as decoration then.... anyway that's "

Cleff began pointing while counting with his shovel,

" one... two ... three.. four... five ... Five down..... 10 to go... "


And so Cleff did what he did best. He got right on back to work, shoveling dirt, carrying bodies, and shoveling some more dirt. It was a simple job with nothing really interesting, but Cleff didn't get bored. He really couldn't.

For the same reason he felt absolutely nothing when dragging around the deceased was the same reason he could continue to dig graves for hours on end. It was also the same reason he stood around for a few hours just waiting for the corpse cart to come earlier in the day.

It was a combination of his intelligence and sense of time both being dulled. In all honesty at this rate Cleff believed he could stand around for a good hundred years without noticing the time flow by.

Anyway as Cleff went on and on, he started to get a little better at digging graves. If you do something for a few hours on end you start to learn a few tricks here and there. Not enough to make too much of a difference, but enough to cut off a few seconds here and there.

And so after Cleff finished burring the last poor soul brought to him he took a few steps back to admire his work. A good 15 raised mounds of dirt with little crosses on top filled up a corner of the empty lot next to his shed. It wasnt much but the place was starting to look a little more like a graveyard. A little bit.

Turning around he focused his attention on his spoils of war. The small brown sack that arrived with the bodies that came at what he thought was this morning.

It was hard to tell with all the grey fog covering the sky all the time.

Picking it up in the contents of the bag rattled a little. A little exited Cleff reached into the bag only to get stabbed in the back with the knife of disappointment. To Cleffs horror all that hard work gained him a net gain of 3 bronze coins, a match, and a candle.

Although he wasn't expecting too much compensation due to the fact that most of the people he buried were only wearing rags if anything at all, but three bronze coins ? Cleff wasnt even sure if anything was donated.... the three bronze were probably the his base rate of pay. The only thing donated was probably the candle and match....

With a sigh Cleff lit the candle before placing it right outside the door to his little shack.... hoping to get some rest and relaxation....

only to have his hopes quickly dashed by the sound of quick hoofbeats and a squeaky wheel. Tearing open the shack door Cleff was greeted with the sight of a slightly larger bag next to a pile of corpses twice as large as the one yesterday.