Some good old rest

And so in a mindless routine of burying an ever increasing amount of bodies a week had passed by.

Seven days of mindless digging was all that accompanied Cleff...

Well besides the corpses, and the ever increasing amount of candles lit outside his humble shack.

At the end of the seventh day a little community of candles had formed in front of Cleffs humble shack. Their little orange flames danced on-top their waxy figures, each one a little light in the otherwise empty graveyard. In all honesty Cleff had gotten quite attached to the little candles, although inanimate they were the only source of warmth to him in this strange new world. He had found himself talking to them multiple times. Although he had attempted starting a conversation with some of the bodies he was burying. They were not very good at conversations. At least the flickering flames of the candles gave him the impression of a response.

On the other hand, the graveyard had begun to actually look like a graveyard. A good 5 rows of dirt mounds adorned with pebble crosses had filled up a corner of the dirt lot.

Although nothing fancy, it got the job done.....

the job being the resting ground of the dead of course.....

Strangely enough the thing that had changed the most over the last week was Cleff himself. His once scrawny figure had somewhat bulked up. A small amount of muscle had begun to peek out from under his brown robes. Although he had a scrawny figure on the first day, Cleff had been a good bit stronger than the average man.

And after a week of nothing but constant physical labor Cleff felt as if he could lift a car. Although he had a slight suspicion that his newfound strength came from something more sinister, as every time he had finished burying a corpse, Cleff could have sworn he had felt something cold flow into his muscles. Although the source of his newfound strength was somewhat questionable Cleff couldn't care less, without it he would have been screwed.

On the seventh day on the job Cleff had counted one hundred and fifty individual bodies in the pile left behind by the driverless cart. Although he had to work himself and his trusty shovel to the bone he had somehow managed to get each and every body in its own grave. Although he had no idea how his shovel had managed to survive such intensive use.

And so after all his work was done as usual Cleff reached into the little brown bag that was left behind and looted its contents. And like usual only a disappointing amount of copper coins and a few candles were inside. Strangely enough as Cleff lit the few candles given to him there was no sound of creaking wheels or stomping hooves....

No..... Something was wrong..... it was strangely quiet....

Cleff looked into the mist suspiciously waiting a few minutes. He strained his eyes trying to find the familiar silhouette that had greeted him every day.

But no matter how long Cleff stood waiting.... waiting and watching.... but to his utter disbelief the cart that had brought him bodies to burry daily had not arrived.

It as almost as if he had some time to rest..... some time to rest....


" Watch the graves, you have the place to yourself. You guys are in charge for now. Dont burn anything down. My sleepy self is going to get some well deserved rest.... "

Cleff quickly scolded the candles outside his door before practically diving into his small shack. Closing the door behind him and hugging the cold hard ground, he practically fell asleep instantly. Although Cleff couldn't feel tired, after a week of continuous work the human side of him desperately craved sleep...

Outside the shack the candles flickered in excitement. Their flames growing bigger and brighter than usual, as if they were attempting to flaunt their newfound authority over the graveyard before them. Of course nothing responded to their taunts. Although a few corpses did shift a little in their sleep.

Of course the candles themselves did not shrink back from the duty assigned to them, a few flying sparks kept the graveyard in order. Although dead feared bothering the grave-keeper they had no such reservations with the candles.

And so as Cleff slept a few of the dirt mounds began to shift. Although they were quickly put back in their place as the candles spit out sparks that flew across the graveyard and onto the offenders. The mists of course swirled and moved in excitement as if it was cheering on the two sides hoping for an interesting show.

Although this show was quickly put to an end as a rather large gypsy styled caravan emerged from the mists gracing the graveyard with its presence. Although it had emerged from the mists without a sound its presence was felt long before it had arrived, causing both the candles and the dead to behave.

And out of the open shutters of the caravan an old an raspy hand beaconed to the wood shack, along with an old an raspy voice.....

" Keeper Of Gravessss..... I apologize for waking theeee... But I have come to offer my services.... "