Sneaky..... Sneaky.....

Although Cleff had no idea what the contract did, he was quite satisfied with the straw sandals.

Strangely enough they happened to fit his feet perfectly, and happened to be quite comfortable. The sandals fit snugly and tightly while giving Cleff a little spring to his step. It was almost as if they provided him a little boost, for he had noticed that every step he took brought him a little further then it should have. The longer he walked the further each step would bring him, although this effect would reset if he stopped walking.

Although they seemed rather flimsy, Cleff hoped they lasted him a rather long time. Even if they provided a interesting way to get around faster, he really had nowhere to go, so he just enjoyed the fact that they were un-naturally comfortable.

And as for the contract he tossed that into his little shack. Thesus did mention that the contract stood valid unless he sold it again or destroyed it. Either way, Cleff had no idea what he had gained from buying the contract so he just decided to keep it safe for now.


And so strangely enough Cleff's new life went on as usual for a few days.

A driverless cart stopped by once a day to deliver a ever increasing amount of corpses along with a bag of bronze coins and candles.

Cleff continued getting stronger and faster, slowly getting better at digging up graves. Although the amount of work to be done continued to increase at an exponential rate Cleff had somehow managed to work in some time to himself.

Although his strength and speed had increased at a rate equal to the amount of corpses he buried, his growth only barely outpaced the amount of work he was delivered. After a good three days into the second week Cleff had noticed the amount of bodies that were delivered had begun to stagnate at about two hundred.

Although this had allowed himself some breathing room as he eventually got to the point of having a few hours of rest he had nothing to do but sleep.

So in a fit of boredom he had decided to take some time to wander around the graveyard inspecting his previous work.

Dragging his shovel behind him Cleff took his time traversing through the mounds of dirt. Strangely enough he found some places were it looked like there was some loose dirt and dug up areas. Although none of the bodies seemed to be disturbed yet it was still concerning all the same.

Cleff had even found a specific grave missing a good three feet of topsoil, the body beneath almost exposed.

And so in his spare time Cleff had taken up the habit of patrolling the graveyard in an attempt to catch the culprit.

Although it wasnt until he had noticed the candles flaring up and pointing in a certain direction on the fifth day did Cleff finally find the culprit.

About to place down the candles he had found in the brown bag in front of his house, Cleff noticed the rest of the candles seemed to suddenly roar to life their flames all pointing to the same direction. Intrigued Cleff took of sprinting dragging his shovel behind him and trying to sniff out whatever the candles had pointed out.

As Cleff ran through the graveyard he noticed some strange noises and some dirt being thrown around a grave he had just covered.

Enraged he raised his shovel up and gave whatever was digging up the grave a good thwack.

Although he had thoroughly crushed something, that something had a friend....

As Cleff raised his shovel back up he was shocked to see another grey shadow jump up towards him letting out a squeak of fury.

Without thinking Cleff slammed his shovel down again, and again, and again, and again. Whatever had attempted to jump him was reduced to nothing but a bit of mangled fur and some bones.

Sighing as he raised his shovel up again and looked in the direction of another squeak in the distance. He was regretting not buying that damn skeleton cat....

It seemed his graveyard had attracted a few skeleton rats.... The undead kind.....