Multi Tasking




Smack.... Smack...




Cleff was getting quite tired of chasing around skeleton rats. They were quick nimble, and small. It was an ungodly combination that made them quite a pain to hit. They even showed a little intelligence, running away from Cleff after seeing how easily he smacked around their cousins.

Although his sandals gave him a little speed boost, it was still a pain and a huge waste of time trying to chase all the rats down.

After a few hours of intense rat hunting Cleff had gained quite the headache, and an extreme hatred towards vermin. Especially the grave digging kind.

It felt as if he turned around for a single second his entire graveyard would be dug up and moved away by bony little claws.


Cleff busted the head of another little skeleton rat trying to sneak past him. In all honesty it was quite the stretch to call these little balls of fur and bone rats. After all what kind of rat was three feet long and one foot wide. These little things were bona fide monsters. Horror movie material even.

Cleff counted his blessings that the rats seemed unable to harm him. Although the rats still showed aggression but after they got to close they all froze for a moment before fleeing in fear. Although this effect barely prevented them from coming back a few minutes later to attempt to dig up another grave.

The only effective solution that Cleff had found was a good thwacking with his trusty shovel.

Wiping his brow, Cleff heard some scurrying in the distance. Turning around he jumped up in the air and slammed his shovel right onto the back of a poor unsuspecting skeleton rat. Smiling in satisfaction he moved the pile of bones and fur left behind to a growing mountain of rat remains he had began to pile up. Strangely enough none of the other rats seemed interested in the mountain of easy access bones, their sights only set on the corpses buried within the earth.

The satisfied smirk on Cleff's face was soon wiped off his face and was replaced with an expression of pure and utter terror. Turning around Cleff was greeted with the familiar sight of the driverless cart driving by and dumping a good two hundred bodies in front of his shack along with a disappointingly small brown bag.


The sounds of at least thirty skeleton rats that Cleff had not managed to find rang out throughout the grave yard. Each one started a mad dash towards the rather large pile of corpses in a desperate attempt to get their pick at the easy access food.


Cleff started a desperate mad dash towards the corpse pile waving his shovel above his head like a madman and desperately swinging it towards any unfortunate rats that were unlucky enough to get within range of his shovel.

The effects of his sandals came in at full force propelling him towards the corpse pile at astounding speeds smacking a good five bone rats to dust on the way and somehow managing to crush an unlucky one underfoot.

Reaching the pile before any of the rats Cleff turned around and waved his shovel around menacingly ready to make a last stand and have a desperate battle in order to defend the corpse pile. Of course as the remaining rats closed in they all completely ignored him instead choosing to make a desperate dive into the pile of fresh meat behind him.


Turning around and tossing his shovel to the side Cleff dived into the corpse pill without hesitation. Driven by nothing but pure anger and frustration Cleff started what could be called the most morbid game of hide and go seek in history.


A good three hours later and Cleff crawled out of the corpse pile, tired, sore, and covered in dead rat fur. It was quite easy to see he was not happy. Not happy at all.

Spitting out a stray finger that had somehow managed to find its way into his mouth, Cleff picked up his shovel and started digging immediately. He planned to burry what was left of the remaining corpses as soon as possible. He shuddered at the thought of having to dive back into the pile to catch another damned rat. On the bright side he had overestimated the dead rats intelligence. After seeing the corpse pile they had completely ignored the rest of the graveyard.

Although they were quite slow diggers, Cleff knew the graveyard would have been devastated if even a single rat had decided to start digging graves while he was busy defending the corpse pile.

Frowning Cleff rushed his gravedigging duties occasionally stopping to smash the occasional stray rat that bolted right to the corpse pile, and to move the bones and fur to the ever growing dead rat mountain.

Surprisingly it had grown as tall as Cleff himself.

After successfully burying the last corpse without having any dragged away by the invading rat population, Cleff moodily waddled over and sat himself in front of his shack.

Not even his loyal army of candles could cheer him up, as no matter how they tried to comfort him a frown took over his face. Sighing he placed his head in his hands, and attempted to come up with a few solutions to the rat problem. Unsuccessful he could only mope in silence.

His sulking was only interrupted by the arrival of a new days load of bodies, delivered by the driverless cart itself.

Dragging himself to his feet Cleff waddled on over to the corpse pile only to hear a strange sound on the wind. The sounds of hundreds of tiny little teeth chattering and little feet running drifted over in the wind.

Turning around Cleff was greeted with the sight of a nightmare. Hundreds of giant skeleton rats blanketed the horizon all charging in towards the corpse pile that Cleff stood in front of.