Coffin Maker Zote

As the figure walked through the mists its footsteps became louder and louder. A strange rhythmic tapping sound filled the air as the figure approached.

Although the mist obscured most of the figure its outline was still visible. The creature looked somewhat human, although its shape was all off. Half of its body seemed lopsided and one of its legs was longer than the other.

And as the figure drew closer more and more detail revealed itself to Cleff. The figure humanoid in shape was covered in many layers in cloth. So much so that it was impossible to tell its original shape. All Cleff could assume was that the thing humanoid.... although its long pointed legs proved it not to be human.

Upon its back was a rather large backpack that towered over the things mummified form. Although Cleff couldn't make out much detail as the figure approached further the jingling of the packs contents accompanied the creatures footsteps.

Although the wrapped up figure was quite strange, Cleff felt no hostility from it. Leaning upon his shovel Cleff watched and waited as the tapping became louder, and the jingling neared. If anything Cleff was quite intrigued by the figures approach, as it was the first thing that had approached his graveyard on foot.

Although the caravan and cart came quite often, they quickly left just as soon as they arrived. Cleff had a feeling this strange figure was going to stay much longer.

And in what could have been a minute or an hour, both the strange wrapped up figure and Cleff stood face to face. The mist no longer separating several green glowing eyes from two clouded and misty ones.

" We dont get many visitors here, who might you be ?" Cleff spoke first, reaching out his hand and breaking the odd science that had descended as soon as the two locked eyes,

With a slight chuckle the thing reached out with a oddly shaped cloth wrapped hand and shook Cleff's hand with with surprising force, " Everyone calls me Zote, you may do the same. I have come to fulfill the contract that has been acquired by your hands. I the Coffinmaker Zote from the dark forest of Hallow, have come to make a place for myself in this humble little graveyard, "

Eyes growing wide a smile grew on Cleffs face, " I will make sure to treasure your presence Zote, make yourself at home. Although I have come into possession of the contract I was unaware of its implications, I apologize for not preparing you a place to live."

" No worries Grave Digger. Although such contracts are quite common, very few know of their purpose. Even less can even make use of them. The contract functions as a recruitment beacon, and I have answered its summons. By purchasing the contract you have opened a position in your humble little graveyard, and I happened to need some work. This contract in particular will give me certain benefits, and in return I will offer my humble serves to you.... " Zote gestured its mummified arms around as it explained the contracts purpose to Cleff.

Surprisingly Cleff understood the purpose of a contract quite well. Although it was strange the old man refused to explain their purpose Zote had simplified the concept quite well. By owning a contract Cleff could leave an opening for an employee to join his little graveyard. Although Cleff was quite satisfied with its use, he was quite confused as to what benefits Zote would get from abiding by the contract.

Pushing that matter aside he warmly welcomed a new source of company and helped Zote set up a small workspace next to his little shack. Cleff re-arranged several of his candles to form a small circle next to his shack in which Zote set up a little workstation unpacking many strange and odd tools from his large backpack.

Cleff made sure Zotes work area was thoroughly surrounded by candles as they seemed to offer protection against any unwelcome guests...

* cough..... Cough..... Couch..... Damn Rats....

And so as Zote built up his workstation another guest made its way to Cleffs graveyard. Although this time Cleff was a little more familiar with the "Person" that had arrived.

Retrieving his bag of Bronze coins from his shack Cleff once again hobbled on over to the caravan. Only this time with a bit more excitement. He was thoroughly satisfied with his purchases last time, although he was still slightly regretting he did not buy the damn skeleton cat. It would have probably done a great job scaring away the rat horde, although Cleff had no real clue what its purpose was.

After exchanging a few pleasantries with Thesus Cleff quickly cut to the chase and placed his newly earned copper coins on his counter again. And like last time Thesus's ears wiggled strangely as he inspected the coins again before placing them behind the counter.

" Lets see what you have for me this week old man... "