The Power of Youth

The meeting with the Hokage, Anko, and Kurenai was rather uneventful. All that happened was that the two were informed of their new charge/roommate. While Naruko got a mild tongue lashing for what she did but nothing much else since Hiruzen didn't really care for the civilian council members. "Well better we go old man, I would like if you could get me someone to train

me and Gar-kun in taijutsu and I don't mind making it a mission if I have to since you know money isn't an issue for me anymore. Think of it as a way to give back to the village you can make it a B-rank or A-rank as long as you get me the best person for the job." When the adults heard what she was asking for they all thought of one person and could have sworn that they heard someone yell youth in the distance making them all shudder.

"I have just the person in mind but he is quite an eccentric individual person so don't be scared of him okay." Hiruzen said with a grandfather like tone and face. "I beg you Hokage, anyone but him please, I don't think I could handle him that for an extended period of time." Anko says while dropping to her knees and Kurenai was also nodding her head in agreement. While they don't hate Guy or anything but they only have so much patience before his antics get to much.

This made both Naruko and Gaara curious who this person was so much that even Anko and Kurenai couldn't deal with him. "I'll be able to handle anything old man just send them over as soon as you can okay. Gar-kun let's go and get you settled and buy whatever we need for you then tomorrow we go into serious training mode." Naruko beamed at him then placed an arm on his shoulder and body flickered away.

"Now that those two are gone, be sure to keep an extra eye on them now. Naruko has shown some of her abilities to the council which for a 8 year old is rather shocking so I'm worried that others will kill her to stop future troubles or kidnap her for their own uses. Just continue what you're doing but be vigilant of your surroundings, as long as Naruko and Gaara can grow properly we will have two new kage level ninja within a decade."

"You can count on us boss man, we won't let anyone unwanted get near them or their be paying a visit to the T&I department by yours truly." Anko said with a sadistic grin on her face. "Now settle down Anko, you can count on me Hokage to keep the kids safe and Anko in line." Kurenai said with a smile making Anko pout at her words.


Elsewhere in an underground base, the main root headquarters Danzo can be seen in his office behind his desk looking at some paperwork then he snaps his fingers and a root anbu suddenly appears in front of him kneeling on the ground. "Have a squad find and watch Naruko Uzumaki and Gaara of the sand and if the chance presents itself grab one of them. Then we can use the other to lure them out and grab that child too." As soon as he was done the root anbu disappeared to fulfill his task he was given.

"As long as I get the two Jinchuriki under my control then I can make them loyal to me. Using them I can make myself Hokage finally and then go about my plans to unify all the ninja villages and become the one and only hokage." Danzo said while having a smirk on his face dreaming of his bright future.


The next day after breakfast they had a visitor at the main gate of the house. When Naruko went to see who it was she was confused and she wasn't the only one 'Ahri-chan what the fuck am I looking at right now?"

'Naru-chan I wish I knew, who would wear something like that in public and with that kind of hairstyle he is a walking fashion disaster. You know what we could use him for genjutsu subjects Naru-chan thought about it.' Ahri said thinking of all the rather interesting things she could do with sending someone like Guy at them, Naruko just got a cold chill up her spine just thinking about it.

"Well hello there sir, might I ask if you're the person I should be waiting for to be training me and my little brother in taijutsu?" Naruko asked while making a cute pose toward him. "I am here to train you little lady and your little brother. My name is Might Guy the Leaf's Noble Green Beast." Guy said while he went into his signature pose with a thumbs up, a bright smile and a wink of his eye. This creep the hell out of the duo seeing this "Umm right then, well come on in then and I'll get Gaara and we can get started.

After sending a clone to get Gaara from the house we can see the three on the training field in the backyard with Anko and Kurenai watching from a distance curiously about Guy is going to do for the kids. "Now then as I told Naruko earlier, my name is Might Guy and I have been tasked with training you youthful kids in the way of taijutsu. Before we start let's see where you're at in close combat, now remember this is strictly taijutsu nothing else so Gaara why don't you go first then Naruko can have a turn." Guy said then jumped back a few meters getting into his strong fist stance.

"Gar-kun good luck and beat him up." Naruko said while she skipped away and joined Anko and Kurenai. Turning to face Guy "I don't have any experience in taijutsu, given my unique situation nothing could get close to me to engage in taijutsu." Gaara then charged forward to fight Guy and honestly watching this so called fight was just so sad. Like Gaara said earlier due to having no real need for taijutsu he didn't know any style besides basic and didn't have any real coordination for that matter. So after a good ten minutes Guy told him to stop because Gaara looked like he was about to pass out because he didn't have a real need to build up his stamina since the fight with him ended so quickly.

"I know exactly where you stand now Gaara and sadly you have a lot of work ahead of you but you're in the springtime of your youth so have no fear for I am here to help you." Guy said getting into his signature pose scaring Gaara and Shukaku and making them back up subconsciously. "Naruko please come over here and show me your springtime of youth."

As Naruko walked by Gaara "I have a great idea for you that can increase your taijutsu that involves your sand, we will talk about it after my fight okay little bro." Naruko said rubbing Gaara's head "Thanks big sis, I look forward to hearing what it is."

"Alright bushy brows let's do this." Naruko then got into a taijutsu style that she has been working on with Ahri in her mindscape for the past year or so, something that they call Trickster style. "Now I have to warn you bushy brows my taijutsu style is rather dangerous toward others because it focuses on casting illusions during combat with some focus towards counter attacking and using my special eyes to mess with someone's senses thus creating opportunities for me to use but I won't be using those since this is strictly taijutsu. But that isn't all that this style does, I focus on causing maximum damage to someone thus aiming for only vital spots, bones, tendons, or pressure points whatever it takes to hamper the opponent so that I can kill them." When the others heard how this style worked they were in awe at how strong it sounded and brutal it could be, Anko was basically shaking with excitement and wanted to learn it at this point of the pain she could deliver to her enemies.

"I thank you little Naruko for sharing that information with me but I assure you that I'm not a taijutsu master for nothing and my body is stronger than most people so you won't be able to harm me so easily now show me your SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH." Guy yelled out and then charged at her with a fist to the face wanting to see how she reacts.

Naruko seeing this attack bent her body backwards, having it go over her body but not letting any opportunity past her grab Guy's arm and pulled him toward her aiming to put the man into an arm lock. Guy seeing what she is trying to do couldn't help but show a slight smile on his face but he isn't going to make it that easy for her. As soon as Naruko gets a hold of his he raises his caught arm high and slams it down on the ground hard creating a crater from the impact making Naruko let go and gasped for air since he knocked the air out of her due to that counterattack.

Recovering quickly Naruko flips out of the crater "now that's just mean, I only wanted a hug." She says with a grin on her face. "Show me your springtime of youth Naruko. Dynamic entry" Guy then performs a flying kick toward her face and in response Naruko jumps in the air aiming to do a heel drop on his head based on where he is supposed to drop. Seeing this Guy is forced to hold his arms above his head to stop the attack and making him to the splits on the ground using this to his advantage he pushes her off him and does a back-flip and kicks Naruko away from him and quickly gets back into his strong fist stance.

Naruko then charges at him and sends a flurry of punches at him from different angles trying to create a weakness she can use but sadly Guy is a master for a reason after all. He just blocks them or redirects the attack occasionally counter attacking her. Then she switches to doing somersault kicks at him and using the momentum from his blocks to flip away and keep trying showing off her incredible stamina by fighting like this.

Something that Guy noticed is that she really is trying to cause severe damage to him by targeting joints and attempting to put him in hold so that she can break or dislocate his limbs which is exciting and terrifying for him to experience. He hasn't seen a style like this before and it is refreshing to him to say the least. This went on for 30 minutes till Guy called it quits since he felt he saw the limit of what she could do and he couldn't help but admit she was low chunin in taijutsu which is great considering she I'd only 8 right now.

Making his signature pose "nice job there Naruko, you've really shown me your power of youth. Now your taijutsu is very well rounded that aims to be the best in everything be it speed, power, and technique so there is nothing for me to improve on it in that regard so all we really need to do is get rid of your useless movements and strengthen your body."

"Gaara as for you you will have to give me a few days till I can work something out for you but at the very least you can still strengthen your body like Naruko here. Now we just need to get you some weights that will double the results of your training and I have the perfect outfit for you two." Guy says while he pulls out two of his green jumpsuits out of nowhere like magic making all the others pale at the sight of the outfit.

"Thanks Guy but there is no need. I like my outfit now and instead of weights can we use something else that won't hamper their growing bodies?" Naruko asks wanting Guy to drop the topic of them wearing that jumpsuit. "Oh what youthful idea do you have Naruko?"

"Instead of weights why don't we use seals, gravity seals to be precise they add resistance to the whole body and strengthen it at the same time much better than weights would." Naruko explained " ah but you would need someone that knows how to make them and who is at least a 3 seal-master, do you know such a person?" Guy asked her because the only one that he knows of is the hokage and there is no way he is going to ask him for something like gravity seals.

Puffing her chest out "but of course you're looking at her Guy. I may not look like it but I am an Uzumaki after all and seals are in my blood so I can easily make those seals for us to use …. So what do you think is it a good idea?"

"Ha ha ha but of course Naruko that would be a most youthful idea. Please get what you need and we can get them applied today." Guy says "great Gar-kun come let's get what we need." "Of course big sis." As the two kids disappear into the house Anko and Kurenai walk to Guy to have a little talk.

"So what do you think about Naruko? We all know how bad Gaara was but given his situation it was kind of expected." Kurenai asked while crossing her arms underneath her bust. "If she is given time and gets stronger then I pity anyone that would fight her in taijutsu. A single mistake can leave one crippled during a fight. Her style of fighting isn't like anything I've ever seen while most focus on one aspect, hers focus on all of them making her be able handle anyone she faces in the future that doesn't even include the genjutsu aspect of it. She is a monster in the making and I'm proud to be able to teach her. Maybe I'll bring my little protege next time they could be rivals like me and Kakashi are." Guy says with a gleam in his eye.

"Well isn't that just great and all now I definitely need to learn this style of taijutsu from the brat. Yo Naru-chan you are teaching me this taijutsu later okay." Anko says while she turns to look at the duo coming back with the supplies they need. "Sure I could always use a practice dummy." she said back with a big grin on her face and Anko matching it with her own.

Naruko then applied the gravity seal to Gaara and herself using a clone and then explained how it worked, basically the more chakra that you add to the seal the more resistance is applied to oneself. "Would you like me to apply this seal to you as well Guy, Anko, and Kurenai as you know the benefits it can bring?" she asked the trio to which they all agreed to and Guy was crying tears of joy at being able to train even harder now.

"That's all the time that I have to train you for now Naruko and Gaara but next time I visit I'll be bringing my protege along with me. His name is Rock Lee and he would love to show you his youthfulness." Guy says while giving a thumbs up pose.

"I understand, and I have no problem with that Guy just bring him along next time you visit. I'm sure it will be most entertaining." Guy then left for the day and Anko and Kurenai went back into the house. "Alright Gar-kun, me and Ahri-chan thought of something that could benefit you in fighting in taijutsu. You know your sand that you're able to manipulate, think about this for a moment Gar-kun. What does sand do with liquids when they touch it?.... it soaks it up right into itself then why don't you use your sand to soak up the moisture in the human body. Think about it all it would take is but a single touch and you could cause drastic damage to someone."

"I like how this little brat thinks, we should definitely do that. I don't know why I never thought about it before, all the missed opportunities." Shukaku said while in deep thought about what could have been.

"I see, Shukaku even likes the idea. I'll have to try it then I've never tried something like before and just used overwhelming force to deal with my enemies…. I'll do it, Naru-chan just give me some time to figure out how." Gaara said with some determination in his voice. "That great Gar-kun I know that if you can figure this method out then you could be just as deadly as me in a taijutsu fight, a single touch could lead to death." Naruko said while clapping her hands in an excited manner.

"Well we still have time, let's get back to training then, something tells me we are going to need all the strength that we can get." Naruko and Gaara both went back to do their training with Naruko creating some clones to battle with her new seal on her and Gaara sitting done meditating to see if he can do what Naruko mentioned with his sand.