Attacked In The Forest

It has been a month since Gaara has joined the village, Gaara joined the academy which was an interesting affair since he was introduced as Naruko's little brother. The only people that gave him problems was Kiba because let's be honest he is an idiot and Sasuke who tried to provoke him into fighting him in a way to show his superiority. But due to Naruko's protectiveness of him and Gaara's own natural sand defense the two were put in their place quickly and everyone just left him alone like Naruko. He ended up doing the same thing that Naruko does and sends a clone to the school.

The training for the two has been going well so far, Naruko has upped her gravity seal a couple times and is getting closer to being a level 4 sealmaster. Her taijutsu is coming along with Guy training her and he even sometimes brings his mini me with him. That was a unique experience to say the least, all they kept saying was about youth creeped her and Ahri out badly. Gaara even made some slight progress on his sand manipulation abilities which is easier now that Shukaku isn't fighting him for control.

We can see Naruko and Gaara currently in the forbidden forest practicing against the natural creatures in the forest, something that they have taken up recently because it lets them practice on something and helps Anko out by keeping the population under control, especially the giant spiders they breed like rabbits. "I'm not going to lie Naru-chan these spiders are rather fucking annoying. No matter how many we kill they don't seem to end at all, while not strong it's their numbers that's the problem we've killed like a hundred of them already and they are still coming." Ahri said

"I know what you mean while it was fun in the beginning now it's just getting boring." Naruko thought back. "Gar-kun I feel that we spent enough time here, why don't we retreat for today and come kill spiders tomorrow." She asked while sending Mizu suraisu-ha (Water slicing wave) toward another group of spiders.

"While me and Shukaku were enjoying this in the beginning as well, now it is just rather boring now. I have tested everything that I wanted to test so far so I'm alright with retreating big sis." Gaara said while crushing some more spiders with his sand while more spiders just jumped over it and kept coming at them.

"Alright then let's go, bye you eight leaked freaks see you later." Then Naruko and Gaara sent another jutsu at them and sped away. While the spiders may be fast, ninjas are faster especially ones that can use body flicker. Upon nearing the edge of the forest Naruko suddenly stopped in a clearing of the forest signaling for Gaara to stop as well. "While I do enjoy surprises it is only when I am the one doing it that it is fun sooooo that being said you guys should come out." Naruko said she was able to sense these people due to being a sensor.

Suddenly a group of 20 root anbu appear and suddenly the duo "Danzo-sama would like to speak to you." one of the said. Getting into a thinking pose "Ya let me think about that ….. It's on the tip of my tongue ah yes fuck no, Gaara kill them." Naruko then quickly bit her finger and used the blood clone jutsu making sure to pump a lot of chakra into all 3 of them while Gaara made 2 shadow clones of himself.

"Take them down, Danzo-sama is expecting them both." One of them said then they all charged forward with their swords drawn knowing that using jutsu could risk killing them if they all attacked at the same time. All of the Naruko's took on 10 of the root anbu and Gaara and his clones took on the other 10.

Naruko's group all sent water bullets at the 10 root anbu making them scatter then each Naruko charged at one of the Anbu trying to keep them separate from working together. The four each swing their swords but were surprised when each of the Naruko's blocked them with their hands but they didn't let this opportunities pass and used their blood bending to stab them in the chest. To the disappointment of the Naruko's they were able to react and pull back a bit and instead of getting run through they only suffered a deep stab wound on the center of their chest since they didn't know that Naruko could extend it's length.

"Aww what a shame, well maybe next time." Naruko's then absorbed the bit of blood and charged at the one's they wounded wanting to absorb their blood and take out the weakened root anbu quickly. "Permission to use jutsu just don't kill them." One of the root yelled then all the root anbu sent either fireballs or water bullets at the Naruko's. Knowing that they couldn't dodge the jutsu being sent at them they used body replacement jutsu replacing themselves with another root anbu right before impact leaving the anbu unable to react before they died.

To replace someone with a person instead of a log like usual requires a great deal of chakra control and chakra itself and that is something that Naruko has due to her training and massive chakra reserves. While most people could do this but the amount of chakra it would take to switch with a person is quite a lot making it not worth it in the end and would be more cost effective to use a jutsu instead.

"You should be careful, don't want to hurt your friends right?" Naruko said while they all used Suiton: Mizu Shuriken no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Shuriken Technique) and unsealed some kunai and sent them all to the remaining anbu. But they didn't let up with that and sent some more water bullets at them all while they charged forward since Naruko having a lot of chakra was her only saving grace in this situation. The battle went on for a bit like this with Naruko sending kunai, shrunken and jutsu at the root anbu then a crazy idea came into her mind 'Kit that is an extremely dangerous idea but I like it otherwise we won't be able to get out of this situation.' Ahri said.

Charging forward 4 of the root anbu swing at them again seeing that the Naruko's were coming toward them and instead of them blocking like they thought they would they didn't and instead used their blood bending and stabbed them in the stomach and for 3 of them dispelling themselves due to the damage they received was to much and they were low on chakra. Now the real Naruko was a different story. She got a deep stab on the right side of her chest area. 'Naruko just focus on fighting. I will focus on healing this wound while fatal for most people it isn't enough for you to die.' Ahri said while she tried to heal the wound and stop the bleeding.

Jumping back and panting a bit due to how intense this fighting has gotten and how long they have been fighting 'Ahri-chan I don't know how we are going to get out of this. Even I'm starting to get low on chakra with all the jutsu that I've been throwing around and Gaara.' Naruko looks at Gaara's situation real quick which is a little bit better than her with him having 4 root anbu left versus her 6. 'I can pump my chakra into you kit while it will make you stronger overall it has some drawbacks. You will basically go into a frenzy attacking everyone nearby that means Gaara as well.' Ahri explained as Naruko dodge some kunai that were thrown at her.

Gritting her teeth and making her mind up 'How much chakra do you think that I will need to handle these guys?' 'I'd say about 2 tails worth should be enough and raise you up to a low level jounin in speed and strength.' she said back. 'Fine do it now otherwise we are going to die out here.'

"Gar-kun I need you to retreat when you see a chance and make a break for it and inform the hokage about what is going on here." Naruko then kicked a root anbu away from her and released a malicious aura out and be seen with what could be called a chakra cloak that covered her body with what looked like 2 tails on her back. Naruko then let out a powerful roar filled with rage and hate, stunning the root anbu in place but this gave the opportunity that Gaara needed and he took it by running away toward the hokage tower.

When the root anbu finally got their senses back the 4 that were fighting Gaara tried to go after him but didn't get the chance because 2 massive orange claw like hands came out of nowhere and grabbed the four and slammed them all together on the ground effectively pinning them down. Before the 4 could speak out for help they started screaming because of the pain that they were in, Ahri's chakra in itself is poisonous and burns anyone that isn't her host or a fellow jinchuuriki.

The screams didn't last long due to them turning into ash quickly, this surprised all of the surviving root anbu because they have never seen anything like this and didn't know how to handle this situation now. "Sir what do we do now with her like this we won't be able to touch her?" one of the root anbu that asked. "We can't disappoint Danzo-sama, everyone lethal force is authorized to bring her down." Once one of the root said that then Naruko roared again and charged toward them wanting to do nothing more than rip them apart.

What happened next was a one sided fight, all of the root were tired and low on chakra to begin with but then they had to Naruko in her 2 tailed form which made her stronger, faster, and gave her a great increase in her defense since the cloak blocked all attacks that came at her. Not to mention she now had a ranged ability now since she kept sending those chakra claws at them forcing them to dodge them or end up like the other 4 that got killed by it.

It hadn't even been 10 minutes till Gaara, Hiruzen, and the group of anbu he had with him made it to the clearlying and what they saw made them pale slightly. They all saw Naruko in her 2 tail form with what looked like a third tail slowly forming behind her, ripping the last root anbu in half at the waist and throwing his body away as it burned up and disappeared shortly afterward. Naruko then turned her attention on the new group that arrived and she leaped toward them but suddenly her chakra cloak disappeared and Naruko fainted in mid air due to how low on chakra she was and tired she was from fighting for so long. Hiruzen caught her and looked her over and saw all the damage she took but also noticed that she was healing slowly. "Secure whatever you can find here. I'm taking her and Gaara to the hospital. Cat, I want you and your squad to protect them till I came back. I need to have a talk with Danzo right now." Hiruzen said quickly while he body flickered away with Gaara right behind him.