Grad Exam, Deal, Team ????

The day of the graduation test has finally arrived and Naruko and Gaara are making their way toward the academy somewhere they haven't been in a long time now. "Now Gar-kun remembers killing other students is bad today, While I don't care if you kill them I don't want to deal with the people behind them."

"I understand Naru-chan, I'll try not to react to what they say you can count on me." Naruko then rubbed his head giving him a smile on her face "I knew I could count on you Gar-kun come let's get first and second place then we can go home and train some more, maybe Anko and Kurenai will be home."

Upon entering the classroom all of the students in the academy were looking at the two, many of them didn't recognize who they were except the clan heirs and heiress since their parents have told them about Naruko and Gaara. "Well hello there everyone don't mind us just here to take a test then we will be on our way." Naruko then looked around the room till she found her target, the rather beautiful Hinata Hyuga dressed much like cannon except she has her jacket open showing her ninja wire shirt underneath.

Walking up to Hinata "Long time no see Hinata, me and Gar-kun are going to sit next to you okay."

"Of course Naruko I don't mind at all." Something that Naruko noticed is that Hinata is more confident in herself and isn't stuttering anymore or looking down or away from someone when they talk to her. This major change happened because of one single comment that Naruko made years ago leading to a much stronger Hinata then her cannon counterpart would have been.

Everyone was just staring at Naruko, Hinata, and Gaara but before anyone else could say anything Iruka walked in telling all the kids to quiet down and mention that Naruko and Gaara were here to take the test by order of the Hokage so as to stop any complaining that they were bound to have on the matter.

"Now let's get started the first thing that we are going to do is the written exam, then we will do the physical test where you will fight Mizuki sensei over here, and then finally we will test your ability to perform the 3 academy jutsu. Does anyone have any questions?" Seeing nobody had anything to say, Iruka gestured for Mizuki to hand out the test papers.

When Naruko got her written test she noticed a problem with it right away and knew exactly who fucked with it seeing as Mizuki was the one that handed it to her. 'Really does that idiot think that a simple genjutsu will affect me.' Naruko easily dispelled the genjutsu and then looked at Gaara and he gave a subtle nod meaning that he also had been targeted 'Note to self find some time to kill Mizuki.'

Written test went by easy for Naruko and Gaara seeing that the things that they were testing was something they learned about years ago which brings the question why waste so many years learning this shit but not her problem after all. "Now that everyone is done with the written test let's go outside so that we can perform the physical test."

The physical test went by rather quickly because many of the civilian students didn't last long against Mizuki while the clan members did alright especially Sasuke. Many of the girls wouldn't shut up about how cool he looked and what not almost made Naruko send Gaara after them to make them shut the fuck up.

"Alright Naruko Uzumaki your up." As Naruko was walking up to the ring they made for the fight she couldn't help but notice the smile on Mizuki's face seeing her up next 'Smile while you can, you'll be lucky if I don't kill you outright.'

"Alright you know the rules, taijutsu only." Iruka yells out and before he says begin Naruko released some of the gravity seals that she had on herself putting her at the speed of a high rank chunin then the fight started and right away Mizuki charged forward but the thing is that he didn't use genin level power like he did for everyone else oh no he used his max power right away.

He went for a kick right at the face but Naruko wasn't going to let that happen and decided to have some fun with him. Once Mizuki's leg got close enough to her she grabbed it and using it as a pivot for herself kicked Mizuki right in the head and making sure to follow through with it and sending him crashing into the ground hard.

'What the fuck just happened, how did that little demon bitch counterattack me just now. I'm not holding back at all, I'll show her.' Mizuki thought as he spit some blood out of his mouth on the ground and stood back up. Naruko made a come at me gesture toward the man making him angry so he charged at her again this time aiming for a low kick. Naruko jump over that low kick but Mizuki wasn't going to let up and did a quick spin and sent a kick at her while she was in midair.

Knowing that she wasn't going to be able to avoid this decided to send an attack at Mizuki's leg instead of just blocking like a normal person would. Naruko sent a powerful punch right at his knee which made the man scream in pain and using the rebound force from the attack to push herself back and lessen the impact of the kick sent at her.

Skitting back a bit due to the kick, Naruko couldn't help but smile seeing Mizuki in pain. Naruko then charged forward and performed a flying high kick which Mizuki side stepped at the last moment and then sent a barrage of fist strikes at her. Naruko recovered quickly and rolled forward then deflecting all of the fist strikes till she saw an opening and pushed Mizuki's arms far apart and did a back-flip hitting his chin in the process stunning him for a few seconds.

Wanting to end this fight she used the few seconds that she had and stomped hard on the ground in front of him and using the momentum from that channel that into her fist that connected with Mizuki's chin sent him flying in the air and out of the ring. As soon as Mizuki landed on the ground there was a silence seeing what just happened.

Then Iruka spoke up "Damn it Naruko, Hey Mizuki are you alright." he yelled out but Mizuki didn't respond to him clearly unconscious right now. "What do you have to say Naruko, this was just a test so why did you knock Mizuki out?" he asked with clear anger on his face right now.

"Hey I held back he should be lucky to be alive. Since I knocked him out that means I passed right?" Iruka just sighted and nodded his head since she technically passed. "Alright well I'll have another teacher fight Gaara then since Mizuki sensei is not getting up anytime soon apparently." Iruka said while sending a look at Naruko who only smiled at him, not brother at all.

Gaara also passed his physical test much like Naruko and knocked out the teacher but he didn't want to play around like Naruko and just did it in one blow thus ending the test within 10 seconds. Iruka didn't even know what to say about this and just got some help for the teacher and ushered them inside wanting to get this day over with.

While they were inside waiting for their turn to do the test on jutsu Naruko and Hinata could be seen talking "Hinata you should come over after this whole thing is over we need to catch up."

"Sure Naruko, I've been wanting to talk to you about something as well." Hinata and Naruko then caught up a little bit with Gaara occasionally saying something then Hinata went for her turn.

"Naru-chan why are you so close to Hinata?" Gaara asked, wondering about this since he has also been curious why Naruko seems to like Hinata out of everyone in the village. Rubbing Gaara's head "Silly me have I never told you about it. I could have sworn that I did but no matter the reason is that before I met Ahri-chan and my life changed for the better Hinata was the only one that was ever nice to me. She would share her food with me and at the very least attempt to talk to me when no one else would. Without that little act of kindness from Hinata I don't know how much worst off I'd be plus I mean look at Hinata she just looks so cute and adorable." Naruko then blushes a little bit thinking about Hinata but what those thoughts are only she knows.

"I understand then I shall ensure that I get along with her as well." Then Hinata came back with her headband around her neck showing that she passed. Gaara gave her a nod and Naruko gave a hug around the poor girl making her blush up a storm at the close contact.

Naruko's turn finally arrived "Alright Naruko you know what needs to be done so first thing first perform a henge." She then transformed into the fourth Hokage "Alright good job Naruko next used a body replacement jutsu and switched with something in this room." Iruka didn't see the slight smile on Naruko's face when she heard that and when she used the jutsu the thing that she switched with is Iruka himself surprising him and the other 2 judges. "Right good job Naruko but please stop messing around okay." Iruka gets up and walks back to his chair. "Now perform the clone jutsu for me." Naruko decided to mess with Iruka and the other 2 judges and created 5 different types of clones for the judges. "Very good Naruko, I noticed that you made more than one are all of the clones the same type of clone or are they different." Iruka was curious much like the other 2 judges.

"Please, each one is a different type of clone. I made a normal clone, a blood clone, a water clone, a shadow clone, and a fire clone of myself. Watch this." Naruko then dispelled them and you could see that what she said was true as each other turned into the element that they were made out of. This surprised all the judges since a genin being able to make another type of clone is rare but for one to know multiply different ones is something that they have never heard of.

"Well I'll be going then, see ya around Iruka sensei." As Naruko grabbed her headband she noticed that it was black meaning that she was the rookie of the year and she couldn't help but grin seeing this cause she knows this will annoy everyone in the class especially Sasuke and his little fan club.

And as expected the students were in an uproar at Naruko coming back with the rookie of the year headband around her neck much like Hinata. One in particular didn't like it "Hey you dweeb give me that headband, you don't deserve to be rookie of the year. The teachers must have made a mistake so give it here to your better." Sasuke then held out his hand and had a smirk on his face thinking that he was going to get his way much like he always does.

Staring at his hand 'Ahri-chan what the fuck is wrong with this kid, why does he think I will just do what he says?' 'I honestly don't know but clearly this tailless monkey is challenging you so show him who's the boss.' Ahri just wanted to see something funny since today has been pretty boring for her.

"Sure." Making Sasuke have an even better smirk on his face that was until Naruko suddenly appeared in front of him and slapped him in the face sending the idiot straight to the wall causing cracks. "Ah I feel better now, listen here you waste of space, don't fuck with me otherwise you will get something far worst then a slap from me." Naruko said while she crossed her arms underneath her bust making them stick out even more making the girls jealous at her figure and the boys have a certain reaction downstairs. One mini banish couldn't keep quiet though "Listen here you bitch, Sasuke deserves to be the rookie of the year not you so listen to your betters an…" Sakura didn't get to finish her sentence because Gaara this time slammed his black sand into her and pinned her to the wall. "Not another word or I'll kill you." He said while releasing some of his killing intent scaring all of the kids here since they are greenhorns.

"Ah how cute of you Gar-kun protecting your big sis like that but let the mini banish go don't want to cause anymore problems for us." It is at this moment that Iruka came back into the room and when he saw Sasuke knocked out against the wall which he could tell due to the cracks on the wall above him and Sakura being pinned to the wall with what looked like black sand he knew that Naruko and Gaara were the cause of it. "Naruko and Gaara, what happened here and Gaara release your classmate this instant." He yelled but Gaara looked at Naruko to see what she wanted to do and seeing her nod her head he did what Iruka wanted but this little action didn't go unnoticed by everyone.

"Well you see Iruka sensei little emo there wanted what's mine and called me names while mini banish made fun of me so my precious little brother protected me from her. So you see I'm the victim here please deliver justice for me Iruka sensei." Naruko said while producing some fake tears on her eyes while looking at him.

'What the hell are you talking about you're clearly not the victim here.' were all the thoughts of the students who saw everything. Iruka was just speechless hearing what Naruko said 'how can she be the victim when one is knocked out and the other is pinned to the wall. Damn it I can't wait till these kids are gone and out of my classroom.' Rubbing the bridge of his nose and sighing "Alright you know what never mind someone wake Sasuke up as for the rest of you be here tomorrow afternoon so that you can know what team you are placed on, dismissed." Iruka then walked out quickly.

"Well come Hinata we have places to be that are not here." Naruko then grabbed Hinata's hand making the poor girl blush and then they body flickered away while Gaara sent all of the students a glare before he also flickered away. Making all the students just look at each other each thinking different things over what they just saw.

**** Naruko House

"Welcome to my home Hinata, so what did you want to talk about?" Naruko asked while she was giving Hinata a quick tour of the house and Gaara went off on his own to do something else. Taking a deep breath "I need your help in destroying the curse seal on the branch family members of my clan and making me the clan leader." she said in a serious voice, hearing this Naruko was stunned for a moment but a ton of questions were popping in her head right now.

'Naru-chan I sense a great opportunity here. The Hyuga are a clan with a lot of financial and political power in the shinobi world and getting them on your side will help you accomplish a lot of your future plans. We can get Hinata to sign a contract with us making it so that she can't betray you and it will also make you stronger in the end.' Ahri explained while getting excited at the thought of making Naruko stronger.

'What do you mean to make me stronger please explain some more Ahri-chan.' Naruko also liked the idea of getting stronger but she hasn't heard anything about how contracts do that. 'It's simple Naru-chan as a demon there are two different ways for a demon to get stronger. The first is by killing other demons and absorbing their essence and the other is by fulfilling contracts. For each contract you fulfill you will get stronger gradually and the more difficult the contract the more power you will get from it. If you fulfill enough contracts or kill enough demons Naru-chan you will be able to become a full demon instead of a half but it will take a massive amount of demonic essence to do that but you gotta start somewhere after all.' Ahri explained to Naruko.

'I see well 'looks like it is Hinata's lucky day then that she asked me for help. I was going to help her anyway because she is my friend but now I have even more of a reason to.' Naruko then spoke up to Hinata's request. "I don't mind helping you at all, Hinata, after all seals are something I'm very good at. It runs in my blood if you didn't know being a Uzumaki. I will just have to look at the seal closely and then create something to either cancel it or change it but I'll have to look at it first to see what route to go. As for making you clan leader, you know that means that you're going to have to either banish all the elders or kill them right, that includes your father. While I don't care either way, can you handle it Hinata?" She asked, looking straight into Hinata's eyes wanting to know if she has the determination to go through with this.

Staring right back into Naruko's eyes and showing her determination to Naruko "Yes, I've hated the elders for a long time and I stopped treating Hiashi Hyuga as my father for a long time now so I'd be glad to get rid of him once and for all. The bastard plans on putting the curse seal on me eventually for a while now and I'm not going to let that happen. I'm willing to do anything for your help Naruko." Hinata then bowed low to Naruko.

Rubbing her head and helping her stand straight "Before we go any further there is something that you need to know Hinata, I'm not fully human anymore but what you would call a half demon (hanyō) meaning that if you want my help you will have to sign a contract with me Hinata. I'll fulfill what you want and in exchange you will give me something that I want so do you still wish to continue Hinata?"

"I don't care if you're a half demon Naruko you are still my friend no matter what you are and I will never abandon you. If I have to sign a contract with you to get your help I'm more than willing to even if you wanted my soul or something like that it's yours."

"I won't go that far and take your soul Hinata but I will want the Hyuga clan to become my vassal once you gain control of the clan. Do we have a deal Hinata Hyuga?" Naruko then held out her hand waiting for Hinata to accept and she didn't have to wait long as Hinata grab her hand with both of hers and a black aura surrounded both of them showing that the contract has been established.

"Perfect well pleasure doing business with you Hina-chan now when you get a chance do bring me someone with the curse seal on them and I can get to work on the part of the contract. Then we can figure out a method so that we can free all of the branch members and overthrow the main family." Hinata blushed when she heard Naruko call her Hina-chan "Um Naruko can I train with you today then and also can I also call you Naru-chan?" she asked while looking down just looking all sorts of cute.

"Sure you can Hina-chan, come let me see what you got and we can go from there" Naruko and Hinata then trained for the rest of the day and Naruko showed her ways in which she could improve herself and added some gravity seals to her before sending her off.

**** Next day at Academy

"Alright well class let me say a few things first before I read your team off to you. It was a pleasure teaching you over the years and I hope you do well in your ninja career. "Now team 1 will be…." As Iruka listed the teams off, Naruko noticed that the first 6 teams were made up of all civilians. It wasn't until team 7 that clan heirs and heiress were being placed on a team. "Team 7 will be led by Kakashi Hatake with Sasuke Uchiha, Sai Shimura, and Sakura Haruno." It is right here that Sakura got and screamed "Here that Ino pig true love conquers all." But before she could continue whatever she was going to say Naruko had Gaara send a small wind bullet at her forehead knocking her back down to her chair shutting her up so that they could move on.

"Right then Sakura please don't interrupt me Team 8 will be led by Kurenai Yuhi with Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, and Hinata Hyuga." Hinata looks sad that she wasn't in a team with Naruko while Naruko was surprised that Kurenai had a team this year since she didn't mention anything about it to her. "Team 9 is still in rotation so team 10 will be led by Asume Sarutobi with Choji Akimichi, Shikamaru Nara, and Ino Yamanaka." Making Ino hit her head on the group clearly not happy with her team placement.

"Now as for Naruko Uzumaki you will be apprenticed under Anko Mitarashi and Gaara Uzumaki you will be under Yamato Iburi. Now you are free to go to lunch but be back in an hour for your sensei to come fetch you. Dismissed." Sasuke stood up about to say something but was stopped by the glare that Iruka sent at him, making the little emo keep quiet.

Lunch went by quickly and the students were back waiting for their sensei and then all of a sudden two kunai came through the window pinning a banner to the wall that said 'super sexy and single Anko Mitarashi' and then she puffed in front of it. "Naru-chan come along you little vixen we have things to do today."

"Sure thing Anko sensei, well Gar-kun have fun with your sensei and Hinata I'll see you late kay." Naruko then stepped next to Anko and they both body flickered away leaving behind a stunned crowd at what they just saw.

"Is no one going to say something about what just happened or what." Kiba yelled out seeing that no one said anything yet. "Just forget about it Kiba it's too troublesome to think about." Shikamaru said then went back to laying his head down for another nap.