Naruko’s First Mission

"So Anko sensei what next?" Naruko asked while they were on some random rooftop near the academy.

"Well we are supposed to do another genin test to see if you have what it takes to be a genin and what not but we both know your way past that level so I figure we can get right into it with training. How much experience do you have with poisons Naru-chan?" Naruko got into a thinking pose for a moment. "I mean know the basics but nothing else really haven't had a chance to dive into with all the other training that I've been up to."

"Great, well I might not be able to teach you much considering everything that you know but poisons my dear naru-chan is something that I"m the best at in the village. We will work on raising your poison resistance in the unlikely event that you are captured or an enemy uses it against you." Anko says while she puts her arm around Naruko's shoulder.

"We can finally go to the T&I department as well since you're finally a genin. Since I work there most of the time when I'm not on a mission. We have the perfect test subjects for you to use your poison and genjutsu skills on." She says with a grin on her face just thinking about all the fun that she will have with Naruko.

"Well first thing's first I want you to drink this." Anko then pulls a vial out of her trench coat pocket and in it is a green liquid. "If you're wondering what this is, it's just a simple poison that will give the user diarrhea." She laughed handing it to Naruko "I want you to drink it as this will be step one. We will start with all of the weak poisons you might run into and make sure that you have proper antibodies for them before we move on to the next one. Over time you will become immune to most poisons except some really unique one's." Anko explained to Naruko

"Alright Anko sensei I'll trust you." Naruko then chugs the vial frowning at the taste. "Ugh is there anything else Anko sensei or am I free to go?" she asked, wanting to see what the other genin teams were doing. "One last thing I don't do D-rank missions meaning that we are going to abuse the shit out of your clones to do the recommended missions that we need to so that we can get to the real missions. I want to get the 30 D-rank missions done in a week just so you know."

"Alright that works for me anyway I don't want to stay in the village if I don't' have to after all so you can count on me." Naruko gave a mock salute making Anko laugh seeing it. "Alright Naru-chan you're free to go, I have a certain prisoner that is need of some loving." Anko then body flickered away leaving Naruko alone on the rooftop they were on.

Naruko then went around spying on the other teams seeing what they were doing for their hidden test and noticed most of them had to do with testing their teamwork ability but she couldn't find Gaara and his sensei or team 7 for some reason but didn't worry about it and went home for the day to wait for Gaara and asked how his little test went.

**** One week later

It has been a busy week for Naruko and Anko with them in and out of the hokage office doing all kinds of missions he assigned them. The one that they did the most oddly enough was catching Tora the cat but the funny thing about it was that Tora kept coming to Naruko on her own so when a mission was issued to find her she already completed it by just returning her to the wife of the fire daimyo. Naruko did run into some problems with the civilians not signing off on their missions being completed but nothing a genjutsu couldn't solve or sicking Anko on them.

Walking back into the hokage's office "Old man we did the requirement for D-rank missions so that means that you have to let us go on a C-rank mission or something better." Naruko said while Anko next to her couldn't help but nod her head and agree.

Looking at the two troublemakers barraging into his office "I see, Anko do you think that you two are ready for a higher rank mission?"

"Of course my little Naru-chan is ready for anything. We would prefer something that lets us leave the village. Maybe a mission wiping out a bandit camp or two would do us some good." Anko showed a bloodthirsty smile on her face.

"Well I have a perfect mission for you then that we just got not that long ago." Hiruzen then pulls out a scroll and throws it toward Anko who catches it and she starts to read it. "In the land of Tea there is a rather large camp of bandits on our border with them there and it's been stopping our trade imports from coming in and out. Both countries want them wiped out as soon as possible. We don't know how many there are but it shouldn't be an issue with the two of you I believe, so do you accept this mission?" He asked the duo but he already got his answer seeing the smile on their faces.

"Of course hokage, you can count on us. Those bandits won't know what hit them when we're done with them. Naru-chan pack enough food to last 2 weeks just in case and all the tools you think you will need for the mission and tomorrow morning we will leave at dawn. Well we will be on our way Hokage." Anko and Naruko then left. "I almost pity those bandits that Anko and Naruko are targeting now." Hiruzen said while shaking his head and then looked down he noticed that his paperwork multiplied somehow when talking to Naruko and Anko. 'God damn it how did it grow all of a sudden this paperwork will be the death of me.'

**** Next Day at Dawn

After checking to make sure that they had everything that they needed and signing out at the main gate and started heading toward the border of land of Tea and Fire. "So Anko sensei how long do you think it will take for use to get to the border?" Naruko asked while they were jumping from tree to tree.

"Given that we can move at jounin speed, we should be able to get there in around 3 days or 2 if we really push it. We may stop at a town on the way if we happen to find one when we need to call it for the day. How has your poison training been going so far Naru-chan?"

"It's going alright for the most part Ahri-chan really helps me out there so most poisons don't even affect me from what we've seen but I'm still making antibodies for them just in case. So when will you teach me how to make and use poison arts Anko sensei?"

"That's good to hear you lucky brat. I remember when I first started it was hell and I envy your body to be able to ignore most poisons if what you're saying is true. Well we can start after this mission on the way back then, sometimes a good poison can be the best way to finish a mission and something that every ninja should know how to do in their career." Anko said in a sage-like tone that was completely out of character for her that Naruko just gave her a strange look.


While Naruko and Anko were talking about training that they were going to do and about the mission itself. Elsewhere in the root headquarters in Danzo's office we can see the two elders there talking to him.

"Danzo the demon bitch has left the village on a mission to the land of Tea on some kind of bandit extermination. Isn't this a perfect chance for us to make a move and capture her?" Koharu said, wanting to see what the other two thought.

"I agree with Koharu now would be the best time to act with her and her sensei going to the border with such a distance help wouldn't be available to them meaning that with enough numbers we should be able to capture her and eliminate Anko while we are at it." Homura expressed his agreement that now is the best time to act.

Staring at the two for a few minutes thinking about the idea and weighting the pros and cons of acting now. "I will send Fu to lead the squad that I send, after all given his sensor abilities he should be able to easily locate and secure the target." Then with a snap of his fingers Fu suddenly appeared in front of Danzo and the elders in a kneeling position "Your orders Danzo-sama."

With an emotionless face and cold tone "Take a squad of root with you and find the nine tails jinjuriki near the border of the land of Tea and capture her and bring her to me. As for anyone with her, kill them and dispose of all evidence." Fu nodded then disappeared off to complete his task.

"Great with your roots and Fu leading the mission we should expect results then. Don't forget the favor that we did for you Danzo by informing you of the demon's mission." Homura stated while he and Koharu left the office off to do whatever they did.

'Fools I already knew of her mission before you got here, but no matter I must let them feel like they are useful makes controlling them that much easier and once their purpose is all used up you will simply disappear for the good of Konoha.' Danzo then went back to reading his paperwork before the two elders showed up.


Arriving near the border of the land of Tea and Fire in a town called Kensaki, the trading city on the border for the two countries. "Alright we're here I'm going to talk to the contact and see if they have any leads on where the bandits are and how many of them are there. While I'll have you my little vixen see if you can find any information from the townsfolk here. Use your training and see what you can dig up. Meet me back here in 2 hours." Naruko just gave Anko a mock salut and then disappeared but the smile on her face told Anko that Naruko had some crazy idea in the works. 'I'm kind of sad I won't be there to see what my little Naru-chan is planning.'

While Anko made contact, Naruko walked around the town looking for something until she saw exactly what she was looking for, a local whore standing outside a brothel advertising customers to come in. 'Smart thinking kit, whores are great sources of information as long as you make it worth their time. Maybe you can get your information and scratch an itch while you're at it.' Ahri said in a lustful tone.'

'Ahri-chan why have you been acting so horny lately. This past week you have been super flirty and I can feel your lust. So Ahri-chan what's going on?' Naruko asked since Ahri has been acting strange ever since she graduated and became a genin.

'Naru-chan I'm over hundreds of years old and even I have needs and since I've been sealed for the past 50 years or so mama wants some action and since we share our senses…' Naruko understood what Ahri was getting at.

'I understand Ahri-chan and I know you are extremely horny but you are going to need to control yourself girl. I'm not going to sleep with some random person in a random town to sate your lust.' Naruko said in a firm tone.

'Right right what was I thinking your first time must be special…. you know what I have the perfect person in mind.' Ahri then sends some scenes of Naruko and Hinata making out and groping each other's bodies. 'Damn it Ahri now I'm getting excited now fuck and why Hinata of all people.'

'It is just something about her and she has a nice figure, but if she isn't your fancy how about Anko then she seems to be down with just about anything. I"m sure she would do it if you just simply asked.' Ahri said with a perverted giggle just thinking about it.

'I don't even know what to say to you right now, we will talk about this later now, stop so that I can focus later we can have some fun together if you want.' Ahri's laughing stops after hearing that. 'Why Naru-chan are you suggesting what I think you are?" Ahri said in a lustful tone of voice.

'Yes I am, I'm curious what it will feel like and I'd rather do it with someone I trust so after this little mission…' Ahri had a slight blush on her face 'Ufufufu I feel honored Naru-chan that you would choose me and I won't disappoint you. Now hurry mama is excited and wants this mission over already.' Naruko could only shake her head at Ahri's antics.

Standing in front of the whore looking no older than 24 "Miss I would like to try your service." The whore looked at Naruko and was stunned at this girls beauty and was also curious why someone like this was coming to a place like this and also asking her and not a man for his services but she wasn't going to lie and say she wasn't tempted after getting a good look at Naruko.

"Ara ara what a beautiful little girl, did you want this onee-san to show you a good time." she said flashing a seductive smile at Naruko and leaning forward showing off her breast. With a bright smile on Naruko's face "Please lead the way." The woman grabs Naruko's hand and leads her instead and while on the way to her room all of the onlookers in the brothel were surprised when they saw Naruko and wondered why a girl like that was in a place like this and many of the men were jealous that they wouldn't be able to get a taste of here.

Once in the room Naruko pushed the whore down on the bed and then used some seals and applied privacy seals on the room and then straddled the whore on the bed and leaned forward and next to her ear whispered "I lied I'm not here for that type of service but another kind people in your line of work offer… I want information on the recent bandits camping near this town." Naruko then sat back up and gave a smile down to the whore.

Giving her own smile "A shame I would have loved a taste of you after all but I understand sometimes you can't get what you always want. So information on bandits you say you're in luck I just serviced one of them just the other day and he bragged about the big score they had….." she said while she held out her hand and Naruko understood that she wanted payment so she unsealed some cash and put it into her hand.

Seeing the amount there her eyes lit up with joy due to the amount. "He said that they were goods meant for the capital of the land of fire. The reason I say you're in luck is because he didn't come here but I was brought to him, well me and all of the girls here were. I can draw you a map of course. He had a small penis anyway, how disappointing." she muttered that last part to herself making Naruko laugh because this man is getting betrayed because of his small dick.

Naruko and the whore chatted some more about what she saw while she was there and by the time she was done with her it was time for her to meet back up with Anko and said goodbye and was told to come see her again if she wanted to have some fun and she wouldn't charge her making Naruko laugh.

"So Naru-chan did you find anything?" Anko asked while she was eating some dango she found from a local food cart and handing one to Naruko. "Yes, the source I used actually visited the bandit camp the other day and was able to give me the location and roughly the number of bandits based on what she saw." Naruko then explained everything she learned over the past 2 hours to Anko. "Great work Naru-chan, you did much better than me. The contact didn't even know the rough numbers of the bandits, just some possible areas where the camp could be located so overall useless."

"I'm glad at least one of us succeeded, so here's the plan since we have a location now. I say we scout the bandit camp out and then we can come up with a plan of action. Any questions?" Naruko shakes her head no. After that the two left the town to head to the location of the bandit camps since the location was only 2 hours away from the town.