Punishment, Team 8, Future Allies

While Naruko was on her way to her home, her clone popped and she found out that Hiruzen gave her a slight punishment for killing Danzo even if he deserved it after everything that he has done. 'So I'm stuck in the village for a few weeks huh well no matter I have a couple seals that I want to work on as well as jutsu. I believe I found another way to use my bloodline limit as well that I want to work on and not taking a mission will give me that time I need.' she thought while she leapt from building to building toward her home.

Meeting Anko in the living room and explaining how she took care of Danzo and what her punishment was, they moved on to the curse seal on her neck. "Now there are two ways in which we can handle this curse seal on you Anko sensei. The first I could eliminate it completely by applying a special Uzumaki seal removal to it and as for the soul portion it will naturally dissipate since it is bound to the seal on your neck. Or we could go option two which I think is the better of the two, we just remove the soul portion of the curse seal meaning that you will have full access to the seal and the power up that it brings you with none of the drawbacks." Naruko explained to Anko making her think about it for a bit on what she wanted to do.

"Anko sensei your new seal would still let you draw in nature chakra or senjutsu and with that it would make you stronger, faster, and tougher when you activate it, without being able to be controlled through the soul portion that was in the curse seal. It would make you so much stronger and using that power you could use it against Orochimaru to kill him." A smile formed on Anko's face after hearing that last part. 'I do like the idea of using that snake bastard's own creation against him. Fuck it lets do it.'

"Oh Naru-chan I don't know what I do without you, option two it is then when do we start?" she asked with a smile on her face one that showed how happy she was about getting rid of the curse seal.

"We can do it in about 20 minutes or so I need to create a seal array so that I can remove the soul portion and make some slight changes to your seal overall. So just chill here for a bit and I will let you know when I am ready."

As Naruko had a clone getting the seal array ready, she pulled out the shinigami mask and sent her consciousness into it and returned to the space where she talked to the shinigami before "Yo death how's it hanging, anything fun has happened since last we talked." Naruko said in a cheerful tone and waved toward the shinigami.

"What do you want Naruko Uzumaki, we both know that this isn't a social visit." He said in his usual cold tone of voice. Pouting a little bit at death's answer "Your no fun but fine straight to the point I'm about to expel a part of Orochimaru soul and I figure that you want it so ya."

"You are correct in that Naruko Uzumaki, when you expel Orochimaru's soul from that seal, just cut it with Death's Embrace and I will retrieve it. Now if there is nothing else leave." The shinigami then pushed Naruko consciousness back to her body. Back outside in the real world 'How rude I just wanted to hangout a little bit. How many people could say they have death as a friend.' Naruko said with a slight pout on her face.

'Naru-chan you're crazy trying to make friends with death himself…. I like it.' Ahri said with a giggle. 'I'm glad that you approve of Ahri-chan. I feel that having death as a friend will bring nothing but benefits.' Ahri couldn't help but nod her head and agree with what Naruko said.

The sealing went without any problems and Orochimaru's soul was expelled and easily sent to the Shinigami with the use of Em. Naruko then explained how to activate Anko's new seal and sent her to rest for the rest of the day but Anko surprised Naruko and gave her a light kiss on the cheek before she left and a promise of her reward later.

Some time later in the day Naruko can be seen in the training field in the back of the house alone since Gaara is out on a mission or something since she hasn't seen him or sensed him anywhere nearby. "Now time to test something new with my bloodline limit." Naruko then started attempting to control her own blood flow in her veins. She got this idea from using Kinjutsu: Hada Shihai (Forbidden Release: Body Control) during the mission. If she can control someone else through their blood why can't she control her own blood.

Thus this new idea came about after a few minutes of messing with her own blood Naruko was able to speed it up slightly. She then performed some quick attacks to feel the difference and she noticed right away the difference in her speed and strength. "Interesting so it does work, lets see how far we can push this." Naruko then ramped up the speed more and more till something unexpected happened. Naruko coughed up a good amount of blood from her mouth.

With blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, Naruko stops controlling her blood and getting her breathing back under control. 'Naru-chan are you alright?' she asked with clear worry in her voice because controlling your own blood like she is could kill her if she isn't careful.

'Ya I just wanted to see my limit on how far I could go. Don't worry I got a feeling on how far I can push myself.' Naruko said trying to reassure Ahri that she is fine. Naruko again sped up her blood but this time just right before her limit. "Alright this should be good now to see the results." Naruko then went through some simple punches, kicks, and ran around the training field testing the difference. To say that Naruko was pleased was an understatement, she found out that at her current limit she was at least 50% faster and stronger.

Stopping her control of her blood "To think it took me this long to figure this out but better late than never. Now what to call this new jutsu…. How about Blood release: Bloodrush sounds good, now let's get some practice in." Naruko spent the rest of the day constantly using her new jutsu so that her body would know subconsciously what her limit was and to not exceed it.

**** Next Day

While making breakfast and wondering what she was going to do for the day, Kurenai came out of her room and joined her in the kitchen. "Naruko, do you have any plans today by chance? I wanted to know if you would be interested in training with my team today at training field 8 in about an hour." Kurenai asked while she started eating some fruit at the table.

Thinking about her plans for the day while she continues making eggs for breakfast "I don't really have anything planned so I don't mind. I do have to speak to Hina-chan about something now that I'm back so sure I'll follow you after we eat." As the two were eating breakfast Anko finally got up and joined them "Hey you two did you happen to save any for little old me by chance."

"Anko act your age you can't expect Naruko to cook for you all the time even if you are her sensei." Kurenai said in a stern tone making Anko stick her tongue out at her "It's not a big deal Kurenai-chan, we both know that Anko-chan can't cook to save her life. I'd rather not have to deal with a house fire and risk losing my home over her cooking. Anko-chan I left you a plate over there, help yourself." Making Kurenai sigh seeing this.

"Kurenai you're just jealous that Naruko takes care of me so well." Anko then gave Naruko a kiss on the cheek and ate with the two, making small talk till Naruko and Kurenai had to leave.

**** Training Field 8

When Kurenai and Naruko showed up at the training field all of team 8 was already there talking among themselves. "Kurenai sensei why is Naruko with you?" Kiba asked while Akamaru also voiced his opinion by barking (Don't aggravate her she could end us) was what Akamaru said. "Naru-chan it's nice to see you again." Hinata said while giving Naruko a wave and Shino just nodded his head since he is a boy of few words after all.

"I've asked Naruko here to help us with training today since fighting different people will help with your fighting experience and Naruko would be a great training partner for you guys given how strong she is compared to you guys."

"Now wait just a minute, Kurenai sensei, why do you think that she is stronger than us. I could easily take her on my own. I am the Alpha after all." Kiba says puffing his chest making everyone look at him like he is an idiot, Akamaru included since he can smell how powerful Naruko is compared to his partner.

Seeing a chance to put someone in their place and to have a little bit of fun Naruko stepped forward slowly toward Kiba slowly releasing her killing intent with each step she took. This made everyone shiver who felt her killing intent especially Kiba and Akamaru since Naruko was targeting them with it. The two started to have cold sweat on their body and were tempted to run but knew that if they turned their back to Naruko she would kill them in a second.

"Now Naruko, that is enough now, I would appreciate it if you didn't mentally scar my student." Kurenai said in a firm tone to which Naruko complied and stopped releasing killing intent and gave Kiba a beautiful smile that scarred Kiba and Akamaru even more. "But of course Kurenai-chan I just wanted to show this pup his place because if anyone is an alpha here it's me." Naruko then looked straight into Kiba's eyes "Isn't that right Kiba-kun."

"Y-y-yes Naruko whatever you say." Kiba then looked down on the ground because submitting to Naruko. Seeing this Kurenai was sort of second guessing on if bringing Naruko was the best idea now since they hadn't even started but she already did something to Kiba and Akamaru.

"Right moving on the first thing that we are going to do is one on one fights against each other. I will fight Kiba and Akamaru first while Naruko will fight Shino while Hinata will sit this one out. Remember this is a spar and please Naruko limit your strength otherwise they won't be able to learn anything." Naruko nodded her head stating that she doesn't mind doing that.

While Kurenai and Kiba with Akramaru on his shoulder went off to spar somewhere else while Naruko was left with Hinata and Shino. "Yo Shino I fought someone that also used insects on my last mission, have you ever heard of a clan that uses bees in their jutsu by chance?"

"Yes, they are called the Kamizuru clan and they are our nemesis and we have a bad history with them." Shino said in an even tone but you could hear his insects react when he said the Kamizuru clan. This made Naruko raise an eyebrow hearing this "Well the bees were weak to fire, I take it that your insects are weak to the same thing then right?" to which Shino nodded his head seeing no point in lying since she would be able to find out easily.

"Since that is the case I won't use any fire jutsu otherwise there would be no point in sparring with you then." Shino nodded thankful that she would do that for him. The spar with Shino went rather quickly mainly because instead of using fire jutsu she used water jutsu instead and while it didn't outright kill Shino's insects and just restrained them so Shino could still save them unlike with fire. Shino after seeing this came to the conclusion that nothing he could do would work on Naruko since most if not all of his jutsu were insect based and his taijutsu style would require him to still attack with his insects.

Ending the spar with Naruko "It seems that I have discovered a weakness I didn't know I had. Thank you Naruko." Shino then performed a slight bow to Naruko as a way to thank her for help. Waving him off "Shino while your insects can be dangerous you rely too much on your clans jutsu to fight. What you should do is find out your elemental affinity with Kurenai's help and see if you can apply that to your insects. Think about it if your elemental affinity is fire then you could realistically coat your insects in fire and make them fire resistant thus covering up one of your major weaknesses and adding more variety to your attacks. Something to think about." Naruko explains and this made Shino stop and think 'What Naruko says makes sense, I wonder why no one in our clan has even thought about doing this before. Have we really become so complacent.' Shino thought.

"I shall do just that." Shino then stepped aside letting Hinata have her turn with Naruko. "Hina-chan I hope you're ready" Hinata then got into her gentle fist style "Bring it on Naru-chan." Hinata said in a confident tone with a slight smile on her face. Shino then started the spar for them and right away Hinata dashed forward attempting to seal Naruko's chakra points. Naruko wanting to teach Hinata something decides to fight Hinata head on in a taijutsu fight.

For every attack that Hinata sent at her Naruko would simply deflect it or dodge it with minimal effort. Since Naruko was both faster and stronger than Hinata this feat was relatively easy for her to do. Seeing enough of what Hinata was capable of, Naruko grabbed one of Hinata's arms after she dodged an attack and spun her around and threw her in the air away from her. Hinata was able to correct herself in the air so that she was able to land on her feet, something that was only possible because Naruko didn't use a lot of strength in her throw.

Before Hinata could charge Naruko again, Naruko raised up her hand signaling for Hinata to stop "That's enough Hina-chan, I have a question for you why are you using a taijutsu style that isn't suited for your body type?" Naruko asked with a confused expression on her face. "What do you mean Naru-chan, I'm just using the gentle fist style and my clans taijutsu style." Hinata responds just as confused as Naruko.

"From what I've seen a lot of your movements were stiff and looked to be uncomfortable to you thus affecting your taijutsu. You should really change your taijutsu style to something that is more comfortable to you otherwise you will hit your limit soon in taijutsu." Hinata was in deep thought right now because she has always felt that the gentle fist style that the clan uses hasn't been the right fit for her but due to traditions she didn't have any other options. But with her taking over the clan soon with Naruko's help she didn't have to do what the clan elders wanted anymore.

"Well there is a style that my mother used to use when she was an active ninja of the village but I was too scared what the elders and my father would think if I used anything but the gentle fist style that my clan is known for. But now I believe that I will use the taijutsu style my mother was known for. Thank you Naru-chan for helping me yet again." Hinata then gave Naruko a hug for the help to which Naruko responded by giving a hug back. "Remember you are to be my vassal but you are also my friend so of course I want what is best for you Hina-chan." This made Hinata blush but Naruko couldn't see it because of the hug.

Stopping their hug "Study your mothers taijutsu and we will test it at a later date. I am stuck in the village for a few weeks so you can come to my place and I will help you in any way that I can. Don't forget about our other matter as well Hinata, the sooner we get started the better." Naruko said cryptically since Shino was nearby, since Naruko didn't know if Hinata told Shino her plan yet or not.

"I understand Naru-chan and I will do that tomorrow if you're not busy then and I know just the person to bring with me." Naruko just nodded to this and not long after Kurenai and Kiba with Akaramu came back to the three. "So Hinata and Shino, how did the spar go against Naruko?" Kurenai asked, with Kiba being curious as well.

Naruko then explained how the spars went and what she said that they could do to improve themselves something that surprised Kurenai because she hadn't thought of that for Shino and she didn't notice the problem with Hinata's taijutsu like Naruko did. "I'm impressed Naruko, to be able to give advice like that after only fighting them one time shows just how much of a prodigy you are."

"With that being said, I would like for you to fight Kiba and Akamaru now then and see what you can suggest for them. I hope you don't mind." Kurenai asked which Naruko didn't mind at all. Kiba was back to acting like an alpha again after his little spar with Kurenai, something that the trio noticed.

Getting ready for the spar Naruko just stood there waiting while Kiba and Akaramu got into their taijutsu stance. When Kurenai announced the start of the spar the first thing that Kiba did was give Akaramu a pill that turned his fur reddish and made it stand on end while he used man beast clone jutsu on him making him a perfect copy of himself. Then used the four legs jutsu on himself and then used his clan's signature jutsu fang over fang jutsu which made them rotate their bodies and deliver a series of rapid body blows to a target. The users cross back and forth for this attack and the surrounding area is damaged as well, crushing rocks and shaving sections off the ground. It is one of the ultimate jutsu's of the Inuzuka clan.

The two were spinning toward Naruko like a drill 'Let's have some fun.' Naruko didn't even bother to move and channeled some chakra in her hands and raised them up waiting for Kiba and Akamaru. The three that were watching were wondering what Naruko was thinking and were also worried because the fang over fang jutsu was a jutsu that could greatly injury even an elite jounin if their not careful and for Naruko to what looks like to try and stop it with her hands was extremely foolish.

But before anyone could speak up the scene that happened in front of them shocked them and made them have open jars in what they were seeing. When Kiba and Akaramu made contact with Naruko's hands instead of blowing her away like they have done to everyone else, all they managed to do was push her back several meters skidding on the ground as they slowly lost momentum and the jutsu was cancelled due to that.

As Naruko held both Kiba and Akaramu transformed into Kiba by the head, she could see the shock and fear in their eyes when she looked into their eyes. Something that made Naruko happy and she showed that by giving them a smile on her face. Naruko then proceeds to slam the duo on the ground head first burying their heads into the ground knocking them unconscious in the process. Dusting her hands off "Well that was fun don't you think Hinata-chan." Naruko asked Hinata but she could only dumbly nodded at seeing her teammate so easily overpowered especially because he used his strongest jutsu.

Kurenai couldn't keep quiet about this and had to speak up "NARUKO UZUMAKI EXPLAIN YOURSELF YOUNG LADY!!! " Yelled Kurenai stomping over to Kiba and Akaramu to free them from the ground and tend to their injuries. Shrugging her shoulders "I taught them a valuable lesson is all Kurenai. Never use your trump card at the beginning of a fight, especially one that everyone knows otherwise you will suffer. Case in point those two did." Naruko stated while pointing at the bodies of Kiba and Akamaru.

Kurenai didn't know what to say to this because that is exactly what Kiba and his ninkin did thinking that their jutsu was unbeatable and for their thinking suffered the consequences. Sighing to herself Kurenai just dropped the matter and worked on waking the two up, after a few minutes Kurenai was finally able to wake them up. "What happened and why does my head hurt." Kiba said while holding his head and Akaramu doing the same. "You lost is what happened." Shino said in an even tone not sugar coating his words for his teammate at all.

Kiba didn't even know what to say when he heard this because he then remembered what happened before he blacked out and it sent a shiver up his spine and then he looked at Naruko who just smiled and waved to him making him twitch a bit.

The group talked for a few more minutes among themselves till Naruko turned toward Kiba and spoke up "Kiba, do you know what your elemental affinity is by chance?" wondering why not one of those genin even knows what their affinity is. "No why is that important or something." Kiba said with clear confusion on his face while Kurenai couldn't help but smack her forehead at her students' stupidity. Kurenai then went into detail about why it was important and how each one counters one another. She then said that she would test everyone's affinity tomorrow during training and set up some simple elemental jutsu they could use based on the results.

"Right well now that you know what an elemental affinity is and how important it can be in a fight, you should try and experiment with it and add it to your existing jutsu if it is possible. Think about it your fang over fang jutsu could be that much more powerful with any of the elements added to it…. Well I believe that's it for me, Hinata due come by tomorrow when you get a chance I'll be home all day. See ya." Naruko then body flickered away leaving team 8 at the training field.

As she was making her way home 'I'm curious Naru-chan why help others in their training?" Ahri asked already, having an idea of why but just wanted to hear her to make sure her thoughts were right. 'Simple Ahri-chan if I help them while they are weak and in need of guidance it will put me in a better light with them especially if I need their help with something in the future. It never hurts to have allies, and while Hinata is already on our side the others are not yet so helping them now can turn them into future allies. I mean having a clan heir and a child of the clan leader on your side can only bring benefits after all.' Naruko said with a giggle making Ahri giggle as well 'I'm so proud of you Naru-chan acting like a true vixen, you will get yourself a special award tonight when you come visit me.' Ahri purred out in a lustful voice.

'I do so enjoy your special rewards Mistress.' Naruko then ended her conversation with Ahri and then went back to training, having several shadow clones work on a new type of seal she thought of while some blood clones and herself working on her new jutsu Blood release: Bloodrush.