New Servant, Training, Seal, Mission

The next day Hinata came over but she wasn't alone, with her was her cousin Neji Hyuga. He was a graduate from the previous year and the rookie of the year. (We all know what he looks like so I'm not going to explain that to you guys.) Opening the door to the two "Please Hina-chan come instead and who might this be?" Naruko said with a raised eyebrow while she led them to the living room.

"Naru-chan, this is my cousin Neji Hyuga, a prodigy of the branch family of my clan. I informed him of my goal and he agreed to help me as my right hand man if we are able to remove the seal on his forehead."

"What Hinata-sama said is correct if you are able to remove my seal you have my support and the branch family as well. While I was initially skeptical about the promises that Hinata-sama was making to me she was able to convince me. I also want to be in control of my own fate for the first time in a long time." Neji said in a firm tone.

"Well aren't you just cute Neji-kun." This made Neji's eye twitch but he didn't say anything "Please show me your forehead and we can get started." Naruko gestured for Neji to remove his headband. Naruko then got up and examined it and ran her hand over it and staring at it intently making Neji nervous at how close Naruko was to him. It didn't help that her bust was right in front of his face and Neji could see a decent portion of her cleavage.

"See something that you like, Neji-kun?" she asked with mirth in her voice while Neji just blushed and looked away making Naruko giggle and Hinata to get slightly jealous. "Right on to business now, I don't know who made this seal but if I ever saw them I would kill them on the spot for this atrocity." Naruko said with clear anger in her voice.

"What do you mean Naru-chan, please explain it to us. We don't know a lot about seals compared to you." Hinata voiced out curious about what made Naruko so angry. "Let me put it this way, this is a two part seal. The first part which is the original seal is supposed to protect your eyes from getting stolen when you die and seal them and this part was made by a Uzumaki since I recognize my clan's work. The second is what made me so angry, someone that clearly doesn't know much about seals added on to something they didn't understand completely. They basically added a shitty curse seal to my clans seal that you know what it does I'm sure. But the problem is that to activate the curse seal portion certain hand signs are needed, therein lies the problem. Any decent sealmaster could study the seal and figure out the hand signs needed to activate the curse seal portion thus effectively taking any Hyuga that aren't part of the main family." Once Naruko said this part the two Hyugas shudder at the thought of an enemy ninja having that kind of control over their clan.

Naruko let that sink in for a few moments "I must say your clan elders are nothing short of pure dumbass using this seal but no matter something of this level I can handle quite easily just have to remove the curse seal portion. Hell I'll even change the design of the original seal to something cuter." she said with a smile on her face.

Standing up and bowing 90 degrees to Naruko "Please I will do anything for you to help me and the branch family free us from our life of servitude." If Neji was looking up he would have seen the creepy smile on Naruko's face something that would have made him rethink what he just promised to her. Hinata did see it though and knew Neji made a mistake making that kind of promise to Naruko but it was already too late. Raising Neji up from his bow "Now Neji-kun you said you do anything for my help, do you truly mean that." Naruko asked while looking straight into Neji's eyes with a grin on her face.

Something about that smile put Neji on edge a little bit but he ignored it "Yes." was all he said but you could hear the determination in his voice. "Perfect that is exactly what I wanted to hear. All I require of you is 3 favors that I can call in at any time no matter what it is." Naruko then stuck out her hand waiting for Neji to shake it finalizing their deal. Hinata was about to speak up and stop Neji but Naruko quickly shot her a look stopping her in her tracks. 'Poor Neji, he walked right into a trap and he doesn't even know it. Naruko was already going to help the clan anyway as part of the deal I made with her.'

Once Neji shook Naruko's hand a black aura surrounded the two signaling that a deal has been made. Naruko then explained to Neji what she was and what he just agreed to and the consequences of fulfilling his end of the deal. "That was a lot to take in but a deal is a deal after all." Neji said quickly, accepting what he signed up for.

"I'm glad that you are so understanding now let's get to work if you can follow me we can work on freeing you." Naruko then led the duo to the sealing array room she has in the house and after 10 minutes she was able to remove the curse aspect of the seal and remodel the seal design so instead of the X that it was before now it is a mini Hyuga clan symbol on their foreheads. Neji and Hinata were happy seeing the new design, Naruko then told Hinata to try and use the curse seal hand signs to show that it no longer worked to which she did and was happy to know nothing happened.

"How many main family members and branch members does your clan have exactly?" Naruko asked.

"We have 50 branch members and 15 main family members." Hinata answered back after thinking for a few moments. "Good less than I thought there were, I should be able to free everyone from their seal in about an hour or so. But the problem is when I do it the elders of your clan are going to notice so we have to time it right so that we can get rid of them quietly." Naruko explains to the duo.

"I believe I know when the best time to act would be Naruko-sama, the chunin exams are to be held in Konoha this year, my sensei told me. With all the other villages sending ninja here for the exams we could maybe use them as cover and eliminate the elders of the clan and then blame it on them. It's a rough plan but it might be the best time to act." Neji explained and this was new information to Naruko and Hinata because they haven't heard of this yet.

"I like it Neji-kun, it's a rough plan like you said but it would be the best time to act since most of the anbu would be watching over the other villages that come to Konoha for the exam. I have a feeling that something interesting is going to happen this year."

The trio then went out to the training field out back and Naruko had Hinata show her the taijutsu style that her mother once used by battling Neji who used the one that the clan taught everyone. After Naruko watched the fight for a while 'This new gentle fist taijutsu style that Hinata is using suits her nature and body type more than the other. This gentle fist style focuses more on dodging and delivering counter strikes by using one's flexibility and targeting more vital chakra points. Where the traditional gentle fist style focuses more on charging straight ahead and trying to close as many chakra points as possible by not giving your opponent a chance to attack you back.' she thought.

Clapping her hands signaling for them to stop "Alright you two that's enough, Hina-chan I'm happy with what I'm seeing already for you. This gentle fist style suits you so much more considering your nature and body type. Keep practicing it Hina-chan and I'm sure one day you can master it and make it your own in time, something I'm sure your mother would want." Hinata had some slight tears in the corner of her eyes when she thought of her mother and how this taijutsu style connected herself to her.

"Neji-kun, something I believe that you should work on, is the range of the gentle fist style. I know your clan uses chakra on the tips of your fingers to close chakra points but since you need to touch them, range is a clear weakness for you guys. Why don't you practice on extending the chakra on your fingertips thus increasing your range if only by a few inches would make you that much more dangerous. I would also like for you to try this as well Hinata, given your clan's chakra control this should be more than possible." Naruko explains while the duo were in deep thought after hearing Naruko's suggestion and the duo wondered why no one from their clan ever thought to try this method but then they remembered that all they ever cared about was their damn traditions.

"We will proceed to do that Naruko-sama thank you for the advice." Neji then performed another bow toward her, which Naruko just waved off. "Alright you two you're free to do whatever you want, keep training here or leave I don't mind. I'm going to be working on some more seals and work on some other stuff." Naruko then created shadow and blood clones and got to work much like yesterday. Hinata and Neji decided to stay for a few hours and train here since no one could spy on them here due to the seals Naruko has on her property.

**** One week later

It's been a week since Naruko's punishment has started and she must say she has got a lot accomplished so far. She finally got her new jutsu to work on a subconscious level when she uses it so she doesn't have to worry about injuring herself anymore. The new seal that she had been working since she got back with Anko last week is finally complete. This new seal is much like a storage seal but instead of storing items this one stores chakra itself. By applying it to the skin of someone they can slowly insert chakra into it and use the chakra later when their own reserves get low by releasing the stored chakra back into their bodies. Something like this would be extremely beneficial when on a dangerous mission because one of the biggest fears is running out of chakra during a fight.

The only limit this seal has is that you can only store as much chakra as you would at our peak reserves. If someone would attempt to overfill their chakra storage seal and then release it back into their body they would most likely explode due to all the excess chakra since their body wouldn't be able to handle it. So it is up to everyone to decide on how much they want to put in it but it's worth the slight risk given the benefits that you would get.

Naruko had a clone apply the seal to herself and then she also applied one to all her loved one's and subordinates meaning Hinata, Neji, Anko, and Gaara. When Naruko finally saw Gaara she never realized how much she enjoyed his presence since they hadn't really ever been apart ever since she met him. When she heard what he had been up to she couldn't help but laugh and roll on the ground and Ahri joined her. His sensei thought it was a good idea to make him more social rather than train his actual ninja skills given how strong he already was but the problem is that anyone that knows Gaara he isn't the most social person much like an Aburama. Only speaking when spoken to and as little words as possible. Let's just say his sensei had a difficult week with him.

Another week passed with Naruko and Gaara training with each other testing out new jutsu they thought of and refining their taijutsu against each other since they didn't have to worry about injuries so much given their increased regeneration especially Naruko since hers was stronger than Gaara's. It was when they were taking a break when Naruko sensed someone enter her home through the seals and Naruko only hand a handful of people keyed into her seal that allowed them to bypass her security. So using her senses she saw that the one that entered was mittens or the Cat anbu one of Hiruzen's personal guards, she was the only anbu that Naruko allowed as for why only she knows.

Turning to look at mittens/cat or Yugao "Mittens it's good to see you again, you never write or visit me ever." she said with a slight pout on her face and her arms crossed. "Naruko, you know I'm too busy to just come 'hang out' with you whenever I want. As for why I am here it is because the hokage has a mission for you and your sensei Anko and want you to come to his office right away." Yugao explained ignoring Naruko's antics to get a rise out of her.

"Fine but I'm bringing Gar-kun with me and I'm not taking no for an answer." Naruko demanded while Yugao didn't see why not since she wasn't told she couldn't bring someone with her and she knows how close these two were with each other. "Fine, follow me." She then flickered away back to the hokage's office.

Turning to look at Gaara "This should be fun, come Gar-kun I sense a good time ahead." Naruko and Gaara then followed Yugao to the hokage's office to see what the old man wanted.

**** Hokage office

"Anko, Naruko, and Gaara I've summoned you here because team 7 needs back up for their mission that turned from a simple C-rank escort mission to an A-rank escort mission due to other ninjas being involved. From what Kakashi reported to me through his summon is that they encountered the missing-nin the demon brothers who are chunin rank ninja but the problem is that they work for the missing-nin Zabuza Momochi the demon of the hidden mist, an elite jounin. This is why I want to send you three in case any other missing-nin are involved in this mission and seeing as you are the only capable ninja that I have available on such short notice I need you three to leave as soon as possible and catch up to team 7."

"Right you can count on us Hokage." Anko then turns to her two little demons "Get what you need we leave in 30 minutes." Naruko and Gaara nodded their heads but before Naruko left "That means my punishment is over right since you're sending me on a mission." Hiruzen could only sigh and nod his head, making Naruko smile before she left with Gaara.

"Anko I can't stress enough how important it is that we complete this mission, it will open a lot of trade and missions for us once we get that bridge completed for them so make sure it gets done no matter what." Hiruzen said in a serious tone showing Anko that failure was not any option here. "You got it hokage, well I'll be off things to do you know." Anko then gave a mock salute and disappeared through the window that happened to be open.