Chapter 426

Chapter 426

Princess Belle was relieved to know that the brothers were alive.

'Although I know that they are alive, it's still better to see it in person.'

She muttered. Princess Belle knew this location because Mikael reached this place in one of the Visions. Using this information, Princess Belle created a plan and dug the ground to reach the lowest level of the castle, where the brothers were confined.

She looked at the two. Christian and Colt were leaning against the wall, their arms and feet were missing and the iron chains were holding them up, it was quite a gruesome scene.

They lost their eyes and it seemed that their sense of hearing was clouded because they could not grasp the surrounding. Perhaps they were put in a spell.

Blood was dripping from their wounds as countless lacerations were apparent.

Princess Belle unconsciously clicked her tongue.

'This is the sin of their ancestors yet they are the ones suffering because of it.'

She already knew that the brothers' parents were dead, these two were only left alive to gain information and to turn them into Demons.

So far, the Demons' mission was working. The horns on the brothers' foreheads could be seen and their blood was darker. At any moment, they would lose their humanity.

Princess Belle commanded the Elves to open the cage and help the two. Christian and Colt were not reacting despite dozens of people helping them. Maybe they lost their reasoning too.


Being tortured was not that simple, it was obvious that the two received psychological damage. Maybe they won't return to normal. Well, it was enough that they were alive. All she could do was heal their wounds, she was not a saint in the first place.

"Your Majesty, what do you want to do to these prisoners?"

Elder Siegh asked, he had a deep frown on his face as he looked at these filthy creatures.

"Let me go!!"

"I will do everything, just give me freedom!'

The Demons had different expressions, some were begging to be free and some were showing rage and excitement. However, the Elves will not be fooled. They knew that each one of these Demons didn't have an ounce of sympathy and virtue. Once they were free, they would spread despair.

Princess Belle didn't have a change of expression. She casually said the order.

"Leave no one alive."

She uttered. It would be detrimental to let them leave. These Demons were in prison because they were criminals(in the Demon's sense), so it was obvious that they were not good.

"Huh? No, don't kill us!!'

"W- wait!! We can talk about this!! I have seven rare Pokemon cards!! Maybe I can exchange for-- ack!!"

"Shut up, you filthy shit!"

One of the Elves executed a Demon and the Demons started protesting. They tried their best to escape the cells but they failed. One by one, their bodies fell to the ground and black blood painted them.

It took a minute before the prison became quiet, except for the Elves and two humans, there were none.

"Take the two out of this planet, they need to rest."

"Yes Your Majesty!!"

Seven Elves went back to the rear to deliver the two. As for Princess Belle and the other Elves, their mission was just getting started.

"Destroy the foundations of the castle till it crumbles!"

Using the Earth Elemental Elves, they easily found the pillars and destroyed them one by one. They met a lot of Demons while doing the mission but the Elves did not show any hesitation and confronted them.




"Eh, so this is their plan. Do they really believe that I can kill the Demon Lord?"

Mikael could sense the tremor coming from beneath, he knew that the castle was going to fall at any moment.

His golden skin and reptilian eyes returned to normal. Countless bodies of Demons were lying on the ground, all of them were dead.

Some died by his Spear, while the others were electrocuted. The smell of cooked flesh was lingering in the air.

"All I can say is that I love barbecue. Maybe I can roast more later."

He chuckled and walked upstairs, just like the last time, another hundred or so Demons confront him but their fate was all the same. They all died.

This process continued to happen until Mikael reached the highest floor of the castle. The castle was massive and wide, the castle had 69 floors. Perhaps Satan is a man of culture but it makes no difference.

At last, Mikael set his feet on the highest ground of the castle and found the person who he was looking for.

"So you came, Mikael."


"Did Christian tell you about me?"

"No, his younger brother snitched."


"That bastard..."

"It's fine."


The sound of chewing weakly echoed in the place, Satan was devouring his underlings. In fact, the place had numerous dead bodies around and all of them had the same aspect, their heads were missing.

"Do you have a head fetish or something?"

Mikael asked while wiping the blood from his weapon.

"I like crunching them, not because of the taste nor hunger but because I like the sound that it produces whenever I crack the skull. It's like harmony, together with the squishy sound of the brain being chewed, it's unique."

The Demon Lord of Wrath grinned. He was eating the Demons because he found it fun.

"Nah, you're just angry that these Demons didn't inform you that we will attack this place."

"They are pathetic and incapable. I was caught surprised that thousands of people attacked my territory, so I taught them a lesson."

"By eating their skulls?"

"That's right."

He didn't hide the truth. He was mad that his day was bothered by some weaklings and he bent his anger towards his followers who were clueless that they were under attack.

"So? What you gonna do now?"

Mikael had a slight grin on his face, taunting the bastard. He spread his arms, showing that the Demon Lord was nothing but trash.