Chapter 427

Chapter 427

Kyle felt a powerful tremor and almost lost his calm. He felt that his organs were ruptured just by the change in the atmosphere.

Not only Kyle, all of the people, Demons, and Hunters, were affected by the atmosphere. Some even died as they could not handle the pressure.

Mind that their distance from the castle was hundreds of meters yet they were still affected.

Almost 1/3 of the people kneeled as they coughed blood. They didn't have the strength to fight, they even forgot about fighting. Right now, both Demons and Hunters were suffering from this pressure that was coming from the castle.

Kyle wiped the blood from his lips.

"It should be the Demon Lord of Wrath, but something is not right. There is another presence and it's equal to the Demon Lord Satan!"

Kyle was shocked. He experienced the power of a Demon Lord before, but he could not believe that there was someone who could stand equally against the Demon Lord.

Kyle realized that all of the hard work he did might be meaningless.

'So it's all about talent...'

He cursed deep inside. In the past, he thought that once he became a God, he could defeat a Demon Lord. However, he knew that it was nothing but a dream that would never come true. It hurts to say but he was not the chosen one.

Kyle clenched his fists and fired rapid Beams at the battle. He struck the Demons and killed them.

Kyle's plan was to surround Demon Lord Satan and kill him with all of their power. Kyle understood that the plan had a strong chance of failing but he didn't have a choice but to do so.

If they don't attack, the Earth would slowly die. Even if they won, it would be pointless if the Earth was dead.

"But it seems that I don't have to."

Kyle grinned menacingly. He aimed his Beams at the Demons who were affected by pressure. All he could do was trust Mikael.

"I hate to say it but he already surpassed me a long time ago."





The Elves became alert as they felt that the atmosphere became heavy, even moving their feet was hard to do. Some of them started coughing blood as they could not handle the pressure.

Thankfully, Princess Belle was protected by the necklace on her neck. The ruby was glowing, creating a barrier to protect her. Even Princess Belle was not strong enough to handle the battle between the two transcendence.

"Everyone who is affected, you can stay here. We are close to finishing the mission and we can leave this place."

She commanded, looking at the weaker Elves that were kneeling. Yet none of the Elves agree, they drank potions and pushed their bodies to move. This was an important mission and they were ready to die just to accomplish it.

Furthermore, their Princess was determined to move, they have to protect her no matter what.

Princess Belle nodded, she was moved by their determination.

Only three pillars were remaining, if they destroyed at least one of them, then this castle would crumble. The Elves gritted their teeth and moved forward.




On the highest floor of the castle, two people were staring at each other. Yet this simple stare competition was not that simple at all. There were invisible forces that were colliding.

Both of them were releasing powerful auras that even the ground started to crack. Their auras were so powerful that even people outside started puking blood.

No one blinked.

Mikael was holding his weapon casually while Satan was just sitting on his throne. The dead bodies started disintegrating because the pressure was strong.

Suddenly, Mikael made his first move. In just a gesture of his finger, a lightning bolt came forward to hit Satan.

A portion of the castle was destroyed but the throne was still in a whole piece. Satan just grinned, the lightning didn't touch him as he swiped it to the side. However, he admitted that Mikael's ability was frightening.

He looked at his left hand that deflected the lightning bolt, he felt numb.

"Hm, I guess I did the right investment. It's just that your planet created its own consciousness and I failed before I harvest your people."

"So you admitted that you are the Demon who made a pact with the Rothschild?"

"No, it's not me. It's one of my subordinates. However, it is true that I find your planet attractive. The fact that you gained that ability just by sacrificing half of the planet's lifespan is a great proof."

"Yeah, then monsters started attacking our planet and millions of people died."

His parents died in a Dungeon Wave. Mikael could not accept Satan's intention.

"So what? You became a higher existence because of that."

"From the moment that you, filthy Demons, disturbed our planet, became the start of our suffering."

"What can I say? It runs in our veins!"

Satan started laughing, mocking Mikael. In the first place, he is a Demon.

"Let's see if you can still laugh after I beat your ass!"

Mikael dashed and raised his weapon. Then, his body transformed into a bolt of black lightning and attacked Satan.

It was fast, but Satan was fast too. He evaded the tip of the Spear.

"Looks like this place is not enough to become our playground. It's a good thing that we don't have to demolish it ourselves. What do you think of playing on the battlefield?"


Suddenly, they lost their footing as the ground completely cracked, and fall down. The castle started crumbling and thousands of Demons were buried alive.

[I know it's late, but Merry Christmas.]