Chapter 437

Chapter 437

Mikael slowly stood up. He felt that his mind became clearer.

'That's right. Who gives a fuck.'

He thought as if he opened the pandora's box and acquired hidden knowledge.

His posture was straight, not afraid anymore. He looked right at the repeating scenes as he already accepted everything.

It still hurts, but his hatred was much stronger.

"I will destroy everything."

He muttered.

His appearance changed so much. Mikael gained a pair of 2 inches horns. Even his eyes turned crimson with his pupils slanted like a lizard. Furthermore, his skin attained golden scales.

He looked like a combination of a Demon and Dragon Slayer. From now on, this would be his true appearance.

Mikael completely tossed his humanity.


Suddenly, the illusion in front of him disappeared. His past memories vanished and nothing was left except darkness.

However, deep within this darkness, an existence was living.

Mikale extended his hand and grabbed the truth.


The frightening roar reverberated but Mikael didn't flinch. He stared directly at the creature.

"I see, so this is the true form of yours... Are you a Dragon or something?"


He grinned as he looked at the Sin of Wrath. Now he confirmed another fact, that the Sin of Wrath may have originated from the Dragons, but it was not important. After all, the Sin of Wrath was nothing but a concept and this Dragon was an illusion too.

The Dragon was a meter tall, it was small but it was not Drake. Because the Dragon was exuding a unique aura, just like a certain Bone Dragon that Mikael killed.

"Hm, now that I think about it... A Demon has horns, a tail, and a pair of wings. Yeah, that's right, they have similarities to Dragons! Aha!"

Mikael chuckled.

He squeezed its neck and the Sin of Wrath tried to break free.

"Well, it doesn't matter what you are. I will eat you."


The Dragon struggled, it tried to bite Mikael's arm but the man didn't move even though his arm was bleeding.

The smile on his face didn't vanish. Instead, he strengthen his grip and the creature started croaking. The Dragon clawed him frantically. Mikael received injuries from his face down to his legs, but he didn't release the Sin of Wrath.

"You used my past to break me, to make sure that you can control me once I absorbed your essence. That's actually smart, but I don't like it. I am not your toy, know your place."


"Well, I have to thank you for that though. At least I learned that I actually have a stalker since birth."

His grin slowly disappeared and his expression became serious.

"I will absorb you, so don't try to fight back. Or else you will suffer more."

His hatred was burning. The Sin of Wrath gave him a trial that was impossible to overcome. Mikael understood that he could never survive that ordeal. However, because a certain voice pushed him to the limit, where he had to throw his humanity, Mikael lost his feelings. He accepted his weakness, and bow to destroy it.

"So stay still, and I will eat you."

Without hesitation, Mikael opened his mouth wide and bite the creature's neck! Mikael feasted on its body while it was still alive.

While holding its neck so that it would not fight back, Mikael began tearing its flesh, swallowing every bite.


The cry of the creature echoed. But in this place, no one could help it. The creature trembled as its blood gushed out of its neck. It was fighting back but it was futile, not when Mikael was holding it still.


Bite after bite, the Sin of Wrath would scream.

It was music to his ear. Mikael savored it thoroughly. Now he understood why Satan loves eating his enemies alive because it feels so good.

Devouring your enemies as they look at you with fear, oh, he almost came.

This was not bad.

"No, this is the best!! Hahaha!!"

He wiped the blood on his mouth as he tore the creature's shoulder. The Sin of Wrath further screamed but Mikael continue his feast. He crunched its bones to pieces.

"If I know that this was fun, I should have done this before!!"

He looked like a beast, a frightening beast.

The cry of the creature was loud at first, but as time passed, its painful cry became timid and weak. Perhaps it accepted its fate, that it lost the battle.

Then, the creature finally lost its life.

However, Mikael didn't stop even though the creature was already dead. He continued devouring it bit by bit.

"It tastes good."

He said as he took another bite.

The more pieces he consumes, the stronger his body changes. A pair of wings began sprouting from his back, but it was not a bat wing, but the wings of a bird. Perhaps the wings of an Angel. A dark Angel because the wings were black as the night.

When Mikael stood up, nothing was left to the Sin of Wrath. Its whole existence disappeared. No bones nor blood could be seen, Mikael absorbed it entirely.

"Now, it's time to face my stalker."

He said and demolished the illusion before him. The darkness subsided as the real world welcomed him again.

His clouded vision became clearer as he looked around.

"Phew, so this is the side effects of smoking a Sin! Heal yeah! The kick's kinda strong!"

He didn't appear to be lost or afraid. As if he was the normal Mikael, but it didn't change the fact that his whole appearance was modified.

Mikael transformed into a Demon Lord after he devoured the Sin of Wrath. Now, he is the Wrath himself.