Chapter 438

Chapter 438

Mikael stretched his body to get used to his new body. He could feel the power surging in his veins, his physical strength obviously leveled up.

However, he frowned as he glanced at his wings. He didn't like them at all. They were a hindrance whenever he moved.

"Hm, they are inconvenient."

So, Mikael summoned his weapon and cut the angel wings. The wings were slashed into pieces as they fell to the ground. Then, the wounds slightly bled but Mikael's regeneration was much faster.

"Ah, that's better."

As for the tail, he didn't bother to cut it.

"I can use it as another penis when I'm tired of having normal sex."

Did he really just say that?

Okay... That's a unique idea. He had to test it first though.

"Now, what am I saying again? Ah yes, that's right. Hey, Belle! How's it going?"

Mikael traversed and approached Princess Belle. At last, everything that bugging him was solved.

"You, woman. You stalked me for my entire life. You're a fucking creep!"

Mikael had a disgusted expression as he raised his left eyebrow.

He realized that Princess Belle was helping him whenever he was in danger and it churned his stomach up and down.

"S- stop right there!!!"

The Elves raised their arms and were ready to fight Mikael. They could see that Mikael transformed into a Demon. His appearance and his aura were that of a Demon.

However, no matter how much courage they put on, they could not stop their knees from shaking. They could see it, their death was imminent. They were afraid to look into his eyes. The only thing that kept them from running away was their loyalty to Princess Belle.

However, Mikael didn't give a fuck.

He swiped his hand and the Elf in front of him was crushed into pieces. His body looked like minced meat. He did not even have a chance to retreat. He died just like that.

"Huh? What did you say?"

Mikael tilted his head. Suddenly, another Elf was turned into minced meat as he flew so far.

The Elves witnessed two of their comrades dying and their legs started shaking. They want to fight but they could not take a step.

"Everyone, leave. I will talk to Mikael."

"But Princess!!"

"I said leave!"

For the first time, Princess Belle raised her voice and the Elves flinched.

The Elves looked at each other, they know that they have to protect the Princess. However, this was the first time that they experience this fear. They understand that Mikael could eradicate this whole place if we wanted to and no one could stop him. In short, all of them were going to die anyway.

The Elves looked at their Princess. For a long time, they see her as nothing but a coward. But when things became bad for their whole species, Princess Belle was the one who saved them. They felt guilty about that and they promise to serve her with pure loyalty.

"I said leave."

She repeated. The Elves gritted their teeth. They didn't know what to do. Should they follow her command or stay here and die?

"Nah, it's fine. You guys can stay here if you want to."

Suddenly, Mikael joined the conversation. He picked his nose and wiped the booger on the nearest Elf.

Mikael took a step and got closer to the Princess. No one tried to stop him, it was futile.

"What are you going to say? I can listen. After all, you help me countless times."

Mikael looked into her eyes. He was actually surprised that he could not see any fear in her. With the pressure that he was releasing, he knew how hard it was to stay calm.

Even now, the Elves around them were being crushed by this pressure but this woman looked calm.

"Do I even have to explain myself? You already know what I did, you can judge my intention by yourself."

"Fair enough."

Suddenly, Mikael grabbed the woman and sealed her lips with his. He kissed her passionately and his tongue invaded her mouth. The woman stiffened but her body gradually loosen as she kissed him back.

Mikael's hands began wandering around her. He caressed her back until his hands reached her plump ass. He squeezed them and Princess Belle weakly moaned but the tongue in her mouth kept teasing her.

It all happened while the Elves were watching them. Yup, they were humiliated.

"H- how dare a person--!!"

An Elf tried to speak but someone stopped him. Elder Seigh shook his head. It was too late.

'We have a tradition that a couple could only kiss and share their love once they know their true names. The Royal Family keeps this tradition strictly... but I guess it doesn't work against a barbarian!'

Elder Seigh glared at Mikael. He could not stop him. All he could do was watch while their Princess was getting humiliated. He clenched his fists in anger and his blood was rising.

As for the two, Mikael and Princess Belle were busy in their own small world. They did not care about what other people were thinking.

Princess Belle gasped for air as their lips parted. She was so nervous, her heart was beating so fast that it would explode.

She knew that this kiss would happen but she was still surprised as always. It was different from what she expected, it was far better than she thought.

"I like what I'm seeing. I thought you are always calm, but you have a cute side too."

Mikael lifted her chin and got closer to her, they could feel each other's breath. Princess Belle's face was blushing, she could not calm down.

"I- I don't care what you do!"

It seemed like she was still flustered because she did not know what to say.

"Heh, we'll see about that... For now, I have to face this army of mine."

From mischievous to being serious, his expression changed so fast.

He turned around and gazed at the surrounding. He could feel them, every one of them. The Demons of Wrath, the creatures that were corrupted by the Sin of Wrath.

[This novel is already finished on Pat reon.]