Chapter 480

Chapter 480

"Hey? Do you think we can kill the Demon Lord with this?"

A young female Demon asked the others, they were currently pouring their lives to create a bomb that would destroy the province.

There were hundreds of them, hiding in this building, to process the bomb.

"I bet not."

One of them shook his head.

"Why do you think so?"

"A Demon Lord is not that easy to kill. They invaded and destroyed planets. They fought powerful beings, yet they are still alive."

"But the new Demon Lord of Wrath is just a mortal, I mean, a mortal who became a God. I'm sure he is not that strong."


"Oh shit!"

They shrieked when they realized that someone infiltrated their casting. They were like characters in a horror movie who were found by the killer.

"So this is what you're doing."

Mikael grinned. Under this darkness, his grin looked frightening. The Demons started freaking out.

"Oh my Demon Lord, he is hot--"

Mikael sliced the woman's head.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you make this bomb, it's too dangerous."

He muttered. His body was enveloped by lightning and destroyed the place.

No one could escape and they all died, their bodies ruptured and their flesh loitering around.

"Let's resume the job."

The building crumbled and Mikael came out.

In just an instant, he found a portal and destroyed it. The portal shattered and the Demons that tried to escape were cut to pieces.

Mikael glanced at the ground and realized that the Hunters were fighting too. However, the Hunters were being pushed back because the Demons were stronger.

"These Demons are Counts at the least. I'm wondering why they can't win. Pathetic."

He shook his head, disappointed at these motherfuckers. He was confused why the Hunters can't fight the Demons head-on.

"They are going to die anyway."

Mikael casually swung his Spear and lightning crashed into the Hunters, killing dozens of them.

"Oops, sorry, I didn't know that you guys are there."

He chuckled.

Suddenly, Mikael witnessed dozens of beams flying toward the portals and eliminating the Demons.

"This Skill..."

He muttered, he knew this ability.

He narrowed his eyes and confirmed that many Demons died.

However, a wide grin appeared on his face when he sensed some existence. He looked up and found that two people were looking at him from the portals.

The first one was a little child, however, the child's gaze was sickening. The child's gaze was so cold that Mikael started laughing.

The second one is quite an alien, the guy had tentacles behind him and they were moving ridiculously. Mikael frowned, tentacle porn was not his thing.

"... The Demon Lords."

He didn't know much. He did not know their names, but the strength of the two was not something that he could disregard.

The child scoffed and turned around. Beelzebub left the portal and returned to the Underworld.

As for Asmodeus, he gave a flying kiss to Mikael but Mikael felt disgusted.

"Bleeergg--! Fucking disgustang!"

He felt goosebumps all over his body.

"I have to shut these portals, they are a bunch of weirdos."

The sky started going dark, the dark clouds were emitting lightning.

Using his ability, Mikael controlled the will of lightning and struck every portal in the province.

It only took him a few minutes to cast this wide spell.

The portals gradually cracked and turned into nothing. Mikael easily stopped the advancement of the Demons.

The sky returned to normal, except for the Skills that were flying here and there, it was much better than earlier.

Mikael landed on the ground and killed Demons on the way.

"Man, these Demons are making me act up."

He didn't have to lift his weapon, the lightning that surrounded him was killing the Demons.

The lightning targeted their brains and hearts to make sure that they would die.

Mikael walked ahead, leaving the road filled with dead bodies.

Based on his estimation, the Hunters would clean the place for about half an hour. It was enough, any longer than that and the corruption would stay in place.

"Looks like I'm here."

Mikael looked at the earth castle that protected Andromeda. The Demons were currently attacking the castle to kill the Saintess. However, Klein and the others did their best to keep the Demons.

"It's my turn now."

Mikael said and conjured a spell that caused destruction.

He flicked his fingers and all of the Demons that attacked the earth castle fell to the ground. They died just like that.

"But of course the Generals will survive that."

"Demon Lord of Wrath... I like to propose something."

A Demon showed up in front of him, the Demon was a centaur. The Demon's arm was missing and a huge gash could be seen from his chest.

"I'm impressed that you survived that."

Mikael nodded.

"And, what do you want from me?"

"I'm General Horshy, I'm a God from the planet of Hoofs, but the Demons attacked our planet--"

"Yeah, yeah. I know that, pretty cliche in my opinion. Do you have something unique that I can listen to?"

"... I want to serve you. Please give me a chance to avenge my planet and my people."

The centaur bowed his head. It was strange to see a centaur kneeling with four feet and Mikael was surprised.

"Nope, not a chance."


His body exploded and flesh flew around.

Mikael didn't want to listen to his pitiful past. He did not care, and Mikael did not trust him.

"Okay... Who's next?"

He grinned and turned around. He saw seven Demons that survived his Skill.

The Demon Generals were looking at each other, waiting for someone to charge.

"Hey, don't be like that. You don't have to be afraid guys... You can go for an all-out attack and I will accept it, how about that?"

Mikael said and dropped his weapon. He crossed his arms and wait for them to attack.

"Come on, I will not move. I let you guys hit me once."

Demons looked at each other. In the end, they charged and used their strongest Skills.

"Hah! You fell for it fools, Thunder Split Attack!"

He said some bullshit and the space around them bend. Within a second, Mikael cut all of them to pieces.