Chapter 481

Chapter 481

"... Is it over?"

Jose Pasodaro looked around. He could hear a few battles but not so intense, the danger was over.

He was breathing hard, tired of fighting Demons. His knees got weak and his butt landed on the dirty ground.

There were dozens of bodies around him, they were the Demons that he killed.

He looked at his waist and frowned upon realizing that his abdomen was actually bleeding.

"Looks like someone managed to stab me."

He grabbed a potion but he suddenly realized that the Saintess' power was constantly working. Just as he expected, his wounds started healing. Then, just to make sure, Jose Pasodaro injected the cure into his veins. It was dangerous if he became corrupted.

He recalled what happened to Rena Scott who was killed by Mikael. Of course he did not want to be like her.

He felt his mind floating, the after-effects of injecting the cure into his system.

"Yeah... This shit is good."

He chuckled and stood up.

His armor was already broken and his rapier was close to the limit.

"I have to go and protect the Saintess."

The Chairman was there, but Jose understood that the Generals wanted to kill Andromeda. So they would push their forces to her location.

[Thank you.]

"Oh, shit!"

Just as he took a step, he heard a voice and his body felt chill. He turned around and raised his weapon.

His eyes scanned the surrounding and he found nothing.

"... What the fuck is that? I almost had a heart attack."

He rubbed the back of his neck, perhaps he was affected by a curse. He promised that he would ask a healer to purify him.

Jose reached the place, where he saw a tall castle made of rock.

He was dumbfounded.

But the castle was not the reason why he was dumbfounded. A powerful shockwave shook the whole place and Jose lost his balance and fell.

He stared at Mikael who eliminated the Generals in just one swing.

"... Did he just kill them like that?"

Jose Pasodaro fought a General once and he almost lost his life. He managed to kill the General but he lost his torso in the process. If not because of the potions that he had, perhaps he would be dead.

"Ptui-! Fucking weak."

Mikael spat on their dead bodies as if he was disgusted by their presence.

Then, he cast a spell and lightning devoured their bodies until they turned into ashes. He had to make sure that these Generals would not turn into undead.

"Oh, Jose! You're actually here!"

"Y- yeah."

Mikael approached him like everything was normal.

Jose controlled his feet not to run.

Unlike the legendary creatures that had strong resistance against corruption, Jose Pasodaro was just a simple Hunter.

He was holding himself not vomiting. He did not know what would Mikael do if he puked.

"How's it going man?"

Mikael got closer and extended his hand. Jose instinctively flinched, but he forced his body to move.

They had a proper handshake, after so long.


Furrneka showed up. She glared at Jose.

"Mikael, I think your girl wants to talk to you."

Having a reason to take distance himself, Jose gladly moved away from them.

He gasped for fresh air after a good distance. Mikael's presence was too heavy. Jose felt that his body would break. Added to the fact that he was releasing thick corruption, it was too much for Jose to endure.

The castle rumbled and the people inside came out, they realized that the battle was already over.

The enemy's forces were gradually thinning.

Mikael and Furrneka looked at them. Furrneka flinched when she found Kitsune. She did not know what to do.

As for Mikael, he scanned them and nodded as he realized that Andromeda was fine.

"Kuya-- Ugh, Kuya you stink!!"

Klein frowned when he tried to approach his brother. His nose scrunched.

"What? Is that how you greet your brother? And what do you mean I smell? Dude, I just took a shower!! I used axe by the way."

"I don't care, you're corruption is fucking awful. Don't get close to me! I said don't get closer!"

Klein tried to run away but Mikael caught him and gave him a bear hug. Klein kicked his brother but Mikael was sturdy.


In the end, he did not have a choice but to get crushed by his arms.

"I miss you, bro."

"... Yeah me too."

Klein hugged him too.

"I love you. But no homo."

"I love you too, but I don't swing that way."

Both of them chuckled and started making fun of each other.

"Kuya you look ugly! How can you have sex with Furrneka if you have scaly skin?"

"Hehe, wanna know how?"

"Hell Nah."

They started laughing.

Kitsune just looked at Mikael. She did not feel any hostility so she let it slide.

Furthermore, Kitsune and Klein had strong resistance against corruption. It would take at least half a day before they became corrupted. All they need to do was to cure themselves and everything would be fine.

Then, Kitsune set her eyes upon Furrneka who was fidgeting.

"Looks like your decision is firm."


"What did I say?"

Kitsune's brows furrowed.

"... Sister Kitsune."

"Good. So when are you going to start a family?"

"Probably once everything is over."

Kitsune nodded.

"Make sure that you only have Mikael for yourself. It's hard to control a man."

She started giving her lectures.

"About that..."

Furrneka averted her gaze.

"What? That asshole brought another woman? The Princess of Elves?"

Kitsune was dumbfounded. She immediately turned around to confront Mikael. However, Furrneka grabbed her arms and stopped her.

"I'm fine sister... Threesome is actually not that bad."

"Tch. You indeed became a Demon. How can you accept that concept of sharing?"

She sighed. Kitsune would never accept harem, she would kill any girl that tried to seduce Klein. In fact, she was happy that Rena Scott died.