Chapter 482

Chapter 482

Jose's face was twitching as he looked at Klein and the Nine Tails. He was amazed by how they could endure being close to Furrneka to Mikael.

The fact that they could face the two without frowning was impressive. He gulped and greeted Chairman Renato who was pushing Andromeda in a wheelchair.

Jose sighed when he realized that the Saintess was safe.

Still, he grimaced at the surrounding.

'... I don't want to think gruesomely, but the people will definitely beg Andromeda to revive their loved ones.'

Thousands of people died.

The injured ones were already healed because of the Saintess' ability. Unfortunately, the Demons who attacked the province killed a lot of people.

Jose glanced at Chairman Renato. He saw Titania and King Shenten. Their clothes were dirty, showing that they joined the battle.

"Hey, are you not going to say something?"

Titania approached King Shenten. The man tilted his head, not knowing what she was talking about.

"W- what are you doing?"

Still, he grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

Titania blushed and pushed him away. She glared and scoffed. She checked Andromeda was currently sleeping.

As for King Shenten, he looked at Colt who was resting too.

A lot of stuff happened in just a few hours. They didn't have proper time to rest. Thankfully, Colt and Andromeda were protected by Chairman's sturdy castle.

"S- Saintess!!"

Just as Jose expected, the people started looking for Andromeda.

They looked fine since they received healing from her.

However, the people were carrying dead people. Some had their innards ruptured, some has missing limbs, and all of them were dead.

'As long as their bodies are intact, the Saintess can revive them, however...'

Renato stopped them from getting closer.

"Everyone step back."

He roared, not showing any weakness.

Titania who understood the situation had a pale complexion. She glanced at Andromeda, she was still suffering from the backlash of the spell she cast on Mikael.

"... It's all because of that asshole."

She turned to Mikael who was looking at the situation. Mikael saw her and he smirked, making her blood boil.

"That asshole..."

She gritted her teeth. Andromeda's life was endangered because of him, yet he acted as if nothing happened.

Mikael continued talking to the others, not caring about them. Furrneka was next to him, hugging his arm. They even laughed.

"P- please, my child!! She doesn't deserve to die!! I will do everything!! Please save my child!!"

A mother screamed, begging for her daughter to live. She was carrying the body of her daughter. A small child, around the age of five, had her stomach open. The mother did not care about the blood that covered her, all she wanted was to save her child.

She was crying, just like the others who were begging.


She sobbed.

Jose's eyes trembled. He clenched his fists. He had to do his job. It was obvious that the Saintess was going to suffer if she revived the thousands of people.

"I- I can't..."

H averted his gaze, he could not look at their eyes.

"No!! I can't accept this!!"

One of them ran towards the Saintess. Chairman Renato stopped and subdued the man.

"Damn it!! Waaaaaahhh---!!"

He cried.


Suddenly, a voice could be heard.

"S- Saintess!!"

Titania looked worried as she realized that Andromeda had woken up. Her complexion was pale, and her skin was covered in bandages, showing that she was injured.

However, Andromeda stood up. Titania helped her, but she was afraid that Andromeda would fall.

"I have to do my job. I will save everyone."

It was a promise that she wanted to keep. As long as she could, she would save everyone.

She weakly approached the man.

"S- Saintess!! Please save my mother!!"

Jose and Chairman Renato stepped away. In this situation, they didn't know the right answer.

"I will."

She smiled and touched the man's head, cleansing his man and making him calm down.

"Please fall in line."

She spoke and the people started creating a line. They fought for the front position.

"Andromeda... Are you really sure?"

Titania whispered. She could see that Andromeda was just doing her best to stand up.

"I'm fine."

Andromeda faked a smile and nodded.


"This is my duty--"

"And who said that?"

A man appeared behind them.


"Hey what are you doing?"

Mikael pushed Titania and grabbed Andromeda by the waist.

"Tell me, who said that you have to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others?"

His golden eyes were so deep that Andromeda gulped.

"I- I don't know."

She didn't know what to say.

"Hey don't touch Andromeda!! You are going to corrupt her!!"

Titania tried to push him away but Mikael did not budge.

Instead, King Shenten stopped Titania.

"It's dangerous, don't get close to them."

He spoke.

"What did you say? You only say something when it's unnecessary!! Don't touch me!!"


He hugged her tightly to make sure that she won't escape.

"Tell me."

Mikael's presence was so heavy that Andromeda felt weak just being close to him.

"M- Mikael please let me go."

"What if I don't?"

"I have to protect them."

She bit her lip, her eyes were blurry from the tears that slowly accumulating.

"You don't have to, that's not your duty in the first place."

"No, I am the leader of this province, I have responsibility. Mikael, this is Cavite, the place where you and I grow up... I have to protect this place."

"Not me, everything that I have, everyone that I love, they are not here. Only the memories remain."

"Then... Ack--!!"

Mikael tightened his embrace and Andromeda yelped.

"I will show you. Look at them."

Andromeda followed his vision. She saw the people who were crying, begging, and fighting for their loved ones who died.

"Isn't it pathetic?"

He chuckled.


She shook her head.

"They are weaklings who failed to protect their loved ones. They believe that everything will be okay since you are there to revive their families. Then what about you, what will you get?"


Her breathing was getting hard. Tears started rolling down. She did not know. She didn't know what she wanted.

She clutched his clothes and sobbed.

He patted her head.

"Don't worry... Nobody knows what they really want."