Chapter 500

Chapter 500

[Chapter 500? Let's gooooo!!]

One hour ago, Yuuki and Lane were perplexed and shocked as they found the hallway painted in red blood.

The scene was horrifying and even their minds could not imagine what happened while they are inside the Rooms.

They looked around. They even checked the cafeteria. All of the Hunters were dead. Their organs and blood were all around.

Yuuki grimaced. Even a cold woman like her would be terrified to see this scene.

"The culprit did not hesitate to kill all of them... I can see that he is having fun while killing them."

The fact that the blood jovially painted the walls speaks a lot. The culprit massacred the Hunters because it was entertaining.

"Who did this?"

Lane asked and Yuuki just shook her head. They both finished Room 98 at the same time and they fought a deadly battle all alone.

The first thing that they found after exciting Room 98 was the bunch of corpses littering around.

Because the scene was too gruesome and the bodies were ruptured to pieces, they could not identify the dead ones. They were not sure if Jake Raynold was one of the dead.

"... Let's go. We have to see Room 99 first."


They understood that looking at the dead bodies would bring them nothing. They could not bring back the dead. The Saintess couldn't visit this place given the situation.

When they reached the door of Room 99, they nodded at each other and opened it.

They found one thing, there was a red-haired woman... She was already dead. Her expression was filled with terror.

She was not killed. She died in fear. She probably met something that killed her heart.

"I can't imagine that someone can kill the Queen of Methuselahs in fear."

Lane muttered. She rubbed her shoulders as if she was having goosebumps.

'What did she see?'

The two women had the same question.

Lilith's heart stopped beating after seeing someone. Based on her pose, it seemed that she jumped up in fright and had a heart attack. A lame death for a God who reigned over the Methuselahs and Succubus.

"Do we have to go to Room 100 too?"

Lane asked this time. She felt that she would find something terrifying if she entered the Room of the Game Master.

"... We have to."

Yuuki bit her lip and nodded. The fear of the unknown was striking her.

It would be better if their enemy was a Demon instead of this unknown entity.

Since they did not have the true identity of the killer, their imagination was running wild.

"Do you think it's the Slenderman?"

Lane asked while sticking next to Yuuki.

"No, I don't think so..."

Yuuki hoped so. She was actually afraid of Slenderman after watching the movie.

In fact, she was afraid of Jason, Freddy, and the Jigsaw Killer. It seemed that even powerful Gods fear something.

Yet despite being afraid, the two steeled their hearts and entered the last Room of the Dungeon.

The place where the Game Master was staying.

When they went in, Lane could not help but shriek.


Lane screamed when she found chopped arms laying on the floor. She could see different body parts all around.

Being affected by the horror, Yuuki turned pale and hugged Lane.

After a few minutes of screaming, they realized that nothing happened. They calm their erratic hearts and looked around.

The body parts were from a small girl with blue and green hair.

"I- Is this the Game Master?"

The body parts looked young. Lane recalled that the voice from the sky was from a young girl too.

"Looks like it."

Their eyes scanned the room and confirmed that the dead little girl was the only one there.

However, something immediately caught their attention.

Lane and Yuuki stared at the bloodied words written on the walls.

[The world is under attack and we need your help.]

A simple statement. But it was written in blood so it was quite heavy and horrifying.

"... Lane, we have to leave this place."

"Y- yeah, I agree with you!"

They did not want to stay in this place any longer. Considering that everyone was dead, staying here would give them a heart attack. They calmed their hearts and walked faster.

The two started walking away and found the exit out of the Hidden Dungeon. They immediately came out.

"Good day, Yuuki Kouri and Lane Turner.'

They were greeted by a woman who has long ears.

"Princess Belle?"

Lane was surprised to see the Elven Princess.

However, something caught their attention. Belle's horn and demon tail was quite visible to see.


They raised their defense in case the woman attacked them.

"Don't worry, I'm not your enemy."

The woman chuckled. She already predicted this reaction.

"If you are going to ask what happened. I have a simple answer, Mikael became the Demon Lord and he turned me into a Demon. Right now, this planet is being threatened by the six Demon Lords."

The two women were shocked when they heard what Princess Belle said.

"How can we trust you?"

Yuuki raised her brow. It was hard to trust a Demon even if it was someone they know. Especially when Demons were good at deceiving people.

"I know that you will not trust me. That's why I will bring you to someone you can trust."

Lane and Yuuki already adjusted their emotions.

Princess Belle brought Kaya to them. Princess Belle specifically asked Miriam to find Kaya.

"We don't have time to waste. Kaya, please help us to open a portal to another world. Niña and Miriam need your help."

"That's impossible, I need a great amount of energy to do that."

Kaya shook her head.

Princess Belle smirked and her ruby started glowing.

"Don't worry, I have something here."