Chapter 501

Chapter 501


Lane coughed out a mouthful of blood as she kneeled down. She failed to see the attack. To be exact, the time stopped, and she just learned that there was a hole in her chest.

"Looks like I can only stop time for 2.3 seconds. Not bad, it's enough to injure you."

Mammon glanced at the two.

Lane was gritting her teeth as she healed her wound. This damage was not enough to kill her. Lane experienced dozens of dangerous situations just like this.

As for Yuuki, she wiped her bloodied lips. Her shoulder was missing but it was regenerating too.


Mammon uttered like a higher being watching animals in the zoo.

The two women were heavily injured. Fortunately, they were Gods and they had rapid healing abilities.

The best way to kill them was by eradicating their whole existence. So much so that they won't be able to regenerate.

Yuuki stared at the compass in Mammon's hand.

That item countered her stop-time and they were the ones who froze instead.

'That compass can reflect our abilities and use it against us.'

Both of them realized the true power of the Item just by experiencing it once.


It only took a few seconds and their bodies returned to normal. Yuuki and Lane looked at each other.

Then, they dashed and attacked Mammon at the same time.

If they could not use their abilities, then they would fight him in hand-to-hand combat.

"Hoh, perhaps you really understand your situation."

Mammon chuckled and shook his head. His true power lies in his physical strength and strong adaptability.

He could build resistance against any Skill as long as he experienced them.

The three started their battle in close quarters. Both women aimed for his vitals. Mammon did not flinch despite being outnumbered.

Instead, the battle slowly turned to his advantage. His physical strength was enough to destroy their bones once hit.


Lane swallowed her groan. She admitted that her masteries were not in close combat.

"What? You're gonna tap out?"


Seeing that their situation was dangerous, Lane did not have a choice but to control the surrounding.

The trees around them started moving and tried to subdue Mammon. Vines of plants climbed up his legs and restrained him.


This was the signal.

Yuuki nodded and used her time-stop again.

"Haha! What a foolish woman!"

Instead of being afraid, Mammon raised his hand and used his Compass.

However, he felt something wrong.


His Compass did not work.


He looked at Yuuki and realized that the woman was holding something too.

A pair of eyes were glowing and staring at the Compass, stopping its ability.

"You're probably immune to Skill-Cancel but I bet your Compass is not."

Yuuki muttered coldly.


It was too late, Yuuki already activated her Skill and Mammon failed to use the Compass.

Yuuki understood that the enemy was building resistance against her time-stop. She had to end this battle as soon as possible.

In this world where everything was frozen, only Yuuki could move.

She created a bunch of ice spears within a second and started bombarding Mammon, rupturing his body.

She could freely use her ability at this moment.


Just as she expected, Mammon could move after five seconds. His resistance was getting stronger.

But it did not matter, Yuuki successfully injured him.

Yuuki stopped her ability since Mammon could move again.

"Now it's my turn!"

Lane realized that Yuuki finished her job.

Lane summoned Yggdrasil and a giant tree rose up from the floating island.

The Yggdrasil started lighting up.

"... Damn it! That eyes has Merlin's magic!"

Mammon tried to use the Compass but the Eyes were watching him.

Mammon knew Merlin, the greatest mage. He was a mortal who achieved Godhood. He could prevent his enemy from activating his ability by just staring.

'Merlin was already dead and his whole body was destroyed even his eyes! How is this possible!?'

Mammon was utterly shocked when he found that Merlin's eyes were right in front of him. The eyes should be destroyed millenniums ago.

'... Indeed, Planet Earth is an interesting place.'

The fact that the Eyes stopped his Compass indicated that the Earth was more than they expected. For unknown reasons, it created another pair of Merlin's eyes.

"This is not over."

"No, it is."

Mammon stared at the two. Despite his body turning into plants, Mammon was not afraid.

In fact, there was a cunning smile on his face.

"Just like I said, this thing will not work on me. Don't you know that there are warriors who can control plants? They can turn their enemies into plants too."

He smirked and chuckled.

The turning gradually stopped. He didn't become a tree.

"You should use something different--"

"We already know that."

"That's why we will kill you using our weapons instead."

The two women were not finished.

Unlike Oliver Johnson who gave his coins to the masses, the two women used their coins to buy the Items in the Shop.

Yuuki and Lane summoned their Legendary Items.

Seeing the Items in their hands, Mammon's eyes trembled. He could not help but cursed.


Being an Item Collector, Mammon immediately realized the danger of the two Items. Each of them had the property to turn things around.


He could not help but smile. These two girls were making him excited.

"Come fight me then!!"

He roared and released all of his strength. It seemed that hiding his true power was not an option.

He dashed forward and decided to take the battle to another level. After this battle, he would take their Items and add them to his collection.