Chapter 72

Kiel took me to a nearby restaurant that overlooked the town and the sea. After we found a seat right by the window, a waiter took our orders.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" said Kiel, looking at the magnificent view.

"I guess," I said.

"You know, you changed a lot."

"Ms. Cat said the same thing."

"Of course. Both of us knew you since you were little." He paused. "Will you marry me, Butterfly?"

He said it so casually. I thought he was kidding, but his eyes told me he was serious.

"I'm sorry." I shook my head.

"Of course. What was I expecting?" He was disappointed, but still smiled anyway.

"I'm still waiting for Mr. Shark."

"I know. Yet I still hoped that you'd remember that day when your uncle took us to the hill. That pressed flower I showed you…"

Suddenly, I saw a vision of Kiel and I as children playing in a field of crimson flowers. We made a promise that day. I assumed it had something to do with marriage because Kiel brought it up.

Was I breaking our promise?