Chapter 75

Butterfly, let's promise to always be together.

I remembered Kiel's words from long ago as we ran.

So that was the promise…

I apologized silently in my head. To Kiel. To Ms. Cat. To my family. They must have seen me as a failure for being such a disobedient girl, but they never realized that it was because I met Isuru that I began to hate people less. I still can't stand most people, but it's an improvement.

Perhaps I just needed to see the world in a different perspective.

"Are you contemplating on life?" Isuru asked as we sat under a tree for a break.

"Yeah," I said.

"It's good to think about your life once in a while."

I turned to face him. "More importantly… Prof. Dog said you were critically injured."

Isuru sighed. "He might have exaggerated a bit. Well, he did faint from seeing me lose so much blood."

"That sounds like a critical injury to me."

"Well, anyway… I've recovered."

"Your recovery skills are amazing."