Chapter 15 Royal distress.

"But love is many things, none of them logical." - William Goldman.

"How did everything go before my arrival ?" King Dysmas asked the quiet dinner table.

"Uncle, I handled everything. The issues with the servant wages, I even made it a point to visit the village to ensure that everything was being handled well. The horse are stronger than they have ever been. I also visited the Greece officials so we could talk about the alliance at which they preferred to speak to you themselves." Elias said nonchalantly.

"And Alexius what did you do?" The King questioned, of course he was more concerned with his son considering he was the future King. Prince Alexius shrugged. Princess Amelia and Kyra silently picked at their food because it was awkward and none of them wanted to say the wrong thing.

"Uh-" He faltered.

"Alexius, your do not seem keen on doing your royal duties ?" The King continued.

"Father, I'm tired. I have a lot going on." Prince Alexius replied. Elias had a smirk on his lips as he looked down at his own plate.

"If only you worked as harder as your cousin here does, certainly you were busy with those skimpy girls that you usually bring to the palace." The King sounded very upset as he scowled at his son with nothing but distaste.

"Young men such as Khristian are soon to be father's and here you are twenty-two and still wait for me to show you everything you need to do like a toddler." He growled dropping his utensils onto his plate. "Do you realise that you prolonging this marriage makes more problems for us. Elias should be married by now, we should have an alliance with France by now. Who knows what Greece could be planning with Germany?" The King bawled.

"I didn't ask for this, all this." Prince Alexius stood up wiping his mouth with a napkin before throwing it on the table.

"Watch yourself young man because your cousin is more than worthy to take your place in this kingdom." The King was now angry but these words only made Prince Alexius angrier as he stormed out of the dining hall. Elias was disappointed, he had hoped Alexius anxiety would rise and it would result in him having a panic attack in front of his father.

"Stubborn just like his mother." The King said sadly running his fingers through his white beard.

"Uncle, if I may suggest an idea." Elias paused. "It would be a great idea if Prince Alexius and Princess Amelia traveled together for a while to show a united front while I handled the rest of his royal duties here."

"I do not wish to stay here anymore." Princess Amelia said softly excusing herself as she marched out as well. This only made the King even more worried and angry at his son.

"I will go have a word with her." Archduke Elias said in a hurry.

"I have had enough for the day." The King said wearily.