Chapter 16 Royal Letters.

Dear Lucia my love

I'm sorry, I'm sorry for causing you pain. I'm sorry for not being there for you and our unborn child. I am most regretful for the things I said on our last encounter. I'm sorry for having pushed you so far farther that you felt marriage was your only option. This hasn't been any easier for me, it's hard. I genuinely care about your wellbeing and that of our child. I feel worse because I haven't even helped you with anything such as the material for nursery.

"Will my child even have a nursery? I probably shouldn't include that part. It's quite offending." Prince Alexius thought to himself.

I have definitely come to terms with the fact that I will be a father to someone. I have also come to terms with the fact that I want to be in my child's life but it wearies deeply-

"Should I tell her? it's probably best if I did." Prince Alexius said thoughtfully.

As you know Acamas has always had a dispute with Greece. As you know we produce the gold and diamonds in our mines, Greece might be planning to take back a part of Acamas by force. For years they have tried, in the many wars that Khristian's father got killed in. Greece is becoming greater than it already is and their alliance with Germany worries my father beyond hesitance. I fear this might just be the end of our reign..

My father has tried resolving matters with Greece in a civil manor but they won't have it. Their minds are set. We have very little ammunition, horses as well as wall necessities. This will definitely cause greater harm on our the independent city of Acamas. This is not to alarm you but I'm trying to give you reasons although no reason will ever be able to explain why I can't be there taking responsibility.

The King of France has decided to hand us an alliance. They have many well trained men for war and necessary war ammunitions in conclusion France is a big enough countryKingdom to take Germany and Greece down. To make this alliance stronger than ever, The King of France requests of me to marry his daughter... Princess Amelia.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I loathe the idea but I loathe the idea of seeing innocent people die because of my stupidity. I'm sorry I have to sacrifice whatever we have for the safety of my people. You deserve better than I have to offer. As much as I would like to say I wish we never did the things we did at the river, I don't regret it ! If I could hold you in my arms again I would probably make love to you again with no intention of protecting us from consequences such as pregnancy. You made me happy and that something I had not been for as long as I can remember. Lucia you, I fear, you might just be the death of me. I can't write it on a piece of paper but the day I come eye to eye with your beautiful green eyes... I will tell you exactly how I feel about you.

I apologize for raining on our parade but me not marrying Princess Amelia means France may back out of the alliance rendering us weak and defenseless against Greece. My ancestors would be disappointed, they fought long and hard to separate us from Greece and here I am failing them and their hardwork. Everyone is depending on me and as a leader I ought to do right by my people before my very own family. My family, you and my child well my son.. it's definitely a boy and for some odd reason Theodore seems like a praiseworthy name.

"Was that dream a sign? maybe." The words rang in his head.

But whatever you decide is best for our son, is okay with me. As much as I hate Khristian Salavas, I know you and my unborn child are safe. If it's a little girl, our little Princess, I would love to name her Krysanthe Golden Flower in greek but above all I would love to make her second name be after my mother the Queen Callidora Liourdi Nikoloudis.

"Princess Krysanthe Callidora Nikoloudis.." Prince Alexius said with a small smile sneaking up on his lips.

But then I remember I don't any right over our child since I rejected you in front of all the people. I might never do right by you and I apologize for that, the sad reality is it might have to marry Princess Amelia for not only your safety but for the safety of my people. My father is stressed as it is, I fear he might not wake up on the next sunrise that will only mean tragedy because I can't live without my father as distant as he is... my father is the pillar of my strength although my cousin archduke Elias will always be there for me, it won't be the same.

Lucia, I sincerely apologize for the words that I threw relentlessly at you on our last encounter. It saddens me that I hurt you and that wasn't my intention. I pray you find it in your heart to forgive me for being selfish, selfish enough to take the easy route for I am aware that my Kingdom stands no chance against Greece. I cannot let Acamas be united with Greece over the greed of our resources after so many years.. we have worked so hard to be where we are and I cannot disappoint, if it means war then war it is.

I hope you are well and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to request of it. Pride aside, I'm the man who made you pregnant and I will always be here for you as much as it saddens me even behind closed doors.

you might not be a queen or any form of royalty but Lucia Andreou you will always be the Queen of my heart.

your imbecile of a Prince


ps. you are definitely not Sibyl Vane, you my dear you are Lucia Andreou the girl that made a Prince fall at his knees.

Once content with his letter, Prince Nikoloudis called a servant to personally deliver it.

"Do not go there dressed in uniform !" He demanded.

"But Sire-" the servant said confused.

"On your way home to the village, dressed in your normal clothing deliver this to the Salavas household and specifically give it to a young pregnant woman." Princess Alexius gave orders and the servant nodded.

"If this letter gets in the wrong hands, I will not hesitate to have you beheaded now off you go." He dismissed content with the step he had taken regarding Lucia. He didn't tell her he loved her, he wanted to do it in person and if he couldn't offer anything more than that then he wouldn't say it.