Chapter 18 Royal love triangle.

"Love is not blind - it see's more, not less. But because it see's more, it is willing to see less." ~ Julins Gordon.

"Kyra adores lilies, she absolutely distastes roses-" Lucia chuckled. "She says they are so cliché and overrated." Lucia remembered because Khristian had once bought Kyra roses which she threw back at him harshly.

"What do you like ?" Elias smiled, just the sight of her made him fall even deeper in love. Lucia was taking a daily stroll near the river banks when she happened to bump into archduke Elias. He insisted that they had a conversation mostly about Kyra's likes and dislikes at which Lucia didn't seem to mind. Elias looked at the way the wind blew her hair, she had the cutest smile... he thought.

"I-I-I have never actually received flowers from anyone, I don't really have a favor. All flowers are beautiful...I guess." Lucia replied. Elias was smitten, it took him everything not to put a lock of her white blind hair behind her ear.

"That's absolutely absurd ! My cousin never brought you flowers." Elias opened a salty wound.

"Uh- we weren't really anything romantic or-" Lucia tried to explain but she was cut off by the brown haired lad.

"He had the nerve to lay with you and not buy you flowers." Elias almost growled.

"I should get going-" Lucia said feeling uncomfortable.

"Lucia-" Elias called out. "I must apologize, i didn't mean to offend you." He said genuinely and she nodded.

"How's the baby ?" He decided to change the subject.

"Super active." Lucia chuckled. They had no idea they were being watched. Prince Alexius felt angry as he stormed in front of them in his glory.

"Alexius?" Elias said not so fazed, he wanted Alexius to hear everything that he had said. "Shouldn't you be at the palace preparing for the engagement ball ?" Elias added more tension. Lucia looked at him, she hadn't laid her eyes on him in a long time. He looked absolute breath taking, the tiny stubble right below his chiseled chin. His sapphire blue eyes seemed dull, the many rings on his fingers. He looked graceful as always.

"What are you two doing meeting up here ?" Prince Alexius changed the subject.

"My Prince, Archduke Elias wanted me to help him with a few things regarding Kyra." Lucia explained, his eyes swept over her body... she felt touched by his presence. He looked at her frame was there anything that could make her look ugly ? What hurt him the most was the bronze ring on her finger, that wasn't his. Her skin was glowing and the floral dress she wore made her look absolutely beautiful. Her cheeks flushed as he looked at her.

His name Pantelis Tadros. Dark brown eyes, dark bushy eyebrows, Bald and a clean shaven face. He was mysterious never blabbered more than he needed to. That wasn't the only special thing about him, he was a royal advisor. Sir Pantelis could see in the future, he was what the Christians called a prophet, atheists a psychic, the villagers a witch.

"A King is about to be born !" He murmured quietly before anyone could greet him. King Dysmas looked at him as if he had grown two heads.

"Pantelis, i called you hear to talk about war tactics not some hearsay-" The King said his eyes brows furrowed.

"A King is about to be born." He repeated, his eyes cold and dead set on the King who sat on his throne.

"One who will stop all the chaos between Greece and Acamas." He added his hands stiffly gripping his walking stick. He was a Wiseman who never made a mistake.

"My son is about to marry Princess Amelia, do you mean to say they will bore a son ?" The King tried to make sense of what Sir Pantelis was on about.

"I have said all I need to, i will be on my way." He said gravely.

"Wait-" The King commanded. "I don't understand."

"Time will tell, my King." With that he was gone, a clink sound of the bronze door echoed. The King shook his head in distress.

"GREGORY !" The King yelled immediately, a young man quickly ran to serve the King's orders.

"I need you to inform the Prince and archduke to be on their way this minute." He demanded.

"My King the Prince has gone for his weekly walks." Gregory stammered with fear. "Uh Archduke Elias must have joined him there because he isn't anywhere near the royal grounds."

"What weekly walks ?" The King questioned as his forehead creased.

"He takes walks to the Mantolos fountain near the river casually, he demands that no one follow him there. I presume it must be a special place for him." He explained to the King who seemed baffled learning this new information.

"My son is not an outdoor person, he prefers to read Shakespeare in the royal gardens and maybe go for a stroll with his horse... never to lurk in the forest with no watchful eye upon him." King Dysmas thought aloud.

"What does he do there ?" He questioned.

"That I do not know, my King." Gregory replied.

"How long has been going there ?"

"Uhm for the past six months." He added.

"Mhm." The King said thoughtfully. "Do you think he is there at this very moment ?"

"He must be, he usually comes back close to midnight whenever he goes there."

"Inform Thomas of my departure-" He said standing up.

"My King, i don't think it's a good idea for you to go there... your health and old age-" Gregory said unsure. He was one of the servants who knew about the Prince's affair. Gossip traveled fast in the servants quarters, from a guard to a cook, it circulated fast like wild fire.

"I need to know why he would abandon his royal duties and endanger his life."

"Uncle you called for me ?" Elias suddenly appeared.

"May you call that stubborn cousin of yours!" He demanded. "Wherever he is feeding the wild animals-"

"Is there something wrong ?" Elias questioned.

"Gregory leave." He dismissed with that Gregory scurried away.

"You convinced Amelia to marry that imbecile of a son I have and now instead of making it up to her, he goes visiting rivers. Does he know how serious this is ?" The King looked absolutely furious.

"Personally, I think the Prince isn't ready!" Elias added a smirk tugged on his lips.

"He certainly isn't a teenager anymore. I cannot continue excusing his intolerant behavior."