Chapter 19 Royal bliss.

"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it's what you are expected to give which is everything." ~ Anonymous.

The minute Elias was out of the scene, Prince Alexius raced to hold her in his arms. Her vanilla scent sent him on the edge, it was amazing; he missed her with his entire heart and soul. He didn't care if she was mad as a hatter or if she was fuming, he just wanted to hold her, want was an understatement- he needed to hold her. She let out a gasp as he held her in his arms, he was intimidating but yet so vulnerable. A smile made its way to her lips when he knelt down, in a surrendering stance.. what he did next totally absorbed any anger she had be holding for him. He put his two hands her large stomach, laid soft kisses on the silk dress she wore. Lucia could feel his lips even with the fabric between them, she missed him. It was a horrible feeling to admit to but yet it made her so happy.