Chapter 11 Waterlogged

Aaron was not happy. In fact, he was probably as uncomfortable as he could possibly be, surrounded by half naked bodies, the glaring sun, and the god-awful smell of chlorinated water.

It had been a perfectly normal Saturday morning. Aaron had been shelving packages of Oreos, idly chatting with Amelia about spring break, when Roman breezed through the front door. Much to Aaron's dismay, Roman was able to get Amelia wrapped around his little finger almost immediately, and charmed her into giving Aaron a paid day off. He'd hauled Aaron out the door and thrown him into an honest to god limousine, where the rest of the host boys were already joking and laughing.

Aaron had sat between Roman and Harry, stonily silent and ignoring Benji as resolutely as he had been the past few weeks. The boys were too excited to notice his mood, their grins never fading; even Marcus and Kris, usually so stoic, laughed at the twins' stupid jokes.