Half demihuman half fairy Reili

"Hence, I summoned you. Technoknight!"

The voice was coming out from a pink dressed girl with brown orange-ish hair as it was matched on her own golden retriever ears, with teal-colored iris on her eyes and a pointy nose with a pink colored lip she has. She swung her silver-colored sword resembling a katana to the front of it with a "Klang!" voice being heard.

And when the "Klang!" voice being heard from the goddess of war's ears. She looked at the sharp tip on the front of her own eyes. The goddess of war and the half-fairy looked at each other in an awkward look. And Kuso, the goddess, asked Corona, the god behind her.

Without the pause. The goddess dragged the fairy by force and made the fairy sitting on her lap, with the fairy who misunderstood as the fairy said as she sat on the goddess's lap with her face looked at the ground.

"But… Can you be gentle a bit, please? Miss Technoknight? I'm still a virgin…"

"Permission to spank someone's butt." The goddess spoke out. And both the god and the fairy reacted.

"Ekh!!??" And the strong force of the energy from her left hand had landed to the fairy's butt.




The voice of spanking was heard clearly by the god, and the fairy with the goddess said.

"Don't point a gun to someone!"



Another voice of the poor fairy responded again with the goddess continued,

"Didn't your parents teach you that you should be polite with the customer?"

And then, she continued again with her spanking action to the poor fairy.


"Sorry, Sorry!! I don't mean it!!" The fairy cried, asking for forgiveness as she was being spanked by the person who she summoned. As the goddess saw the tear from her face as she sobbed in a painful look. She sighed as she let her go by allowing herself to stood as for the poor fairy? She was rubbed her butt painfully with herself, responded to the goddess.

"Why in the hell that you are spanking me. Hero!!"

With a tearful tone that the goddess heard, she replied to the poor fairy who had herself crying.

"Well… You are underaged at first and second. You are pointing the weapon to someone who had just come. If you want to serve someone, at least that you have to prepare a warm tea or at least beer."

With a tearful face, she replied to the goddess.

"I'm a thirty years old fairy! Legal enough to drink! Don't call me a child!!"

"Eh? Really?" The goddess and the god looked at her simultaneously as it was seen that she has no chest size and has a petite body resembling a teen who is only in the development stage. And it was apparent that the goddess wouldn't believe that. So, she asked the fairy.

"Can I have at least your passport or visa? Or maybe your identity card? Or maybe… Your birth certification? Do you have those all legal documents? Or at least your Driving license. Do you have those?"

Much modern stuff was asked by the goddess with the god, looked at her snarkily with himself, and commented.

"For real, Kuso! This is the fantasy world! You won't be able to …"

The god looked at the fairy who had to give the goddess her identification card with a surprised look. The blue-colored card that the goddess held now.

From the goddess's point of view, she obviously couldn't see the card's foreign language. But, she was not a stupid person as well as she prepared it.




When she said "Translator," A voice of a woman's digitalized voice echoed on her mind with the translator questioned the goddess.

"What do you want me to translate? Corona."

"The thing you have seen from my eyes."

"Understood." The voice replied as in the goddess's eyes. It was seen that her right eye worked like a scanner to scan the blue colored card, and her left eye was informing about the translated result of the card

#Name: Reili

#Race: Mixed

#Sex: Female

#Blood Type: O

#Height: 155 CM

#Weight: 45 KG

As she saw those. The goddess smilingly telling to the half-fairy.

"Apologize in advance for the spanking. You can have my Identity card, too, as proof that we are of the same age."

When she stated that. She gave the fairy her identity card with the same color as it was seen

#Name: Kuso Amakusa

#Race: ??????

#Sex: Female

#Blood Type: O

#Height: 189 CM

#Weight: 60 KG

"Nice to meet you, Miss Technoknight. Or can I call you as… Kuso?"

Her attitude was a thing that led the goddess to react in an awed look, and she replied to the fairy.

"Sure, Miss Reili. You are a polite girl apart from the gunning part you have done earlier. Apologize for our rudeness earlier."

In an awed look, the god looked at her politeness as for himself, murmured in his mind.

"Despite her butt-fetish character. She is actually a nice person… Seriously…"

When he murmured those, it was pretty not standard for him to realize that she didn't read his mind. And the focus returned to the goddess's point of view as both of them talked about the summon's purpose. But as they spoke, the half-fairy requested her.

"You can call me Reili if you want, Kuso…"

"Oh sure… Sorry for the over-politeness."

"It's fine, Kuso. Happy to know that you want to help us, the deserted one, as we don't have anything here for you to be used for inventing. Is it fine?"

With the fairy questioned Kuso about their limited resources their own, she looked around calmly as she could see it as a cathedral that was beyond fixing.

To looked at those, he replied to her.

"As long as you have wood and rock. This is all easy to do. Architecture first."

Invented Items: 0

Killed Beings: 1

Saved Beings: 0


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any kind of piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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