Architecture First

"Architecture first? What do you mean?" The fairy with her golden retriever ear questioned the goddess of war known as Kuso Amakusa.

The goddess of war observed every single of the cathedral's environment that she tried to foresee, and she pointed to the top left from her point of view, as she said.

"I mean this. Arrange some stone smith and wood smith for me if you have."

Reili. The fairy who summoned the goddess. She looked back at the goddess's position as she saw the same post of the roof's hole. But, she was clueless that led her to question the goddess of war.

"What happened to those ceilings? I think it's fine whatsoever."

The goddess who heard those was sighed. And she picked the random stone near her where she stood, and then.

She threw the rock towards the hole.

With the stone reached the hole, a strong crackle voice being heard with the place started to crumble with the goddess commented.

"How do you think?"

The fairy and the petite god who saw those were looked at the goddess in a surprised look as the god started.

"What a god level of observation!!"

And the fairy commented.

"What a god level of destruction!!"

When the goddess of war heard those two, she replied to both of them with the goddess looked at the petite god in the end.

"Observation is a must for everyone, remember that. But, I am unable to find any correlation between destruction and observation. Can you relate, Corona?"

The god tried to think of what the goddess tried to say, but. It was too late for her to reply as the goddess had invented the modern-looking broom with herself, who said.

"Take this and sweep the dirt."


The goddess whispered on the god's mind as she said.

"Or do you want me to use this body to sleep with the other man?"

"Yikes!" The petite gods reacted as he heard those and silently obeyed the goddess's word with Kuso. The goddess herself opened her menu again with her command.



"Me.Invent(`Shovel`) repeat twice."

With the goddess who commanded so, a pair of shovels had come out from nowhere to the front of the fairy.

With an awe expression, the fairy complimented.

"As expected of a Technoknight!!"

But Kuso was not that amused with her remark, which led him to say.

"How about you are working before I'm trying to invent something to spank your butt again?"

"Yikes!!" Reili reacted in a shocked face with herself, obeyed the goddess as well.

And then, the goddess used one of the shovels and moved to the left as he saw the rooted tree on its wall, and he hurled the shovel to the wall with the goddess had forcibly moved the shovel to removes the roots.

She repeated the same thing on the next wall on the left from her point of view, continued on the left, the left, the left, and then left again. The goddess cleaned a quarter part of the wall with three hours passed that previously had the bunch of roots dwelling there.

But as for both, they were tired and had even only completed the ten percent of the things that the goddess managed to be done.

To saw all of those, the goddess shouted to both of them.

"Just that?!"

"We beat!!" Both of the beings were reacted simultaneously as both of them were falling into a state of dead inside.

Well… They spoke otherwise as they both have more energy, actually, which led the goddess to respond with.

"Oh? Really? Should I call an Asian mum to scold all of you so you would get your ass up and work? Time is ticking, girls!"

"Asian Mum?" Both of the beings were reacted simultaneously, with the goddess paused for a while, then looked at both of them as she said.

"My spanking is nothing compared to their wrath."

"Yikes!!" Reili reacted as she rubbed her butt, hurriedly in fear with the goddess continued.

"Then, work!"

"Yikes!!" Both of them reacted simultaneously as the goddess continued to remove the roots from left to right.

Hours passed as the time had reached night, the goddess stated to them.

"Let's call it today. You both are doing great!"

But when the goddess stated that, both of them are sitting in the middle, taking a break for what they had done by lying down. The goddess sighed as she murmured.

"Maybe I was too harsh for them. But that's fine as well. Since… They managed to do what I could do partially."

She cleaned the rest as both the petite god and the half demihuman half-fairy fall asleep.

With herself sweeping over and over, times kept ticking as for herself, kept sweeping to clean up for the mess until the sun had risen from the west to the east with the fairy who was fallen asleep there, had her eyes being radiated by the direct sunlight that made her covered her eyes in a glaring light.

She was trying to wake up, thanks to the sunlight, and rose. But when she tried to rose, she realized that a warm blank covered both of them, which led her to comment.

"Despite being sassy, Kuso is indeed the nicest person I have ever faced in my life."

When she said that, she gripped her left fist hard as on her memory, a bloody war had flashed for a while.

Invented Items: 4

Killed Beings: 1

Saved Beings: 0


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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