Spanked Corona

The wood carpenting hut being built.

And loads of the rocks and the sands were visibly seen on the back of the crowds where Corona looked at. And she started,

"It's a great start!"

"Thank you, lady Technoknight." The sand miner and rock miner gang were replied to her in a gratitude tone. And then, she focused on her own cook as she sprinkled some of the truffles on Arina's home cook that resembling Fu Yung Hai*

With the rest of the elves who did the prayers inside of the ruined cathedral. She proceeded to stir the cook in the jet-black colored pan, and she had a slight of thoughts on her mind that led her to whispers,

"Fantasia is different than an earth, huh..."

She stirred the cook carefully, which Arina had entrusted her to proceed, and she continued to think.

"I can see that compared at Shinjuku where I lived, they are much friendlier despite the harsh environment of themselves being living together."

"I know what's on your mind, Kuso." Corona sat on the right side of her, sitting on the rock while cooking the Fu Yung Hai in a low fire by using the pan she invented from her system. She stopped from her cooking activity promptly as the cook had been well cooked with a strong stench of ground smell and a mixture of the tomato and egg that led him to remark.

"What a nice earth dish you make."

"Well, it just a simple dish I could make since I remember that most of the people here are vegetarians. Only myself, you, and orcs who are not the vegetarian. Which is why I have to split cook for ours and them. And this is for them. By the way, what do you refer to for?"

As Kuso stated those, Corona replied in a snarky tone,

"About your dish!!"

"I mean the previous one," Kuso replied to him in an unamused tone, and it led himself to say.

"I should not borrow you... AAA!!"

In the shortest time possible, Corona's body had been positioned in a push-up position on her lap, and it led him to reply,

"What do you want to do? Spanking?!!"


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" A dude screamed after the voice of "Bonk!" being heard as there was a hard object being smashed on his butt. Time had passed into the morning, with the poor petite god could not be able to stand nor sit as he rubs his butt nonstop to endure his painful feeling, and Kuso replied to him.

"Do you think I don't dare to hit my own body?" She smirked at him that led him, who had his butt being visibly seen to have black colored bruises, replied to her.

"Then, at least don't spank your body by using that fucking hot pan!" He replied in a painful expression that led her to laughed so hard, and meanwhile. His bruises were being healed slowly by Reili, who cast her magical prowess from her right hand that had the jade color on its magical prowess visible on her hand.

"Well... You know right what I will do when someone asked for a spank from me?" Kuso smirked at her as she twisted her carbon cane like a man who twisted his sword out of complaint in certain works that Kuso watched when he was on the earth as a man**

"Butt-lover Technoknight," Corona remarked her in a snarky tone that led Kuso to reply,

"Oh? At least I'm thinking before acting, and you are the opposite."

"What??!!" He was about to burst out. But, to think that he would say something the same again. She continued,

"Never mind! I will treat myself that I'm seeing my own stupid image for now."

Meanwhile, there was a woman who helped her yesterday walked towards her. And she stated to the goddess after she was stopped short.

"Lady Technoknight. I have called three-man you need on. And they want to meet you now."

"Oh?" Kuso replied to her as three bandits on the back who wore in the same pattern of clothes like a pirate, looked at her in a fierce glare with Kuso herself countered them with a strong glare. And she started,

"What do you want from me?"

Three of them glared at him without saying anything. And then, she questioned three of them again.

"What do you want from me? Money? Well, I don't have any. Tools? I can craft some for you. Help? It depends on your offer."

"They are not asking for the help or anything, Lady Technoknight!!"

"Eh?" She replied to Arina, the half-elf who was stood in front of her in an anxious look, and Kuso replied to her,

"What they wanted me to help? I mean, I have no intention of being a sassy person here. But, their looks had made me put myself on my guard. State your intention before I start to do something again."

When Kuso says, "I start to do something again," both Corona and Reili freaked out with themselves, rubbed their butt so hard as they remembered how they were being "Treated" by her. And then, three of them bowed to the Technoknight, and they replied to her early question in sync.

"Allow us to be employed by you!"

"Eh?" Their request dumbfounded Kuso. And it led her to question them,


The bandits replied to her.

"Someone will kill us if we are not finding a job now!!"

Invented Items: 14

Killed Beings: 4

Saved Beings: 0

Thrown items: 3


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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