
"Someone will kill us if we are not finding a job now!!"

"Oh? What a weird man or woman who will threaten you by using that way?" Kuso replied to three of them with a smirk drawn on her face, and one of the bandits on the left reacted.

"He is one of the Technoknights like you, and he wants to destroy this hometown if we are not able to find a job!!"


Kuso was surprised by the bandits' statement, and it led her to question Corona, who stood behind her not too far.

With herself who looked back to ask the petite god, she questioned him.

"How many Technoknights in this world, better answer me honestly?"

"I don't know exactly how many Technoknights. But I can tell you that there are more than two Technoknights who exist. Or at the most, four."

With his answer being told, he looked back to the bandits. And then, he questioned them.

"Any skills you guys have?"

"We will do anything for you!!" Three of them bowed and replied in sync that led Kuso to had an annoyed face. For him, it would be a lot better actually, if they said, "I don't have skill." Or "I have ... to be helpful for you," instead, rather than saying that. With an annoyed tone being blurted by her, she questioned them.

"Do you know by that statement itself I can easily just say to become my spanking dummies?"

"Eek!" Arina, Reili, and Corona, who was managed to be able to stand after his butt was being healed fully by Reili, reacted in sync that led Reili responded,

"Butt fetish Technoknight."

"Nah, I'm a Butt-Spanker Technoknight who hates killing and will replace every kills with spanks!" Kuso smirked to both of them, and then. She looked at three of them and asked them.

"Can you guys do the building job?"

Three of them shook in sync. And then, she questioned them again.

"Can you be the scout for me to explore the resources outside?"

They shook their head as well. And then, as the goddess tried to be patient, that led her to ask,

"Then, can you cook? So you guys can replace Arina and me to do the cooking job."

Three of them shook their head as well, and an angry mark had been showing on her left head that led her to comment as she rose her tone.





Three of them replied in sync from left to right, and it caused Kuso to even being angrier. But, as a human resource staff herself formerly. She could not be able to angry with them as they tried to be honest. While in fact, an angry mark being seen on her left fist as she was thirsted to spank one of them to death thanks to their brutally honest statement.

To know that her position was at a huge disadvantage as she had to find a job before a Technoknight comes and then destroy the village. She explained to them,

"I don't know what I can give you. So you may have my job here, but make a note that I won't be giving you any pennies since we aren't earning those. However, I have a good job that I just managed to figure out for."

"As expected, Kuso, the best human resource staff on the earth!" Corona replied in a rejoicing tone, and Reili remarked and walked towards the three of them.

"Speaking about the stuff. Her word does sound pretty complicated. However, I can tell that she was trying the best not to spend many resources here. Still, it's bad, you know. To rely on others like this."

Kuso agreed with her who stated that on behalf of her, and the goddess explained to them,

"Yes, you have to understand that you need a value to be offered to help someone. So, you are not receiving it willingly. But, you are receiving it with an offer you have. For this case, I will let you go this time. But, in exchange, you have to tell me who is the Technoknight who wanted to destroy this place?"

Three of them remained silent, and she continued.

"Don't try to grind my patience, or you might end seeing your butt had bloomed into a flower*!"

"Yikes!" Reili and Corona replied in sync that both of them started commented starting from Reili,


And then, Corona continued.


A butt had bloomed into a flower that was censored for being too gory in their own imagination. And it had made them screamed in sync that led Kuso to glare at them, and she said.

"Well, Corona had experienced that earlier."

"Yikes!!" Corona replied in a shocked look that he had rubbed his butt as fast as possible as he had a bad feeling that he would be able to get himself to be spanked to his butt to the level that his butt would be ended to be blooming like a flower.

But, with his overreacting expression being seen on his face. She knew that he would get scared to the level of that. Which led him to say,

"Did you know that I won't spank unless you have done a serious crime?"

Both Reili and Corona shook their head in sync, and then, Kuso continued.

"I think you guys don't know about that. That's fine."

And then, she looked at the bandits. And she said,

"It's fine for not talking to me about your intel right now. But, I will need your help as a spy, spy that Technoknight for me. That's your job. If you had failed for that as your probation, then you know what I will do."

Three of them rubbed on their own butt in fear that led Arina was looked at them with a pitiful look, and then, she remarked to the goddess as she looked at her.

"You have created a weird example, Lady Technoknight."

Invented Items: 15

Killed Beings: 4

Saved Beings: 0

Thrown items: 3


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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