
"I think, being a spy is easy. Am I right?" Kuso looked at Arina who had looked at her in a weird look, and it led her to reply "Well... I guess so.".

And then, the goddess looked at three of them that caused the gang of bandit to freaked out as they know something about her. And it was about the butt-spanking knight who had traumatized the knights previously.

In a smirky look, she looked at three of them and then, she questioned them,

"Is it pretty much an easy job for you. Am I right?"

Three of them answered as they covered their own butt in a response of fear,

"It's easy, as long as you are not spanking our butt. We have known your terrifying rumor about the spanking before."

"Good to know then, at least. I don't have to repeat my words to be heard by three of you. Tell that damned Technoknight that you guys will work at his or her's place as a carpenter." The goddess was instructing them in a response of themselves who know of how horrifying her spanking moment was. But for her, she did not care about it as she didn't want to kill anyone. And it led her to replace the killings with the good spanking instead.

"Understand, thank you Lady Technoknight!!" Three of them bowed happily and it led the goddess to say,

"You should be grateful when someone is giving you a decent job. Now, leave this place since we have to rebuild it."

With her instruction being told, three of them left the place hurriedly. And then, she looked at the petite god and the fairy to instruct them as she said,

"Ask the quarrymen and the carpenter who helped us back then to come to the cathedral."

"Understood." Both of them replied in the same tone. And then, the goddess instructed Arina to ask every villager whether of the things they need for now that she could help for.

As for herself after everyone left the place, she went back to the ruined cathedral by walking. And then, she sat on the most bottom of the bench of the church and she opened her system shortly after she sat on the bench as she commanded.


A familiar field of vision that she usually had seen had been able to be seen by her once again. At this time, she wanted to read the guide that had to made herself to command,


With the command being told. She was surprised that led her to murmurs,

"I don't think this is the page I have seen earlier."

And then, she continued to go on her own activity on her system exploration that her activity was being lurked by Corona, who stared at her for a pretty long time as she did not realize that the petite god was actually standing there for hours.

Still, she proceeds as she kept murmuring, which led the petite god to sigh. He left the place as he talked with his peers about the requirement on behalf of the goddess.

When Corona left the ruined cathedral, the goddess was still silent on the bench as for herself, whispered on her own mind.

"Corona had said that there are more than two Technoknights. And then, this system is supposed to record what happened in this world. Like my activity last day, Reili's point of view, and so on. But why I can't see anything about Technoknights while Corona had mentioned those? Who are them? What do they want from this place?"

He tried to command again,

"Find Technoknight."

But the system had whispered on her mind as it said in a female voice.

"Apologies, Lady Kuso, that is redacted."

She sighed as she could not do anything, and it led her to close the Information page and opened the builder as she commanded.


And then, the page resembling text editor of a certain application* being seen. And she commanded,


And then, a whisper of the password to unlock the root had been spoken by herself, and then. She commanded,


The text wall was seen in front of her own eyes, and she observed it as she whispered in her own mind.

"How can I retrieve her godly prowess to know all of the things..."

"I forbid you to do that!"

Corona stood on her back as he shouted to her in the tone of charisma that could be made someone knelt easily. And it led her to question him without looking back to her.

"Can you tell me who are the rest of the Technoknights, three of them who you are mentioned earlier?"

He shook his head, and he replied to him.

"Too bad, Kuso. It's higher-ups secret. I know nothing much about it as well."

Kuso looked at him in a serious glare, and he questioned her.

"Do you want to spank your own body again?"

When he stated so, he was silenced for a while. Looked at her in a fearful look as he knew that Kuso was going serious with it. With a deep tone, she stated.

"This place is the home for those who are being cast away by them. If I found out that this place is being attacked until it is damaged. Then expect the worse from me."

With herself who had said so, a cold tone and a murderous intent had been emitted by her. Corona knows it very well that he had sensed something that led himself to have a fear of that woman who currently used his former body.

The feeling which the man had felt as the threatening word being spoken was the chill feeling of the fear that Corona had felt and wished not to felt about. He had a bad feeling about her statement that led him to say.

"I know that you would do something, Kuso."

Invented Items: 15

Killed Beings: 4

Saved Beings: 0

Thrown items: 3


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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