Intertwined Fate (part 6)

"I'm ready."

Then. The gate was opened with many sinister aura being emitted with red, green, blue flashing color triggered.

Thus, it was a flashy image that will destroy someone's soul easily. However, her case wasn't.

She looked at the scary looking man. And then, she thanked them as she said,

"Thank you."

Two of them nodded and then. They stated to her,

"Your journey towards the new world is started. May you find your lover soon."

And Albedo had snapped herself from the daze as I shook her repeatedly.

"Sorry, what you want to say?" She asked me in which, I replied to her casually as I told her.

"Nothing. I just wondering what was on your mind until it led you to have a long daze like that. Anyways, please explains to me your origins and your purpose to give me so much of privelidge like this. While I think, I'm not the suitable person for this privelidge."