Intertwined Fate (part 5)

"Because of me?" I asked her back and then. I replied to her with an unamused tone since I don't like how people simping on me while I'm nothing. I told her as the continuation,

"I don't care who you are or what you are. Simping me means trying to mess up with me. You should tell me one by one honestly or else, I will complain you to your higher ups!"

She looked at me in a stern look. Sighed and then, she reminisced herself who had an uncolorful eyesight as she had seen a leg with many hairs.

Yet, she looked at the top. It was me who was tad younger back then. When I was an animal rescuer gang alongside with Handi, my best friend who now owns his own girlfriend rental application company. 

She woofed when I patted her head when she was a dog.

Then, she smiled as I told her back then...

"You will be alright, Mari. You have my word."

The time had flashes forward as quick as the latency. And she had seeing her own demise.
