Deadly Weapon

"Too bad, Miss Goddess. Violence won't solve everything. We are only using the violence as the final resort."

"But that was the final solution..." Albedo told the Alchemist in front of her. 

I think...  I was thinking about what had my resolution being told to Cleopatra. Yet, I know how fragile her heart is. If I'm saying this. Then I would...

"Don't do that! I will hate you for forever if you are doing it!"

"What does the girl means, Brother in law?" Ricky looked at me as he asked so. Then, I have no choice but to say it anymore since everyone would guess it anyway.

"My blood sacrifice could be able to remove Anna's goddess power. At that time, time to reunite."

"Don't do that!" Albedo yelled on me in which, I can see how insecure she was just only glancing at her expression. 

Her mixed expression was clear enough when I'm saying that.

But, Ricky laughed as I told so. And then, he replied to me.