Attack on Technoknight: Initiation

"You mean, using our Dam to defeat their Cigs?" Ricky asked me and then, I nodded to him as I told him,

"Yes. And then, once our currency goes higher than them. We need to take over their stuff by lending them the money and then, we are slowly overtaking the empire. Within few years ahead, we will own that empire."

"That was brilliant." Albedo reacted in an amused face as a sign that she was very happy with that idea. Then, I continued to explain,

"At that time when we managed to secure the empire. Our currency will raises rapidly. Then, that's the time that we will lower down our currency a bit intentionally. In order to raise their money more. The more we got their money, the less their gold will be stocked. By the time that we managed to get the enough amount of the gold. We raise it!"

"That was an exact Layla's plan!" Ricky reacted in a shocking face as I explained that strategy. Then, both I and Albedo looked at him and she asked him,