Another Solution, Part 3

I explained. I elaborated. I expounded, I expanded, I laid out my idea bare in a drawled out fervent-spoken tangent that left absolutely no room nor chance for any of the details in my rant to be made unclear.

Pacing up and down, the persistent twinging in my calf being subdued by the fiery passion of an idea taking hold.

Admittedly, I could have gone on the route of the swift and concise and save us from all my pointless ramblings, but when a stroke of eureka strikes you sudden… it was even more pointless to try and keep yourself from flapping your gums at the sheer brilliance of it.

Not that my idea was a masterclass display of high-level ingenuity, that is… I clearly can't be the judge of that. I'd simply be the most biased judge-man you've ever seen. If it were up to me, I'd strike my mallet onto wood in a heartbeat and basically crown myself King of Geniuses.