The Fast And The Furious, Part 3


I heard that one word from all around me. 

"Foul, foul, foul!" 

Three more times in a shout enraged, in a cry deafening, like a giant intangible violent hurricane given a voice... and a mic. 

"Yellow card, red card, all the cards! You're foul and fouled, you foul-ers!"

Somehow there's always a mic.

"What in the fuck was that?!" Tyler the static-filled tornado continued to shout. "What in the - Sixth place, fuck's wrong with you people?! You could have killed him, what the hell?! That settles it, you guys are out! You hear me - OUT! O-W-T, out! So long, you murderers!" 

There was a swelling soreness pulsating in one of my cheeks, an aching pounding in my head. My eyes were open, but it felt like it wasn't. All around, roads, buildings, all was a blur, everything looked as if it was rotating on a swivel, and just in case life thought I wasn't already disorientated enough, I also fell a poor victim to double-sighted vision.