Taking Takes

Compared to the first time I was put in front of a bonafide studio camera, this time around wasn't much of a trial-and-error run now that I knew exactly what this director wanted out of me. 

Guy had a flair for storytelling through character motions, you see. If you couldn't express yourself well, or do something the least bit out-of-character, that's how you wind up getting your ass on the grill. 

In every scene he shot of us, dialogue was kept to the bare minimum. If there's something that needed to be told, it would be our eyes telling the story not our lips, the subtle change in posture, the shift in expression on our faces—all that kind of pretentious shit, and honestly, it ain't as easy to pull off as those actors on the silver screen make it seem… gained a newfound respect for them now, having to act a persona that a hundred and ten percent did not resemble you one bit.