A Morning Scare

I had to haul my bike the rest of the way inside on account of my driveway overnight becoming six inches steeper. Along the way, I passed by Harry's car sitting right outside the curb of the pavement. 

From what I could peruse from second glances, it seemed Harry liked to drive lavish, spacious, the interior the typical classic four-seater design except there was enough room still to accommodate like two extra people on top. 

Enough for a whole entire family, really. 

But it was just him. 

I clambered up the porch, shook off all the winter dandruff from my head and shoulders, and swung open the door. I made it roughly about two steps into the house before literally bumping into Ash, who had hastened to open the door for me, and welcome me, only to wind up being two steps too late, and planting her face squarely into my chest.