The New Actors

Hayley has officially become my new Nick. 

Like brother, like sister. 

Showing up out of nowhere in the most unexpected of times in the most unexpected of places. If someone came up to me and said that there exists a super-secret incubator that generates an endless amount of clones of Nick and Hayley - hell, I'd believe them. 

With a life like my own - what's left to even raise an eyebrow at anymore, really? 

She looked at me. I looked at her. A quintillion billion thoughts crackling hollow in my empty head like fireworks, but not a single one ever large enough to blast out my lips as words. 

Awkwardness was a good fizzler too - so there's that. And considering the still smoking wreckage of how our last interaction went down, asphyxiation by awkwardness was a high possibility between us.