Sisterly Scorn

When the banshee shriek of  "Cut!" had ruptured every able ear in the vicinity, it was like being picked up by the scruff of the neck and whisked right back into reality.

Suddenly, spotlights were blinking off, boom mics were swiveling and reeling back like lines in a fishing pole, and the once surly, foul-mouthed Elf whose raw distaste alone stole the air from the atmosphere broke into the happiest, relieved-weary smile, whipping her head back so fast one of her ears went crooked.

The only thing - or should I say the only one that seemed to still linger in the realm of fiction was the Elidna starring across from her. 

Even with those ridiculously oversized wings like a poor woman's Icarus, and webbed flippers flopping across the concrete, there was just something intrinsic about Amelia that just gave her this rather… visceral vibe.

Like she was literally born to play the part.