In Character

"And where have you been?" 

There he goes again. Tempting fate. Courting death, as if a lover for whom his passion and libido burn strong. I mean, come now, who talks to an elf like that? And to a lady, no less? 

So crass, so impolite. Lacking the sense of self-preservation of a more rational mind. 

Certainly not I. 

But as always, Leonardo continues to exceed any and all expectations. I suppose, if being the gallant hero he so claimed to be, he is entitled to his share of hubris and recklessness.

I, however, am not a being drowning in the favors and blessings of supposed Divines, so if I so happen to come upon the displeasure of having my throat sliced from an argument turned sour… my chances of simply walking that off would be rather slim. 

Sincerely, I pray he soon realizes that fact… preferably before my guts spilling out onto the floorboards become his first and only reminder.