In Love with Liz Allan

This is Humboldt, Deseret. Here, the streets are cleaner, and the store merchandise is nicer. At any moment, Peter expects the town to be racketeered, robbed, or otherwise bullied. Alas, in most cases, it would be a Hawkeye/Mockingbird job.

Quake returns Liz to her quarters. Like Ms. Reilly's, it's a lonely place south of town. Unlike Ms. Reilly's, there's a lake. And naturally, there are more boats cached behind the cabin.

Again, Spider-Man wouldn't recommend this. The boats would make perfect cloaks for the Sacrilegious Six's daggers.

Speaking of whom, Peter wonders about them. He wonders how often they've protected people since attending his funeral...

Liz knows she shouldn't... But it's a beautiful day, and humanity won't invent the sniper for another eight decades...

With Quake's help, she gets one of the boats. Liz puts herself on the lake. She rests in it. She's underdressed, and wearing orange.

As tiny as a mite, Peter basks in the utopia of his ex-girlfriend's biracial skin. He's hard. He wants her back. Alas, Oregon City is so far away from Queens, and Ms. Reilly and Morgan Stark, at least, will start missing him if...

OTOH, they do both think Peter's dead. Maybe Peter could... But then, Liz would have to consent to that. And then Peter would have to tell Liz he's been stalking her from a mite's eye view, and...

Do mites even have eyes, BTW?

Liz closes her eyes, and rests easy. Aloft, the sun tans her. Not that she needs it; her biracial heritage has forever branded her with the tan of dreams. This may be witness protection...but for the time being, Liz just wants to forget her life back in Oregon City, or that there are six dangerous bitches out there who want her flesh roasted on a shawarma spit.

She even wants to forget about the mysterious Lowell, with the perfect blond hair and the Gothic and white supremacy tattoos... The sex he wouldn't stop demanding... The peace and quiet she wouldn't get with him around... She hopes SHIELD never catches the Sacrilegious Six, and she hopes the Six get lost, and stay lost, while looking for her and Peter's ex-aunt...and the final ex-husband, from what Quake's told her.

Ashore, Quake fishes. Out here, any fish caught from the lake would be cheaper than one bought from the general store...if it was down there, and if it could be caught by an Inhuman SHIELD agent with vibration-control powers...

Ah, sweet reunion. At long last, Peter is reunited with his true love...

Without warning, Liz capsizes the boat, and swims away. Peter's abandoned in a pelagic desert of freshwater.

He struggles to put on his mask, and to activate his re-breather. By the time he can see and breathe, Liz's giant feet have vanished into the depths. Shucks; this was a divine moment for Peter. Now he can't swim fast enough to catch up with her.

KAREN blares an alarm. Peter looks around, for what she's so concerned about.

A giant shad specimen is speeding towards him. She opens her huge mouth, and prepares to receive Spider-Man.

JIT, Spider-Man shoots out a web, and reels himself onto the capsized boat's hull. The impregnable bait fish misses him by nths-on whoever's scale.

Once rested, Peter pulls off his mask, and wrings the water out. His heart is still throbbing.

Ashore, Quake's found a way to use her vibration control to isolate a sphere of water, with a walleye trapped in it. Quake geeks and gawks as she levitates the water to shore, and releases the walleye. The water spreads out, and the walleye flips and flops. Quake smiles, places her foot against the dying fish's side, and uses her vibrations to rob the fish of its sense of balance until it dies of suffocation.

"Great," Peter complains. "Now I'm a shad to a shad."

Later in the day, Liz bathes in the tub. The soap and clean water feel good to her. She closes her eyes, and chants. Her chants are so seductive, the Mormon nuns would envy her.

Do Mormons have nuns? Sure seems like they should...

Through the windows, the dim yellow light of dusk adds a certain stability to the cabin's interior. It's only broken by the occasional shadow of a patrolling SHIELD agent outside.

Liz surfaces, and abandons the tub. Her nude biracial body is like a plethora of waterfalls, as the tub's water partially floods the bathroom floor.

Down there, Peter shoots a web just in time to avoid getting swept away by her excess water's current. After he wipes his eyes an spews the soap out of his mouth, Peter's just in time to see Liz wrap a towel around herself.

He rides the nail of her big toe into the bedroom. She sits at the desk, and uses a quill to write a letter.

From the chair's wood, Peter swings up to her ass...and then up the chair's back to her neck. He leaps, and clings to the back of her neck.

Liz hesitates. She closes her eyes, smiles, and writes the letter more at ease.

She seems to like what Peter's doing. Excited about his success, Peter lowers himself to the middle of her back. With Karen's help, he vibrates himself while clinging to the center of her back. Liz relaxes even more-and chants romantically-while finishing her letter to...someone likely back in Oregon City.

Peter doesn't know if she's capable of forgiving her father. But if she doesn't, she's a truely bluely devout American patriot...who just happens to be biracial...

But then, America's a melting pot, isn't it? Or rather, it will be by the last two decades of this century...when immigrants from South Europe, East Europe, and East Asia swamp the coasts, and leave a bigger desert for Germanic peoples' kids...

A lot of failed French politicians will probably seek asylum here too, once Napoleon III's proud regime loses the Franco-Prussian War...

Ah, sweet paradise. Someday, when Liz becomes free of the surly bonds of her mother, and he becomes free of...his ex-aunt's surly boobs-bonds, Peter WILL marry Liz...

Morgan may be rich. But Liz's skin and hair are SO exotic...