Where is HoRrOr HoLiDaY?

"Guys, guys HoRrOr HoLiDaY just uploaded!!" Alex yelled while running into their best friend Lia's house. "Really!! Well what are you waiting for get over here NOW!!!" Lia exclaimed while patting a cushion on the couch beside her. "Um I'm sorry but who's Horror Holiday?" Xavier asked shyly.

"Oh yeah I forgot you were new!" Lia exclaimed! "He's our favorite MyWebber! He does videos exploring haunted and abandoned places! Now come on let's watch the video" She said teeming with excitement.

"Ok, ok chill I need to connect my phone to the projector." Alex stated giggling.

As soon as they connected the phone they sat down to watch Horrors new video. The projector started to play the video.

"Hey do you guys hear that?" Venus said as she put her ear closer to the projector.

"Come on sweetheart don't worry about it the projector is old it makes noises let's just watch it ok?" Lia said in a comforting tone. "Ok I guess you're right." She said while smiling.

Silence enveloped the room as Horror started talking...