HoRrOr’S ViDeO

"Hi spooks and welcome back!" The man said with a cheerful tone

"Today we're doing something a little bit different than normal, instead of going into a famous haunted house, I'm going to one in my area!" He yelled.

"This building has many strange occurrences happen in it every time someone enters. The story goes that this house belonged to the famous family Crimson. The Crimson family

was a powerful noble family, they were stronger than all the other families, so the Arlott family, the Back family, the Gain family, and the Mallory family had decided to get rid of them. Those said families had betrayed the Crimsons and killed them while they slept. It is also said the scene that the police had found was so brutal that they had to get therapy afterwards. The police report stated that when they found them, they were in one room- not even hidden- with the room completely trashed. I won't share more details here but if you want I'll link the description for monetization reasons." Horror said all of this with a spooky oddly dark tone. But oddly enough it almost seemed as though he was trying to suppress a smile.

"It is said that if you enter the house that you will share the same fate the family did. Especially if you are related to one of the families that betrayed them. Multiple people have gone missing here, so obviously I had to check it out."

"Well if you look behind me you will see the Crimson family house! I'm going to put my mask on and then we'll go check it out!"

As Horror entered the house he felt a cool chill down his back, obvious to even the camera.

"U-umm ok so let's continue. How about we explore the main floor, the basement, the top floors, and finally the attic! How does that sound?"

"H-hey Horror, I-I don't feel like we should be here, I have a really bad feeling about this!" Horrors camera mad Davis said with a terrified tone.

"Don't be such a baby it's fine don't worry about it now come on the fans want to see the house!"

As the pair explored the main floor, basement, and upper floors, nothing to weird happened. They saw and heard a few things but nothing super weird and scary. Finally the approached the attic.

"This is the room I'm most excited for!" Horror stated to the camera. "This room is said to be the most haunted. Why? You may be wondering? Well that because this is where the three families hid the corpses of the Crimson family!" Horror states this all with an oddly happy and performing tone.

They both entered the room and started walking around and looking at stuff. As they were looking around Horror stumbled upon a chest.

"Hey Davis come over here I found something!" He said motioning to him.

"Isn't it cool let's open it!" As he said this a bang was heard in the background

"W-what was that!?" Davis yelled.

"It was probably the house settling now help me open the chest!"

"Nah man I'm leaving I have a really bad feeling." He said shaking

"Fine but come back later to pick me up ok?" Horror said.

"Mkay sure, don't get hurt, ok?" Davis said in a concerned tone.

"Yeah yeah now get going." As Horror said this Davis preceded to leave and get in his car.

" ok well let's open this chest shall we?" Horror said in a playful tone.

"I'm so glad I got out of there, welp guess I'll got to the store now to waste time." Davis stated starting his car.


An ear piercing scream was heard inside the house. Davis jumped out of his car and ran into the house at breakneck speed. As he approached the room he slowed down. Davis peered into the room.

Nothing. There was no one there. The camera lie on the floor still recording. Davis now proceeded to turn off the camera and check the footage. The last thing recorded besides him entering the room was Horror about to open the chest and then darkness. It was as if someone or something had covered the camera up.

The group then proceeded to turn off the projector and silence enveloped the room.