No please tell me I’m wrong?!

After they mysterious person put the needle in my arm I passed out with voices audible voices fading out.

The search groups POV-

"Guys what was that"?! Alex said with shock and horror.

"Yeah I heard it as well". Lia said with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"It sounds like it came from the wall". Venus stated pointing at the wall to their right.

"Guys it was probably just the house creaking, let's just search the room." Xavier said sounding slightly scared.

"Ok then I guess let's start searching." Alex said looking at the wall with a final searching gaze.

The kidnappers POV-

A slightly audible sigh was let out from the persons mouth, as a smile replaced the scared face.

"Perfect, I'm glad they'll be going soon then we can finally be alone." Thought the figure with a strangely sweet smile.

As the person thought this they started to quietly clean up the room, and set it up.

The groups POV-

"Ugh I can't find anything here and this is the last place in the house." Lia said in a frustrated tone.

"Well babe maybe he's not here, maybe we should all go home and see if he turns up in the next few days." Venus stated a tone of sadness in her voice.

"No" said Xavier, "There is something that we are missing I know it."

"Omg I just got a great idea!" Alex stated, "Why don't we go outside and check!"

"That's a great idea!" Lia stated excited!

"Ok then let's go!" Alex stated as they ran out the door and down the stairs.

The rest of the crew ran in suit.

The kidnappers POV-

"Thank goodness they left that quickly I was afraid I would have to tranquilize poor Horror again."

"Sadly I ran out of the long lasting ones so he'll be waking up soon" They said with a pep on their voice.

A while later

Horrors POV-

"What the- what happened?"

Realization suddenly hit him as he struggled to get out of his restraints.

He then looked around the room and saw mood lighting! But then something in the Conor of the room caught his eye.

As Horror saw what it was he yelled, "No please tell me I'm wrong?!"