The result of obsession

As Horror saw what it was he yelled, " No please tell me I'm wrong"?!

As Horror looked up in well, horror, he saw someone he never expected.

Looking up at him with a smile was none other than Davis!

"D-Davis what are you doing here?!"

His grin grew larger.

"No wait you must be here to save me oh thank goodness!" Horror said with relief.

"Oh of course I saved you, you're so amazing!" Davis said with a look of relief

"Ok then let me out of these restraints." Horror said in an urgent tone.

Davis walked behind him and started to hurriedly fig-ited with the restraints.

The groups POV-

"Ugh guys I can't find anything out here either!" Lia said frustrated.

"Come on let's search just a little more ok?" Alex said in a sympathetic tone.

"Fine whatever." Lia stated with a sigh.

Time skip after around 30 minutes-

"Ok let's just leave we've been here for hours." Xavier said finally.

"Fine I guess we won't find anything here let's go." Alex said with a defeated sigh.

"What do you think happened to him?" Venus stated in a worried tone.

"Well whatever happened he's not here so-" Lia said as she was cut off.

"Oh crap I left my bag inside- sorry guys I'm gonna go get it" Xavier said rushing to the door.

"Wait we'll go with you we still don't know if it's safe in there!" Alex said running after him as the others followed.

They walked up the stairs all the way to the attic and opened the door. Then they heard a voice that sounded like Horrors.

Shared POV-

"I'm so happy you came to save me Davis some psycho kidnapped me, I was so scared."

Davis gave Horror a sweet smile.

"Ow what the- Davis what are you doing your tightening the restraints!"

"Sorry sweetheart it's for the best really." Davis said still keeping that sickly sweet smile.

"What the heck- Someone help me!!!" Horror yelled violently!

The group in the room stopped and turned to the wall.

"Guys this time someone actually screamed! But there's nothing here?!" Venus said scared.

Lia started feeling the wall, "Guys I think I just found a hidden door!"

They all ran over to see behind the chest was a knob on the wall.

"We're coming to help you hold on!" Alex screamed, "let's go guys!" They said determined.