
5.5 - High Activities at the Border

30 km behind Darpha Guard northern border post, 20,000 feet altitude.

 0920, 6 Jul 2025

A P-8 Poseidon with the callsign Rolling Panda splits the sky gracefully. Rolling Panda's mission is to launch airstrikes as part of the Gunboat Diplomacy.

Upon entering Darpha Region airspace, Rolling Panda was caught by a patrol of Riders who then followed tightly.

In this mission, Rolling Panda does not carry air-to-air missiles as a means of self-defense. However, since Cloud Hawk can only fly up to an altitude of 12,000 feet with a maximum speed of 360 km/h, the Rolling Panda crew calmly ignores their stalkers.

As soon as Rolling Panda was above the target coordinates, the 18 GBU-32 on the wing and internal bay were immediately released.

When dropping JDAM, the usual tactics are to spread out the drop points to create a wide area of ​​the explosion, or to concentrate the drop points for the maximum damage.

For this mission, Rolling Panda received orders to drop all GBU-32s at one point.

The GBU-32 base used this time is General Purpose Bomb Mk.83 with TNT filling weighing 180 kg or 40% of the total weight of Mk.83. Roughly, an Mk.83 can cover an area of ​​200 m2 where every 1 m2 will get 900 grams of explosive. The potential only needs to be multiplied by 18 if all of Mk.83 brought by Rolling Panda are dropped at the same point.

Of course, the kill radius of an Mk.83 is not only limited to 200 m2, because the shock wave, heatwave, and fragmentation generated by 180 kg of TNT can still give an instant-kill effect on humans up to a distance of 200 meters from the center of the explosion.

It wasn't hard to imagine how much damage Rolling Panda had just done, but the procedure for recording the results of the bombing was carried out as usual.

Shortly after the result of the explosion was taken, Rolling Panda immediately increased its speed and altitude, then started the tracking mission. 

Meanwhile, the Riders who were following behind looked at the area that had just been devastated with a wide-open mouth. It took a while before the Riders nervously took out a recording crystal.

 - - - - -

 Dohark Castle, Dohark City, Tarai Region

 1005, 6 Jul 2025

In a luxurious meeting room, three nobles sat with grim faces.

Count Weizz, leader of Tarai Region

Viscount Olrig, leader of Liqua Region

Viscount Yelk, leader of Darpha Region

As soon as the three of them heard of the Berril Plains incident, and rumors regarding the incursion and annexation that Tuscan Region and Amethyst Merchant would launch, cold sweat immediately ran down the backs of the three Northern Coalition leaders.

In addition, the three of them received reports that a large number of Tuscan Guard personnel, and hundreds of Amethyst Merchant iron carts entered Cambia Fortress this morning.

Meanwhile, a pair of flying carts broke into the Northern Coalition's territory until it reached their respective capitals, then by using loudspeakers gave an ultimatum that the kidnapped Amethyst Merchant personnel must immediately be returned alive.

Also, Riders who tried to ambush the flying carts were hit by a fire spear that suddenly appeared from the sky.

Using the fastest Cloud Hawk, Viscount Olrig and Viscount Yelk immediately rushed towards Douhark Castle to meet Count Weizz.

And while the three leaders of the Northern Coalition were fiercely accusing each other of the idiot who was provoking Amethyst Merchant openly, they again received a choking report.

Three airstrikes launched by Amethyst Merchant's giant flying arrows, across every region of the Northern Coalition at almost the same time.

The three targets that were destroyed were only arid fields and there were no casualties. However, from the recording crystal the Northern Coalition leaders could easily get an idea that ​​if the attack was directed at their castle, it was certain that the castle would be leveled to the ground.

This was coupled with a message from General Khartoum which was sent via a long-distance communication crystal, containing:

 -The next one will not miss.-

Count Weizz massaged his dizzy forehead as he remembered that the Northern Coalition did not have a back channel with Tuscan Region. Meanwhile, Fort Cambia did not respond to the message he sent.

Count Weizz then said in a heavy tone.

"I'm not forcing you to follow my suggestion, but you'd better hurry to decide what to do. Because sitting here accusing each other will not bring you any results."

Count Weizz then rose to his feet and exited the room, leaving the stunned Viscount Olrig and Viscount Yelk.

 - - - - -

Tarai Guard Border Post, 2 km north of Fort Cambia

1520, 6 Jul 2025

Captain Elkan looked at Fort Cambia as he took a deep breath. This morning he had watched dozens of flying wagons land into Fort Cambia, and a few hours later hundreds of iron carriages belonging to the Amethyst Merchant and thousands of Tuscan Guards entered from the east gate.

Unfortunately, after Captain Elkan reported the build-up of strength at Fort Cambia, he and his unit were only ordered to slow down the impending attack as much as possible, without any notification of back-up being sent.

Captain Elkan's post was only guarded by a 200-strong Cavalry Squadron, most of whom had just completed their training.  That's why he kept asking questions.


'How could we possibly withstand the onslaught of an opponent capable of wiping out a corps in one breath?'

In the previous conflict, Captain Elkan was part of the corps tasked with blocking the feared incursion from Fort Cambia, and he survived the firestorm that wiped out the main elements as he was leading a reconnaissance of Fort Cambia.

Captain Elkan still remembers vividly, when he and his personnel collected the ashes and charcoal of their fallen comrades so that they could bury them properly.

"It seems that we will also suffer the same fate."

Captain Elkan muttered silently before turning to the Centurion standing next to him.

"Is there still no reply from Fort Cambia?"

The centurion beside Captain Elkan let out a long sigh before answering.

"Absolutely nothing and the communications officer has confirmed there is no signal interruption to the crystal communication. The message we sent was completely received by Fort Cambia, it's just that they ignored it."

Normally, the party that builds up a force at the border will send a message to the opposing party when they are doing an exercise. Although the message will be laughed at and those on the other side are still making full preparations to block any possible incursion, at least it can ease tensions a little.

However, Tuscan Guard and Amethyst Merchant did not send any messages at all and even ignored the incoming messages.

This made the tensions at Tarai Guard border post soar to the sky. Because cutting off communication completely can be interpreted as a declaration of hostility that is impossible to reconcile.

This step is usually taken by 2nd world authorities such as Kingdom Makai or Kingdom Horrep when they are about to annex some territory.

Captain Elkan could have faked communications to appease his subordinates, but he chose not to. No matter how difficult the conditions are, he wants his men not to hold on to false hopes.

Thus his men could quickly accept the reality, and when death came they could die without remorse because they had fought to the last drop of blood, then crossed into the afterlife peacefully.

Even so, it didn't mean that Captain Elkan's heart didn't feel tight when he remembered that most of his men were only teenagers.

"Order all personnel to write the final message, then ask the youngest personnel to send it to Headquarters."


The centurion beside Captain Elkan answered firmly. He realized that the order was an indirect message that the surrender option had been removed, but without hesitation he accepted the order.

However, the Centurion had only walked two steps when another Centurion hurried toward Captain Elkan.

"Captain, a convoy is coming from the north."

Captain Elkan immediately checked the convoy using a monocular scope, and he saw a cavalry unit escorting three luxury chariots each with the insignia of the Northern Coalition leader.

A large question mark filled Captain Elkan's face, but he still knew what to do.

"Prepare my horse, I will greet them myself."


The second centurion answered firmly before rushing to carry out orders.


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